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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. You have Spanish couples in some of the Spanish apartments. My personal opinion for what it's worth, it's the all girl Spanish apartments full of wannabe porn stars that's dragging RLC down, with the same old, cenario's every day/night, so RLC really needs to get to grips with the situation and reinvent itself, a good place to start would be to give some of long standing participants a wake up call
  2. Around the time Russia decided to take control of the countries internet, (this is not the place for the politics involved) the Ukrainian Government started closing all the countries internet voyeur sites down.
  3. Most certainly not, and if you were to read what my reply was all about them you wouldn't be making such a stupid childish idiotic comment, also for your information unlike you and many others my life does not revolve continuously around CC or RLC.
  4. Thank you for your understanding, it's now time for me to go and earn a living
  5. How many more times are you going to keep repeating yourself, also how much larger font are you going to use to try and hammer home a message that basically everyone, is pissed off hearing. I'm only around because you're keeping me amused (sad I know) until it's time for me to go out, as I also have a REAL PRIVATE LIFE, that funny enough people also pay for.
  6. At the risk of being put in the naughty corner by the Mods there's only one systematic fool on this Forum, but as I didn't mention any names I should get away with it.
  7. You really have such a short memory, only yesterday I reminded you that a few months ago you were complaining that this wasn't Real Life, and now people are leading Real Lives your still not happy.
  8. I've just realised why your comments are so repetitive you've just learned how to COPY and PASTE, and you want to prove to the world how clever you are not.
  9. Either way she/they deserve some respect, this is not saying your comment is disrespectful.
  10. Personally I don't think she'll show him off in the apartment for a long time to come, if ever, it'll give everyone on here such an overdose CC will go into meltdown, and give the Trolls ammunition to make her life a misery which they have done in the past. I don't hide the fact I'm a big Leora follower, and I admire the fact she's keeping this part of her life private, yes it upsets many, but it's her life at the end of the day
  11. There's a solution to your problem as it it appears Leora's private life (she's happy) along with Malia's seems to be seriously causing you some concern, I suggest you "DON'T WATCH THEM" stop paying RLC your subscription, and I'll guarantee you'll feel so much better for doing so, then you won't bore the rest of us with your repetitive winging.
  12. So now it's singular not plural, in case you don't know what that means it's now one girl not two that's upsetting you, and I don't think there's a Malina on the project
  13. All I can say is more fool him if he even considers taking Miss Unpredictable for granted
  14. She's had all different types of flowers delivered, admittedly when she first started seeing whoever (I call him "Lucky" for obvious reasons) roses were flower of choice.
  15. Correction, a bunch of flowers appeared on her bedside cabinet near the Buddha early in the week either Monday or Tuesday also she still has a social life outside the apartment generally at weekends, but the day's and times are only known to Leora, and her boyfriend, and I believe that's the way she'll keep it.
  16. It's obvious as she's at home that she didn't quite make a lasting impression (or she did) on the person who sent her a single red rose last weekend
  17. Simple ne regarde pas alors tu ne seras pas contrarié
  18. jimbo, camera's can put as much as 40 pounds on someone it's all to do with the shape of the lens, digital camera's are no different, also for the same reason parts of her apartment may not be a spacious as it appears. So if anyone meets their favourite TV personality or Film Star they may not be as well built as they appear are on screen
  19. You were doing well until Malia found out Leora was awake
  20. My friend just because I don't post at every given opportunity doesn't mean I don't see what's going on.
  21. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I wonder how much longer RLC are going to put up with her taking such liberties, out all day today, out again tonight and possibly most of the weekend, and then she worries about adverse postings, what does she expect when she carries on like this.
  22. Nick, The answers simple, who arrived around mid January, and hardly leaves her alone, so in house exercise as all but ceased, causing much displeasure to many Now I'm doing a "jimbo" see you all Monday, I wonder if doing a "jimbo" will catch on.
  23. I agree Fiction sometime's is more entertaining than Fact
  24. I can't wait to see a real juicy theory, someone's mind just has to be working overtime
  25. Vous êtes donc un expert des proxénètes et des putes, donc nous savons tous ce que vous faites pendant votre temps libre
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