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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. It was worth it, but some just wouldn't understand, as they are struggling to get their heads round "Real Life"
  2. Simple, don't look, save your money don't subscribe, more are options available
  3. Ich sehe, dass du immer noch erbärmliche Aussagen in einem dummen Versuch postest, ein Troll zu sein
  4. Devenez réaliste, elle n'est pas plus infirmière que moi, elle vit maintenant une vraie vie et a un vrai petit ami
  5. Wenn Sie lernen, wie man auf Deutsch schreibt, werden Sie niemals einen Troll machen, wenn Sie dies nicht tun
  6. So your week starts on Wednesday while normal weeks start either Sunday or Monday, so according to your week Monday's and Tuesday's don't exist. A few months ago someone one here was bellyaching and posted that this wasn't Real Life, now Leora's leading a Real Life people are bellyaching because she is, it just goes to prove "you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time"
  7. Nick, looking at the competition she's got, it's really not such a great achievement now is it?
  8. Bevor Sie versuchen, ein deutscher Troll zu sein, lernen Sie zuerst die Sprache
  9. Going on her escapades over the last few months, (her sessions used to be exciting now they're just about basic they still keep an old man happy, what is of some concern, and I think I'm right in assuming she's one of the highest paid, how long will it be before RLC send her an email asking her, just what are we paying you all this money for?
  10. Point taken and you've got your priorities right, well almost I like a lot of others are here only for Leora, but like you I don't look at the empty apartment in anticipation that things could change any second, so I go and find other things to do, as I said each to their own which I respect
  11. Each to their own I suppose, but with false tits and even more tattoos than when Kitty left last time, Leora's got nothing to worry about as she's a real woman.
  12. I would think she's in the toilet crying her little heart out, as with all women she won't like to be seen that she's upset
  13. The voice on the phone while she was texting did sound like Paul, but whoever it was has really upset her
  14. My friend if you've got a daughter you will know all the signs, if not believe me I'm right I've been there once and that was bad enough, now we'll have to wait and see if Malia becomes an inconvenience
  15. There's some that may need quite some considerable time to work that one out
  16. Yes and she wears perfume and makeup, mini skirts cut off jeans shorts, now think about it
  17. She was also a Junior Police officer with the Krasnoyarsk Police department rising to the rank of Junior Lieutenant, I remember her showing Paul the Pips on her epaulettes, and he showed about as much enthusiasm as he did with most things she did, except when she put food in front of him
  18. I suppose that's one way of putting it, but I seriously doubt the work bit
  19. You back again, even your German is not grammaticaly correct, and if anyone wants to make sence of this using Google Translate, first translate it into Russian then into English
  20. What, Irma the love of your life closed her legs for once so you come onto this forum trying to stir up shit yet again
  21. Can't argue with that, although I can think of few who will
  22. Mike, if we were paying just to view one apartment, like you I'd be one of the first one to complain directly to RLC, about the lack of action, but unfortunately we are paying for the privilege, of looking into 11 apartments. Now I don't know how long you've been with RLC, but I can assure you it has been known in the past, when people have posted derogatory remarks on here that's upset her, Leora has closed those lovely legs of hers and they've stayed that way for weeks, so as she's still here RLC can't really have been that concerned by her actions
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