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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I have long admired and respected certain women such as Jean Kirkpatrick, or Margaret Thatcher, as well as a whole host of others that were not involved in politics. But I just can't abide the bitter, sour faced feminist, who hate men out of nothing more than that of pure jealousy. Let me put it another way,.. I have no problem with women until they start to act like the bridge they just drove across was somehow designed, or engineered, or built by them. So lets get something straight here you miserable cunts,.. It was men who built Hoover Dam, and men who put a man on the moon, and men who came up with all these life saving serums that has led to the marvels of modern medicine. So just remember this as you feminist go about mocking us men, all the while shoving a man made product up your ass once a month,.. please do not resent or hate us men too much for all the wonderful products and inventions that we have brought forth your way within your miserable lives.
  2. I'm still laughing over TBG's hatred for TV. I couldn't agree more. He left out the pandering to the feminist in making all the men look irrelevant, or in having them come off as nothing more than buffoons. But what he says pretty much sums up my take on the liberal broadcast system as well.
  3. As Watcher has mentioned. Christianity is under attack by the liberals and the media that they control. I just heard today that the Home and Garden channel HG TV has cancelled a show because of these two men that mentioned their Christian belief. I for one don't support these intolerant liberal TV stations, just as I'll never buy coffee at Starbucks.
  4. Hey Pepe, Do you remember the last time he made an ass out of himself? He ran to NL and asked him to remove the entire thread, so that he wouldn't be so embarrassed. Then when I called him out on this, having learned the truth of it from someone who knows, he denied it. But what would you expect from a coward and a liar. He then went prancing all around this site without any sense of shame, all the while licking NL's ass and calling him "Skipper", or saying things like, "Your my Skipper". How pathetic. So why in the world would anyone let a worm like that lecture to them on ethics?
  5. For those of you who can read between the lines. Do you now see how dishonest this Bulgachia really is in the things he has said. He admits that he is intolerant and then tries to justify it. And yet once again he goes on to show himself to be a true hypocrite when it comes to labeling others as haters. I guess if you've got something to say, you'd better go and seek Bulgachia's approval first, or else risk his scathing attacks upon you. A bullying tactic practiced by a nobody who wants so desperately to be a somebody. But while a caterpillar may one day turn into a butterfly, a worm will always remain a worm. I couldn't care less about his opinions or views, as I hold no respect for this type of person in life.
  6. I don't intend to make a habit of this, or to rejoin CamCaps, as I really do have more important things to attend to. But in fairness to Pirate, I think what he's trying to say is, that you go around judging others and calling them racist and bigots when it's really you that are the intolerant one. Rather than just disagreeing with them politely, you make a point of hating all those who's opinions or views you don't approve of. But who the fuck are you to tell us what's appropriate, when you have shown yourself many times to be nothing more than a liar and a hypocrite. And why do you feel this need to try to set yourself up as if you are some kind of saint, when in truth your nothing more than a naïve child that refuses to see the world clearly for what it is when it comes to those who would gladly destroy us. Judging others and calling them racist and bigots just shows how hypocritical you truly are. Not a person worth listening to or to hold up in high esteem. You just want others to praise you, and to support you, but there's nothing there to praise or to support. Stop trying to police us! Your not a noble enough person to sit in judgment of others, and I think that most people can see that, so give it a rest!
  7. The funny thing about a worm is that unless you see it actually strolling along, it's hard to make out it's ass from it's head. You kind of remind me of that when I think of you Bulgachia. You never were anything more than a loud mouth, holier than thou hypocrite. The nerve of you actually lecturing to the rest of us on tolerance! So tell me worm, do we now need your permission to post our own opinions? Are you now the supreme head of us all? You fucking hypocrite! I never regretted leaving this sandbox because of the small minded self-righteous scum like yourself. People, who such as yourself, just have to try to impress or convince others that you are somehow more than what you actually truly are in reality. But I have seen you many times before in my life, usually just after a good rain as you crawl down the sidewalks leaving your slimy legacy behind you. And as repulsive as your kind truly are to anyone who actually has his eyes open, the fact remains that the only fun I ever derived from a worm came from watching it squirm once I stepped on it. Sqissssh. Ja
  8. Thanks Pepe,.. It takes me back.
  9. Easy there Nick. I'm not sure I like the way you worded that. People might get the wrong idea. ;D It should read, "You be the man." I'm still Laughing,.. But how about,.. Your my kind of guy instead. Without the bouquet,.. I've said as much to him myself.
  10. Not so, my dear friend. Even this shall pass.
  11. Thanks guys. This is for you, as I lift my glass high to you. Salute.
  12. This one is for one of the few friends I have. I'm talking about you Van. And I don't want to hear some mother fucker tell me this belongs in the Juke Box thread. I cut my own path through life!
  13. Just another fucking mooch.
  14. Yes! I agree. And of course their rent is paid for, otherwise RLC wouldn't be able to maintain control or tell them to hit the road, if ever a situation should arise that they didn't approve of.
  15. No. This is the Russian version of "Candid Camera", and any minute now Allen Funt is going to crawl out from under the bed and say,.. "SMILE, Your on Candid Camera."
  16. Alright, Your turn now. Come on my friends fess up.
  17. It's like stepping on dog shit. And the fairy wants pictures no less. Brownie points! LOL!
  18. You've got to be fucking kidding me! Just when I thought I was out,.. They pulled me back in. I haven't even been gone for two days, and this is what the old neighborhood has fallen to? If I'm going to leave another post to what few friends I may yet have here, it has to be under a different heading other than this shit!
  19. It's funny just how far removed from anyone's interest Nora and Kinko have finally managed to make themselves. If you go to their section on Camcaps, it can easily be two or three days according to the dates before anyone even voices a comment. I don't suppose their memoirs will ever become a best seller either.
  20. F219 Didn't say anything wrong. Johnycom is just like that other hypocrite, Cherry Lady, or BJ, who are extremely judgmental of those others who might hold a certain distain or disgust over the habits or mannerisms of those we sometimes watch on RLC. We aren't allowed by these liberal imbeciles to cast any bad comments on them, but these sordid fucks have no problem doing that very thing with some of us, and only because they don't like our opinion. Have you ever noticed that when a mouse suddenly scampers across a room, it puts everyone into momentary frenzy. But then after this slight excitement wanes, the room returns once again to it's former calm composure.
  21. Yes,.. It would be a blast. Until the law discovers us, then we'd be locked up in little cells and be forced to throw little messages tied to a string to each other instead. But they will never silence us,.. never!
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