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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. My friend this had nothing to do with individual nights, percentages or what they watch, this was just a general observation over many months.
  2. While I'm a big fan of Leora's otherwise I wouldn't risk posting here, Leora I think has somewhat lost direction, and needs reclaim her freedom by getting back in control of her life and stop being the nice person that she is for once, and put the brakes on Malia thinking it's her divine right to keep jumping on her bed every night, to watch Leora's iPad (she's got her own) some nights she's on Leora's bed long before Leora's even out of the bathroom. Leora needs to copy Malia by closing her bedroom door every so often, even if it's only to watch something YouTube, talk to friends via media, listen to music or whatever otherwise she'll not be doing herself any good, and keep giving the Allodino's of this world ammunition to continue posting crap about her.
  3. Just think if you stopped subscribing to RLC your wishes would come true, the whole thing would finally come to an end for you, and our wishes would also come true because then you'd shut the fuck up, and leave the Forum to adults
  4. I got it wrong forgetting as long as you stay airside you've not entered the country, as Malia would need to fly to Krasnoyarsk (Siberia) it's just under 9 hours from Prague that's direct, via Istanbul it's around 12 hours that's including the flight from Prague to Istanbul. I've just looked at the Duma's and the commissioner's for this, that and the other, orders regarding the virus, and I just hope someone in Russia can make sense of it
  5. The question that you're trying to avoid answering was as you are now an expert on acting how do you know Malia's not enjoying herself because women all over the world are different, and please don't come back with "I just know"
  6. Chris I'll be kind to you, and I'm also thinking of your health NO
  7. Jimbo should know me by now I'm never pissed off, well only sometimes, then again I could be faking it, and then again?
  8. I must have only been to bed with girls that are good at being bad, you can work that out anyway you like
  9. What you are really trying to say is you haven't fucking clue like the rest of us so don't keep going on about being able to identify fake orgasms. So I'll ask you another question as you are now an expert on acting, how do you know for certain Malia is not enjoying herself because if you've ever been out in the REAL (there's that word again) world you would know all, and I do mean all women are different. As for Leora and her orgasms, being fake or real only seems to be of some concern to you, the rest of us couldn't care less, because we enjoy watching her.
  10. I've been meaning to ask you a very serious question for quite a while now, and this could make you the most popular person amongst the hetrosexual males who post and/or read these comments, in the same way you'll be the most hated amongst the female posters/readers. The question is this I like a lot of hetrosexual men know woemen have been faking orgasms almost since the beginning of time, but we've never been able to say to them "sorry but I know you faked that one" then you come along and without knowing a person are able to say she's faking an orgasm, now as the self proclaimed expert on the female orgasm please enlighten all the men and scare all the women on how we can tell?
  11. I don't think you're seeing the real picture, yes France, Spain and possibly a few other countries have access to Russia, Malia is in Prague, and probably doesn't the right to a visa from the Czech Republic for another country as she's a Russian not a Czech citizen so she's stuck where she is until the borders open.
  12. I see It looks like Leora's letting her little garden grow back so she'll have a nice little landing strip to keep her nether region warm this coming winter. Thank you Leora
  13. You've also got to take into consideration the Czech Republic and Russia are not exactly bosom buddies, and without delving in to politics as this is the wrong Forum, Putin probably has the last word to say on which county is or isn't allowed across its borders.
  14. She's managed it yet again, teasing until Malia comes back, now somebody tell me that this hasn't become a regular occurrence.
  15. I'm with you with most of your comment, but Leora also has a private life now at weekends outside the apartment, the only issue I have, for example Leora knows Malia's out of the apartment for two hours, Leora will make that 2 hours of (promise a lot, deliver nothing) teasing, nothing wrong with that, except it's become much more of a regular occurrence now than before.
  16. While I'm a big fan of Leora's and have been for years, unless I missed something everyone else noticed and I didn't, all I saw was Leora doing what has become familiar of late, teasing, killing time until Malia gets back so she doesn't have to look after her followers, there's always the possibility she'll now prove me wrong.
  17. This cough of hers must now be a habit, also I would think she doesn't even know she's coughing, as she doesn't cough when she's busy doing other things.
  18. May I suggest you make your mind up, because the way I look at the girls they appear to be real women, also if you don't like the whole concept of RLC why do you spend so much time watching what is or isn't happening.
  19. I have to ask WHY you have to pick on this apartment when you leave all the others alone, the GOV girls come and go as they like, disappearing for days on end yet there's not so much as squeak out of you. I do like your sense of humour though, expecting RLC to bow down to your wishes and remove the girls, Good Luck with that one.
  20. I don't know if anybody's told you this, but if you cancel, or don't renew your RLC subscription it'll do your blood pressure the world of good because you won't get so excited about none events
  21. I was brought up on a farm in the 50's, I saw farmers blowing their noses "farmers blow" style in the fields and around the farm, but never indoors, and you definitely never saw a woman indoors or out blow their nose that way. As they say there's a first time for everything, and it's only taken 70 years for me to witness such a repulsive site as a woman doing it
  22. No I'm not tired of seeing them, I assume you're referring to Leora and Malia I agree they could do with a little reminder though, it's all the other couples that need a reminder, on saying that RLC investing in some decent apartments wouldn't go amiss, for example Martina and Alberto's apartment can only be compared to a luxury rabbit hutch. I've been trying to PM you, can you PM me please
  23. You have Spanish couples in some of the Spanish apartments. My personal opinion for what it's worth, it's the all girl Spanish apartments full of wannabe porn stars that's dragging RLC down, with the same old, cenario's every day/night, so RLC really needs to get to grips with the situation and reinvent itself, a good place to start would be to give some of long standing participants a wake up call
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