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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I don't even think of France as a country anymore. Just one big pastry shop instead.
  2. I find it very ironic that the very military that he secretly detest is now being called upon to pull his incompetent ass out of the frying pan. He is a political scoundrel,.. nothing more than that!
  3. Tonight the Liar and Chief of my country will be giving a speech about his so called strategy on Issis. I for one won't be watching, as I do not give an ear to a renown liar. He's done nothing but lie since he first put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold, and to protect, and to defend the constitution of the United States. So just remember this as he tries now to bolster the Democrat party's disparaging poll numbers in his speech. The secret watch word for the day concerning Issis is Patti-Cake
  4. Thanks to the Democrats and their liberal lunacy, along with the public school system and the liberal media over the past fifty or sixty years, we are just not the same kind of people that we once were back before they managed to get such a strangle hold over this country. So, unfortunately, we may never have the same kind of courage, or character, or fortitude that we once had in previous generations in order to do what is truly necessary to ever save this country from this very real threat. Freedom is not free! You either deserve to live as a free people or you don't. It's as simple as that.
  5. Just another anti-American liberal. Fuck them and the Democrats that embrace them.
  6. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/11/14/article-2507355-1967C03F00000578-897_634x423.jpg They invented the back scratcher.
  7. The only thing that irks me, is that whatever good the military might do now, Obama will take all the credit for. It wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't know just how much he detest our military.
  8. A Tasty Dessert Recipe' {Muslim Mousse} Take one and a quarter Muslims and place them in a large vat Then add fifty gallons of sulfuric acid and stir until it is of a smooth consistency Then strain with a large cheese cloth to remove any sand particles Refrigerate until it is quite chilled and forms a gelatin Then add a little salt to taste A great party treat to be served liberally to all of the liberals out there. Their turbans also make for a festive napkin for this dish From my new book, "Cooking with Caliphate"
  9. When you have nothing but liberal sissy's running most of the countries in Europe, what would you expect. They couldn't even keep the infestation of murderous Muslims out of their own countries. Wouldn't want to seem to be so unfair to them,.. so politically incorrect and all. And as old Walter Cronkite would have said, "And that's the way it is."
  10. I don't cater to stupid people. Those such as yourself, PEPE', VAN, TBG, OZI, HMFIC and one or two others are the only reason that I even bother with this thing. I understand what your saying, but the others, if they're that damn shallow, can go watch MTV or listen to some other trashy music. I like to hear good music, whether it's of Hank Williams, or of Franz Liszt.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6GfeWgd6ds
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5ot-88UV-Y
  13. I've been spoiled in my past, as all the girls that I knew all seemed to like to swallow. But I knew a girl once who I refuse to try to describe to you just now, because as pretty as she once was, she does not deserve any praise in that way any longer. However, this fucking cunt used to take to my cock like a baby to a bottle, and when she was done would always say thank you, in a very sincere way. The bitch loved the stuff.
  14. Van, You left out one important element. A lot of girls like to be treated like shit. That would at least explain Ruslan. And Leora? Well, She doesn't really love or respect Paul. She merely plays with him like a cat with a ball of yarn. If you notice, She calls all the shots there, as to the when and where, if at all, they should have sex. That's not love, nor respect. I think she's just biding her time with him. The charm of his lucky horse shoe dick is starting to wear off.
  15. Considered to be the premier composer of the harpsichord in his time. From the first time I heard his Laments, I was drawn to him. It's a dark path that I sometimes walk.
  16. I was twelve years old sitting by the window at school. It was a very dark stormy sky that day, when all of the sudden the assistant principal interrupted the class and wheeled in this television, and it was this telecast with Walter Cronkite that we then watched, as both her and the teacher were starting to cry. I am a strong conservative, and have been so since I was eighteen. However, I always like John Kennedy. However, I do not like and never have liked either of his two brothers though. Quite the contrary! That was then in Detroit. I now live in Dallas, and have been there at that sight where he was killed. I even stood for a while at the grassy knoll.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4aL59Adl50
  18. Leora's favorite thing at the carnivals is the "House of Mirrors". The carneys had a very hard time pulling her out of there.
  19. Thank You Linked for letting us hear the words of Ronald Reagan. God knows the liberal media doesn't ever play them. Of all the enemies we face, the liberal, so called main stream media, has been one of the most diabolical. "Your house is on fire, and they don't even want to wake you up to let you or others know of it."
  20. I won't even look at Maya now since she went and deliberately ruined her looks. Let her get her attention from those of similar intellect, no doubt she'd feel more comfortable around them. I'm just not interested in the funny papers.
  21. It's not that easy. Stupidity is hard to remove.
  22. I use to love hearing the sound of a train horn coming through my bedroom window at night. In those days most houses didn't have air conditioning and we used to sleep with our windows open.
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