one idea is sure,if they continue broadcast like that,many members will return with free cameras for see the tenants on bongacams or seventeenlive(the view is better) and the website will close the door soon
exept the first day,i have not see her take shower the last days exept joshua take bath in the dark with candle.
they hiding everywhere now,they have maybe see some caps on the web and now they hiding,it's a classic.
it's young and fresh couple but i think that will take many many time before they relax completly with the cameras and show something interesting and stop hiding
maybe"see" i don't know,dasha make me exciting today,that was very long time,now i need search in my archives videos
this famous banana time on sofa,i want see that right now
someone can explain me why dasha/demid hide all the sex with the covers all the time when they are in the russian appartment
and now they are in italy they not hiding !very curious,maybe for make the buzz the first day for get suscribers and after nothing or hiding like chloe/joshua,
we will see but very strange for me
lol,that was hard for masha/sasha doing sex with this actual guest couple but now with dasha/demid that will be impossible doing something
for masha exept masturbating in bathtub like usual now
finaly it's not very important if the camera 9 is out of service in bedroom,
they will probably sleeping on the couch in the kitchen,they have listen good demid for sure before come here!!!
there is new guest couple right now but it's long time now the camera 9 is out of service in bedroom !!!
thanks rlc for have not fixe this camera before the arrival of this new guest couple :clap:
yeah,this all rasta guests have kill all the good vibes there was before between masha and sasha,
masha spend her time now masturbate in the bathtub but when you have see that 5 times that's start to be boring,
sasha don't look really interesting to fuck masha now but he's more intersting by her phone,there is big difference with the first month they was here
elle est completement folle la brune,regardez-là en ce moment dans le living à pousser des cris en lisant un livre tout en se filmant
avec son pc,elle est à moitié sorcière celle-là,rlc nous a trouvé un beau specimen avec la brune,
si vous voulez virer fou,regarder cet appartement
@rivotril: vraiment bizarre,je suis sous google chrome aussi mais avec windows vista et je n'ai aucun problème,
y-a peut-être un petit réglage des paramètres à faire avec windows 10,je sais pas je peux pas t'aider là-dessus
c'est triste à dire mais même dasha/demid fesait mieux au debut,ils cachaient rien,
faut esperer qu'ils vont faire le contraire c'est à dire se cacher au debut comme ils le font et se lacher ensuite,
ce qui me gêne le plus c'est que de plus en plus de couples font l'amour dans le noir et çà j'en peux plus,marre des visions de nuit
oui,bien d'accord avec toi,efim est descendu bien bas,il a l'air completement dépressif et perdu.
j'espere que rlc va pas nous les mettre dans un appart ces deux là, même si la fille a un jolie corps et aime le sexe çà suffira pas si c'est tout ce qu'ils ont à proposer comme vie.