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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. She hasn't got a cloud hanging over her, but she's well worth the position of first reserve
  2. The most unemployment benefit you can get in Russia is 8000rb, $123 or £94 a month, but this is due to be doubled soon
  3. I did say place your bets on how long he would last with this exercise malarkey 2 day's, surprised me it lasted that long, as for the leg injury it only incapacitates him when he remembers.
  4. As she looked happy even with Paul with her she must be going for another retail therapy session.
  5. He's amazing, he's been up and about on and off for around three hours and he's only just remembered he's supposed to have a bad leg, at least it's the same leg as last night
  6. I was thinking of the other end of his anatomy (head), using the empty (you can't waste Scotch) bottle to try and knock some sense into him, note I did say try
  7. That's why I always too a bottle of Scotch with me, while I know Paul doesn't drink (not that we know of) I could think of a few things the bottle could be used for
  8. jimbo, I think you may have something there, but this power he's so interested in proving he's got over us could come back to haunt him one day when it backfires.
  9. I think you're right he was trying to help her but she kept moving his hand away
  10. Don't forget he's supposedly got a bad leg, and if she doesn't want to take him out.
  11. Keep following and it will all become crystal clear eventually
  12. jimbo, go easy on esander9863, he's at least 5 hours behind us, and Aussie should be up to speed he's at least 8 hours in front of us
  13. I noticed Paul was trying to walk round with a stiff leg, I wonder if it's genuine or not, we'll find out tomorrow morning when he can't remember which leg it is.
  14. It looks like all this exercise equipment is for Paul, now place your bets as to how long this burst of enthusiasm lasts
  15. Aussie, that session you're hoping for may not happen today, as it looks like she's gone for therapy of the retail kind (shopping) taking Paul with her
  16. May I suggest you convert all the prices into Rubles, and also have a look at the cost of living in Russia, and before you say it I'm well aware they don't have to pay rent or for the services, and as for saving money it takes us full circle back to them being twenty somethings
  17. Apart from having food delivered, you can check for yourself she buys nearly all her underwear from INTIMISSIMI they're an Italian company having branches all over the Europe and they are not cheap
  18. I agree, but if she's saved money it'll be a first, I've never known 20 somethings save money, and I've had two of them so I'm speaking from experience
  19. I hope you are wrong, but one has to ask if this is what RLC wants, all the girls (including Leora) to be clones of one another
  20. I agree she's changed dramatically over the last nine months, her personality has been eroded by Paul, I always thought of her as being of stronger character than to be suckered into the way of life as she's living now. I too wish her no harm, but I think she should take a serious look at herself and see what she's become before it's to late I also agree she has a nice body and it's still one to admire, but it's lacking the personality that used to go with it
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