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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. The bruises on Megan is from the suction cup. It in the bath room on the sink counter and it blue and you can't see it that good now. Adele had one and Ilona use it a few time but they never got bruises like that
  2. Ilona started this long before Stella came. Matter of fax she did these when There was only Irma there and one night Irma use her toy out in the open and Ilona use her toy under the cover
  3. Last night i quote some thing Lola said to the guy on the phone. She said ( Your so young ) Dam this is some thing a older women would say. I went back & look at the video of Lola and she look to be least 40 years old. You would think she have a job and a home. Well she has a job on RLC but she suck at it.I think RLC give her the job because they felt sorry for her. It pretty sad a women her age is still living out of a suitcase she must have failed in ever thing she done in her life. including men
  4. I think Ilona just told us she don't care about the viewer no more. That was Bull Shit what she just done. I hope she the next one to leave.
  5. This is what i going to do. I going to bed now and wake up with Anna. You have 60% more chance on Anna rubbing one out in the morning then waiting on the girls coming home and seeing nothing. Good night ever one Bye
  6. And for those who has not learned yet when the girls in apt 1# come home they will go to bed just like Anna and Megan
  7. All we are left with is Lola and you should no by now there not much to see out of her and tonight she can't get off that phone or the PC. So tonight was a tease and a bust or a bad case of Blue Ball
  8. Who no my Lola still think she still got it and my be she want to be a stripper. I can say one thing she can dance and she could make a dead get a hard on with the way she dances
  9. I been doing some research and a lot of businesses use that line gentleman's club which could mean female and male stripper and it also use in other businesses that have to do with sex but this card had i guy name on it and the lettering was the size of the lettering that on your screen reallifecam. The name was Leo. Also the picture on the back of the card was a black tuxedo and on the front of the card was a girls leaning back on a stripper pole
  10. Please pass this along. Blue is my husband and i mess up when i sign in here and yesterday i just learned how to fix it. What in the hell are you guys thinking. A gentleman club is male strippers. You guy think a gentleman club is a place where girls escort. SORRY it just like a female strip club.And you guy think we was talking about them going out doing escort work. That what the card was. MALE STRIPPER
  11. To bad you did't see it. Now you think you have the right to call it a conspiracy theory and call us a liar. How do you no you could't read this card. You have no ideal what size was the lettering was. Not all card are the same if you did't no this and also it had big o pictures on it to give you a ideal what you was looking at
  12. Dam i no some of you are retired and stay at home. Why can't you spend more time watching. When some one on here say they saw some thing and you did't see it for yourself then you ask us to risk our account to prove it and if we don't then you won't to call us liars. If you was watching then you would have seen the card clear as day from camera 7. The next time Anna sit that close to camera 7 take a good look for yourself and you be able to tell you could read a card from that position
  13. Ones again you can't see. My husband name is on here and he said you full of Bull SHIT. You are now on our ignore list so from now on your talking to yourself. Bye Bye
  14. You have never heard me use the word prostitutes or escort. I have said that they have a Fuck Buddy that they hang out with and have sex. Ever body on here say they going out with there BF so to try to clear thing up on what BF is i said it some one that they see almost ever day at home and when they travel they get a Fuck Buddy to hang out with. Nothing wrong with that there young and that what i did when i was young
  15. Well here one thing you don't no about my husband. He use to run taxi just for the Hooker and strippers so he no all the sign and trick they use. O course he was young when he did this and job was hard to find back then and the Word off mouth got out he was a say guy you could trust and he got you home safe and with some off the strippers there was guys that try to follow him taking a girls home But he had a 71 Buick Gran Sport and you could not catch him. O he could tell you some stories
  16. Ok let say we are right. What does it matter. Well it changes there behavior in the apt. For example if a girl goes out & have sex she not going to come back & use a toy. It could be 5 or 6 day before she use it & also you won't see the girls playing with each other that much & also with some of the girls they don't won't to interact with the other girls much. Look at Polya last night. She been on the rag & she got off of it yesterday & last night she use her toy. What these girls do out side affect the viewer
  17. Yes you are 100% right on the card. I had it zoom in and i saw the same words. But people on here are going to say how did we see that. Well the lovely Anna put the card up so we could see it good from camera 7. You did't really need to zoom in to see what was on that card and Also it was a membership card
  18. Look at Polya she did nothing for about 3 week or so then out of the Blue she started using dilido. I think that why Megan & Lola went out into that room. RLC is not ready to reveal Megan yet so that why she hiding. Lola is never going to give us a full view of her kitty or let us she her masturbate no matter what RLC say to her or offer her. These girl are just sharing a apt & they are just there to make money for themselves & RLC by putting on these show. When the show are over they go there separate way
  19. This is what i see. RLC is playing ever one on here like a fiddle. There building RLC off of what you are saying. I quot one of the thing you say ( Give her time she come out of her shyness) This is Megan. Megan No exactly what she doing there & RLC no that all of you are going to keep waiting on Megan to come out of her shyness so you going to keep ordering. They also no your translators so the girl say thing to make you think that Megan is this sweet girl that never had a orgasm Part one of this chat
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