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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Yes,.. It's not their fault that they don't have either the skills or the talent as our once esteemed patron of the arts Kaplan had. But sadly, we were forced to eulogize his passing back on Valentines day.
  2. Oh please do continue on. It's like the sweet sound of a babbling brook to me, just to hear your flustered words sing my praise.
  3. I remember. Manfred Man, I mean.
  4. No my friend,.. A Dude is a guy, plain and simple. And we should never confuse the difference between that of a girl, a gal, a dame, a broad, a lassie, a chick, or a woman,.. with a guy? They've got enough descriptive names as it is. Hell, I wouldn't even let someone else call me a dude. That's too much of a California thing. And I hold my nose to most of what comes out of California anymore. A simple guy, or a man would suffice for me. Though I have been called other things, even in Russian, by this torn up old whore named Cherry Lady. Which reminds me,.. I left out 'bitch'.
  5. And Tay, just remember. We here at the Old Dudes board would never want to see you chopped up into little pieces and left behind a woodpile. But we might just take you to the wood shed though. TAY,.. As she goes running home with a teary eye and a stinging sore bottom to her Mama. "Mama, look at what some mean o'l man just did to me,.. Whaaa" :'( Tay's mother:.. "Good,.. You've been having that coming to you for a long time now."
  6. I think that Pepe speaks for all of us here upon that little matter. Oh and Pepe, have you ever notice that almost indescribable look in a girls eyes when your done. Those moist, wet, adorable eyes, and that respectful look that comes across their face,.. it tells a tale of which without any words speaks volumes. Now I think Tay's thinking,.. Oh yes, Please,.. I do need it so. ;)
  7. If it's not too much trouble,.. Yes I do. And yes, you are a sweet little naughty girl. But that's alright, we like you very much.
  8. I hate to admit it, but I never heard of that one, and I hung around with some of the seediest people you could ever imagine. So what is Chesterfield Checkers? I only remember the cigarettes called Chesterfields.
  9. Age is a relative thing really. You just have to tall enough to be able to peep through a keyhole. That's how I learn. :)
  10. Yes, but if you go down the street to Emily's. ;)
  11. No, It's not just because they go to school longer, or have fewer vacations. It's because they have 'two' parents that actually care about them, and because they are brought up to appreciate the values of hard work and achievement. If you want to fix a problem, then you have to be willing to face the actual reality of what has caused the problem in the first place. (I'm still waiting for that day, but not with much hope at this point anymore.) And as far as there being 40 heavy metal songs hitting the top charts as you say. Well of course in a country with billions of inhabitants such as China, or hundreds of millions such as Japan, you are no doubt going to have some of the people there gravitate to the lower spectrum of the intelligence pole. But on the whole, you still have far more young people there that actually appreciate the works from genuine geniuses from the past, than you currently see nowadays within this very country. And all thanks to the liberal media and our so called current pop culture, as well as to broken homes and our failed public school system. Know and accept the real cause of the problem,.. Then you can cure it.
  12. Just look up Grace Kelly, or Audrey Hepburn and you will see two of the classiest, sexiest, most stylized women in the world. And they both had brains too. They were not liberals! I've watched interviews with them while my heart was pounding loudly. They were the role models for young girls back in the fifties and sixties. Now you have nothing but mindless, classless scum, like Madonna, Paris Hilton, and Lady Caca. Just to name a few. Tay, You and your skirts get a passing grade from me too.
  13. The young people in Japan and in China love Classical music, especially Beethoven. While the young people here are fed a steady diet of that black crap, Hip Hop, and Rap. No wonder they lead in academic scoring. Beethoven's last words were,.. "My friends applaud, the comedy is over." My kind of guy.
  14. I like you too Panther, and have for quite a while now. You see, I'm a very caring and sensitive kind of guy, so naturally when someone of a low character or slimy disposition tries to insult or mock me, it's only natural that I begin to look for anything that isn't tied down in order to smack them with it. HARD! It's all just part of my sensitive nature. ;)
  15. Yes, I thought of all those things,.. I even for a moment thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Leora herself, defending her own wonderful, great guy. LOL But either way, you can get the gest of what that bitch, or hermaphrodite was trying to say. And I just love it when someone say's, "I beg your pardon for being rude of course" Then goes on to try to insult you. If you can't speak or write English, Then I suppose it would be like trying to run down a gravel road barefoot. But I know when someone is a piece of shit. I can just tell. Now she or he or whatever it is can choke on my words for a while. Or just choke, period.
  16. Good! It's like knocking down those little ducks at the arcade. Bang,.. Plop!
  17. Yes, your absolutely right. And we can now thank the liberal own and controlled media for dumbing down the general populous by throwing this type of shit in our face. You really do have to have a pretty low IQ to watch or care about the type of shows they now put on.
  18. :) agree. and you sir ... carpenter in his 63 behave funny. you are not tired so much to discuss Paul? all just write as hate him .. but watching him even while asleep Leora .. watching him .. and some climb on and give birth there FEYSBUK friendly relationship with him ! So litsimernye men .. that's all about it here .. there is a complex of inferiority . If you are lucky and smart .. what do you sit 24 hours for your computer and watch them ? and not doing great deeds ? I beg your pardon for being rude of course .. but just ridiculously you read. Blow it out of your ass, you half wit. You can't even put together a coherent sentence that makes any sense at all, so what the hell do I care after this what an imbecile has to say. And all this gibberish from someone who goes by the name of CHERRY LADY. Just what kind of an alley tramp must you be to go by the name of Cherry Lady? Oh, And I beg your pardon for being rude of course. But would five dollars be enough for a blow job from you? You see I've fallen on hard times, but surely you would understand what that's all about. And in closing, let me just say, that there is nothing that I can say with words just now that my hands couldn't better express somehow being wrapped around your throat. :)
  19. Yes,.. We must not discourage our little Newbie's, but instead nurture and care for them. Unless they are a fucking liberal, in which case, by all means trounce the little mother fuckers.
  20. What TBG said is absolutely right. And I've been aware of it for years now. But with this latest surge from the ultra liberal progressive's, or socialist communist if you will. It is like the beginning of the end for this once great country. A lousy 200 plus years, and this country is now dying from this cancer! And the mother fucking complacent people that might just care are just too damn stupid and distracted from the despicable media that means only to keep them continually dumb and complacent, or from ever finally getting up off their asses and truly doing something about it. And what is this shit about being able to vote at 18! If you can't even run for president unless you are 35, then why in the hell are we letting little kids vote anyway? Half of them can't even spell the very state that they live in! Gullible, stupid little fools. Why can't these filthy cowards, (Liberals and Democrats) just have the guts to put on a proper uniform, and lets just have it out, once and for all! Filthy fucking treasonous cowards! Oh I know why,.. That would require honor. And they don't have any such thing within them. No,.. Lying and deceiving,.. That's their game. Lousy fucking cowards, the whole lot of them!
  21. Fuck the Muslims! And the liberals who kiss their asses.
  22. Yes I do. I always value what few friends I have.
  23. Should old acquaintance's be forgot, la la la la la la laaaaaaaaa Should old acquaintance be forgot,.. In the days of Auld Lang Syne. I don't sound half bad when I'm tanked.
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