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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I like this "THE GIRLS DON'T INTEREST ME" you're having a laugh aren't you, so much for not being interested they've managed to keep you pissed off for months.
  2. I've just got to ask you this question, the way things are going with Leora and her "REAL" PRIVATE life, what is going to be of so much interest to you when there's no one left in this apartment get you so upset, but should the girls stick around and it continues to piss you off all I can say is more power to the girls keep up the good work
  3. If I was you I'd be prepared to lose my money, she can only "run with the fox and hunt with the hounds" for so long, she'll have to make a decision one way or the other before her whole world collapses around her.
  4. Jimbo, there's always the possibility he's had all he's getting this weekend, the "old treat em mean, keep em keen" trick it's working with us poor souls so why not him
  5. I agree she must be going back to boyfriends, Leora and Malia very rarely speak when Leora's going to see him.
  6. Now one has to wonder if boyfriend's not a Bank Robber how on this earth is he going to be able to keep Leora in the lifestyle she's become accustomed too, as she's certainly high maintenance
  7. Now, now Mr Angry it appears I must have touched a nerve, now as for mistakes where would you like me to begin, shall we start with you being so repetitively boring with your comments there's no time for discussion because everyone's gone to something more interesting like watching grass grow for instance.
  8. May I suggest you go back and review all the angry postings you've made then you'll find out why you think you are always right, because you think you are never mistaken, you'll go so far as to contradict yourself to try and prove the point you are always right.
  9. With you there's no discussing anything, because you're alway right, that's why you'll never be wrong, because you are always right, even when you're contradicting yourself your always right.
  10. Congratulations you've finally come realised these two have that REAL life you've been worried about for so long, or are you going to contradict yourself yet again.
  11. A woman once told me "Men will never understand Women while Women can't understand themselves" so all I can say is good luck with your quest to understand what's going on.
  12. My friend some people don't understand rhyming slang you'd get used to it if you were to spend time down the East End of London, think what Rhymes with "hunt"
  13. jimbo I think your money will be in your pocket for a long time to come, because things aren't going to change until Malia goes back to Russia or Leora takes back control of her own life in the apartment.
  14. So now you're an expert on shit or is that bullshit, you didn't do very well on the fake orgasm question, you were even worse when is came to defining Malia's acting abilities both of which you claimed you were an expert on, now it's shit more importantly bullshit, so now please define bullshit, but before you try and blind us with your interpretation there's quite a few of us on this Forum that know what comes out of the rear end of a male bovine quadruped, and it's uses.
  15. I think it's getting close to the time when our Leora needs to sort her life out, does she want to stay with RLC looking after her followers living rent free while earning copious amounts (probably the highest paid on the project) of money in the process or is she going to jump ship and live with boyfriend who'd better be earning big bucks, because from what I've seen Leora's high maintenance.
  16. I'd almost forgot about you where you've been sat on the naughty step all this time
  17. I've been a follower of Leora for years, and continued to give my money to RLC even after they closed Russia down. Then she turned up in Prague there's been many a time she's lost direction in the past, but never as bad as it appears to be now, and only recently there's been a change with Malia's going out on her own sometimes for nights away, funny how when Malia's not there Leora seems more relaxed. or is that just me. Will I continue to give RLC my money in the hope that we get some of the old Leora back, the brightest among you can work it out when I've already mentioned I gave them my money when she wasn't around.
  18. Don't forget to change hands.
  19. Correct that's what RLC's listed as Pornography and Nudity on Easy Counter/Alexa
  20. You know the problem with your wrists it's called Wankers Doom my Doctor told me to change hands at 45 strokes.
  21. Chris you're taking the wrong pills again men have a wanks, and Leora believe me is definitely not a man.
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