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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Yeah,.. I have a screw driver. And she'll bang it like a hammer. That's why it's called a flat head. It's been hammered before. And I'm feeling a little hammered myself just now, and about to sing,.. "Auld Lang Syne"
  2. As they used to say in the Lone Ranger series,.. Deputy: "Who was that masked man?" Young Lady: "Yes,.. He not only saved our town, but he also inseminated me." Masked man: "Hi Ho Silver,.. Awaaaaay,.. Quick!"
  3. To the nameless one, who uploaded Leora's little shower scene from the past. These are the only type of uploads that I trust. They're not only fast and easy, but I don't have to worry about them trying to take over my home page, or infecting my computer with all of their bullshit. I really appreciate it. Thanks again.
  4. what is she doing anyway she is takeing a knife trying to use it as a screwdriver And she's not wearing any safety glasses. Norm Abrams would be very upset with her.
  5. I've never met an Australian I didn't like. Good natured, fun loving people, that are fun to be around. But that Vegemite??? Yuck!
  6. Yes, they are in clear violation of the contract which specifically states: 'Get fucking, or get out!' This breech of unethical boring behavior will not be tolerated for much longer, as it propagates many unpleasant distractions and further complaints from our paying subscribers. Therefore, there will be an emergency board meeting scheduled for tomorrow concerning this very issue, along with that of Kinko's Dairy Queen hair doo. Very Sincerely, The Big Cheese, and CEO of RLC. >:(
  7. You know, underneath it all, it is that I am frustrated by her. In that I know he is unworthy of her through that of his own selfish, and self-centered actions. And no, for those others that don't know me,.. It has nothing to do with being jealous over him. For aside from having a good life when I was their age, I am now 63 years old, and so I don't in the current sense ever envision myself being with her. I've even pushed away certain young gold diggers at times, simply out of that of my own self respect. But, yes Van, you are right. She does have a lot to offer someone, aside from perhaps other things along a professional line. But as you know, they are totally being wasted on that mongrel Paul.
  8. Ok, So the question is this,.. How long do you want to fuck around with a Rubik's Cube until you've finally had enough and send it smashing into pieces up against a wall, or if like myself just end up finally painting all six sides of it in the appropriate colors? (Yeah, a real party pleaser) What I'm trying to say is, I've pretty much had it with trying to figure out just what the fuck is going on inside of Leora's pretty little head??? One minute she's on the computer with a hand on her breast just laughing and yapping it up with..? Next minute after being totally disgusted with Paul not being around when she got home, she storms out of her place now dressed to kill and with a dab of her finest French perfume on to go meet,..? And as many will attest to her often agitated state when it comes to that uncouth, incompetent pig Paul, she will no less suddenly shock and surprise you in her running to him as he enters through the door, just hugging and kissing and hanging off of his neck as if she had just met her long lost knight in shinning amour??? (Well Leora, just remember,.. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear) Look, I don't mind being a little vexed over a puzzle for a while,.. But enough is enough! And I am thoroughly convinced that as long as Paul manages to keep her sequestered away from all other guys and all other possible intrigues out there, that she and Paul will no doubt still be together for the next thirty or forty years. Fine,.. So be it. It's her life after all. But what a strange couple they make. Him with his twisted dick, and her with her twisted and confused little mind. I've given up on trying to figure out what all her bewildering actions are all about. Except that I know that she herself is still very much a child. And for her to lose Paul would make 'little miss perfect' seem like she herself was a failure somehow inside, within that of her own tidy and fastidious little mind. WHAM! Right up against the wall!
  9. Anton had guests over...Alina wasn't there. Anton didn't clean up. I guess Alina will have to do it. Well,.. It's a mess. But at least I now know who's at fault. You'd have to be pretty careful where you laid your head down in a place like that.
  10. I usually don't even bother to drop in on the others, outside of Nora and Kinko, and Paul and Leora. But I just paid an unannounced visit to Alina and Anton's apartment. What a bunch of pigs they are. Disgusting slobs! Or are they trying to decorate their place to look like a dumpster? They're doing a pretty good job of it. Maybe a little day old dried ketchup on the floor, for a little added color, and they'll be ready for their photo shoot of.. 'Better Shitholes and Landfills'.
  11. It's not that her neighbors haven't complained at times. It's just that Alma has mistaken the loud pounding on the walls as meaning nothing more than just her neighbors probably fucking. To her, she must think that they just have an erotic thing for washing machines. "Oooo Yeah baby, just love that spin cycle." Swissh Swissh Swissh,.. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  12. Thank you Panther. It also makes me smile when I think of some feminist maybe landing on my last comment here. It's like setting those fucking bitches hair on fire, don't you know. Now where's my little friend Laphroaig?.. Ah,.. there you are.
  13. Leora,.. I'd like to take her right there on that little white rug. I also would like to take her right across my knees, when she starts to act up, or play that little girl game she likes so often to do, just so she'll know and remember, that I'm not Paul. We'll just call it, 'Having an understanding',.. But It always seemed to work very well for me.
  14. Ponce de Deleon had long searched for this elixir of life, which is also known amongst the peasantry as the 'Fountain of Leora'. One slurp from this whirling, churning, poon tang pool, and you will remain young for all eternity. Paul is actually 68 years old,.. And yet he still looks like some baby faced little boy to anyone with eyes.
  15. Yes, And she has a new product line out made from the rejuvenating juices from her own wet pussy,.. guaranteed to take away those aging facial lines. It's called, O'balm-acare A real medical break through. PS. It's not cheap though. A thousand Rubles a bottle.
  16. That's how he manages to get passing grades on his course, they don't want him to just drop out. And all this time we thought he was so stupid. It's a course on structural engineering. Paul: "Look teach,.. I made a big stick." Paul's instructor: "Very good Paul,.. Now can you call Leora over here, I want to see how she has been encouraging you."
  17. And then there was my place when I was young, called Dizzyland. A place filled with 'HIGH' hopes and drunken dreams, and a few bazaar fantasies. Neither the mouse, nor Blue Beard had anything on me.
  18. In my youth,.. I beg to differ. I made things happen,.. If you don't, who will. And TV!,.. Fuck that shit,.. TV is a thief.
  19. WHACK,.. "I'll teach you not to waste my valuable time,.. WHACK WHACK,.. You want your banana baby,.. Here's your banana for you, right between my legs."
  20. As far as ridiculous goes,.. I've never gotten use to Kinko wearing a pastel pink low cut girly sock on one foot, and a powder blue one on the other foot? I'm sorry, but that would have been scornfully frowned upon by us guys back in the day. And if something like that would have ever been seen as a cool thing, or a manly thing to do,.. Don't you think that us guys back in the fifties or sixties would have come up with it beforehand? One can't help but wonder if the cams were not there, just what kind of undies he might wear? Maybe a nice paisley colored laced trimmed panty perhaps? Who knows? But it wouldn't surprise me.
  21. Agent Dog is extremely well trained. Do whatever you want to Agent Dog during an interrogation --- but he's loyal and he will never talk. Unless you throw him a bone or something.
  22. Van,.. I'm probably the only person to ever get within 70 feet of the Grand Canyon, and never even seen it. My wife planned it so that we would have a cabin on the most scenic side. She also planned it so that we would arrive at night, and therefore view it when the sun came up. Which would have been very nice. However, it was pitch dark there, with only a billion stars twinkling above, and the winds were screeching and howling as we were about to go to bed. She was afraid, so I lit this candle that was in this terra cotta little pot we bought in Santa Fe just prior. Well, in the middle of the night I heard the loudest smoke alarm I had ever heard in my life! It came from the soot from the end of the candle in that stupid little pot. And I was startled and sort of panic, as there were other people in other cabins not far from ours, and I didn't want to disturb them. So I opened the door, and grabbed that fucking stupid little pot and threw it out, along with the first two layers of my skin from my hand. This man there said it looked pretty serious and would probably get infected if I didn't have it tended to. So we drove all the way to Utah (Nearest Hospital) in order to do just that. How's that for fate being strange. We were so close to the canyon I could have thrown a stone into it. And yet I never saw the fucking thing.
  23. Well, lets hope she doesn't shit. But I know what you mean.
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