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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I rarely look into this part of Leora/Malia CC Forum, so in my opinion for what it's worth, ignore these idiots who just like to criticise just for the sake of criticising, so continue posting away as your captures will be appreciated by many.
  2. jimbo, I totally agree. Everyone yesterday lambasted me for even suggesting taking Malia out of the equation, so Malia goes out then what happens or have I still got wrong?
  3. Everyone keeps telling me I've got it all wrong, so obviously I have again according to you and a few others.
  4. Now somebody tell me I've got it all wrong, Malia was stripped down to just a T-shirt and on Leora's bed before Leora had even got undressed, now Leora wants to get down to the job in hand, and all Malia can do is stay on Leora's bed looking at her phone when she could quite easily do that in her own room, Leora is part to blame she should be telling Malia to get out
  5. I have made no secret of my views surrounding Malia's presence in Leora's apartment (remember she was there first) and nothing against Malia personally, except she doesn't give Leora a lot of space.
  6. There's nothing wrong with what you're saying, and as I've mentioned numerous times before, one must realise she has a hindrance, in the shape of a close friend of hers who doesn't give her very much time for herself, also don't forget Leora's known to be the most unpredictable of all the women on RLC.
  7. Anstatt zu sagen, was Sie denken, versuchen Sie zu denken, bevor Sie es sagen
  8. Sie können einfach nicht widerstehen, die Beleidigungen auszuteilen, oder?
  9. I have to admit I'm not a big fan of Malia as she's not my kind of woman, but still not enough to be that detrimental towards her.
  10. Nick, I think anyone can handle constructive criticism, including Leora, who unfortunately all of this unwarranted criticism is aimed at, mainly because she's not doing her daily impression of a performing seal.
  11. Nick all the girls will look at what's being posted about them, it's in a woman's nature to be curious and they'll never change also Leora'a no exception, and as someone has already posted be complementary to Leora and she'll deliver, and these that bellyache over the shortage of action from her are not helping their or our cause. Now before anyone calls me a hypocrite look at my previous postings they are about Leora's situation not the person
  12. I'll go with that, but as you quite rightly said you/we could be completely wrong.
  13. Les réponses assez faciles, et résumées en un mot Malia.
  14. Sorry I wasn't able to stay around an continue the discussion I'd started, but looking at all of Replay today Malia managed (at the time of looking, also I look at all the windows not just the first 12) 8% of the windows, Leora went out yet still manage to fill 4%, this doesn't guarantee either girls popularity, although some will favour one over the other, but either way you look at it they don't really have any competition. Some will say Malia is more active than Leora, which I have to agree she is, only because Leora has a real life outside the apartment thus leaving Malia alone to entertain, and I said this months ago Malia is cramping Leora's style, and I'm not going to change my mind, now if Malia was to be out of the apartment for at least 12 hours like Leora, I'm sure we'd see a different Leora. Yes I agree these two girls are very close friends, and have been for years, but they're not joined at the hip, having totally different personalities, as for interaction between the girls, I haven't had time to look at the events before Leora went out, but going on past events Malia usually has a shower before Leora, then neither girl speaks to each other, even when Leora goes out the door, so I personally don't think there's to many emotions there, except maybe a touch of jealousy
  15. I'm not out to argue, except when Leora was on her own it wasn't unusual to see around 14, 15, or 16 + windows of her in Replay so she must have been doing alright on her own so with two girls only four windows one has to ask how/why.
  16. Leora was different to the rest, until her close friend Malia arrived on the scene, and now if it was left to Malia they would be in serious competition with the GOV's, in my opinion it's Leora that's holding Malia back from taking things much further, although she does play along to some extent.
  17. That's just the sort of reaction one has come to expect on CC these days
  18. My friend these are but amateurs, you'll know when the real Trolls come out of hiding, the last time they destroyed Leora's confidence and attacked her via her social media accounts, not forgetting CC. The Mods had trouble taking down the Troll postings and retalitary one's from a few of us fast enough, in the end some of us went after them via PM's.
  19. I was at a loss as to which one was sick, and to be honest I still am, all the comments pointed to Leora yet it was Leora who made to hot drinks and got a throw to cover Malia up, she must be cold it's only 26C outside.
  20. Especially when you marry one, because if you don't respect her you could wake up one morning to find a vital body part missing
  21. The problem Leora's got is Krasnoyarsk where all her old friends are is 6 hours in front of Prague, and as with all under 35"s dealing with texts, emails and social media later, is not an option. There's two lines of thought on when one should eat, one is eating three meals a day at set times each day, the second only eating when you're hungry regardless of the time of day, personally I'm an as and when person She's just had her 29th birthday and I agree she needs to sort out her sleep pattern, if not before she's 39 and she doesn't take notice of the warning signs she have a serious illness, it'll be her bodies way of telling her enough's enough.
  22. Si c'est une sorte d'excuses j'excepte ça, maintenant je sais que ce n'est pas personnel
  23. L'argent ne sort pas de mon cul et je n'ai pas besoin que tu me dises quoi faire de mon argent.
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