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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. But Harris wants the money allocated to Tanzania so they can buy yellow school buses. And who doesn't just love yellow school buses?
  2. You too, were correct. However, if more T-14s were in Ukraine, the NATO tanks would have a great opportunity for training their new tank recruits. So you see, it does have value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_shoot
  3. Wow. You are correct about the T-14. I must have been listening to either too much Russian misinformation or too much US defense industry requests for more funding for their counter-measures to this glorious T-14 of the Motherland. If you can understand the English and can skip past the commercials, this is an extremely good explanation of the T-14 and is written with tons of information and entertaining wit.
  4. I originally thought I should delete this picture. If some visitor or Interpol sees this, they might think CamCaps is full of perverts. They'd be right, of course, but since it's in Worldwide politics I can't censor it.
  5. The T14 is great on paper. Nice specs. Just because it doesn't work doesn't mean it isn't doing it's part for the glorious war effort of Mother Russia. It truly is a symbol of Russian manufacturing prowess, and the glorious battle tactics of the Russian generals. I would resist being a member of a Russian tank crew.
  6. My money is on the German-made Leopards. The Armata looks good, but there are few of them, and upgrading older Soviet models won't withstand Challengers or Leopards. In fact, they wouldn't even see or hear the Abrams tank that destroyed them. If deployed properly with fully trained personnel, NATO equipment looks substantially more useful than old re-habbed Federation or Soviet equipment. Xi's watching intently. Russia has all the natural resources Xi needs, and the Russian women are quite beautiful. They would make beautiful decorations for the New Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. As for NATO, the Western Democracies are China's biggest customer, so Xi's playing his cards carefully. We'll see what happens with this war unless we get nuked before it ends... ----- Mein Geld ist auf den in Deutschland hergestellten Leoparden. Der Armata sieht gut aus, aber es gibt nur wenige davon, und die Aufrüstung älterer sowjetischer Modelle wird Challengers oder Leopards nicht standhalten. Tatsächlich würden sie den Abrams-Panzer, der sie zerstörte, nicht einmal sehen oder hören. Wenn sie richtig mit voll ausgebildetem Personal eingesetzt wird, sieht NATO-Ausrüstung wesentlich nützlicher aus als alte rehabilitierte Ausrüstung der Föderation oder der Sowjetunion. Xi sieht aufmerksam zu. Russland hat alle natürlichen Ressourcen, die Xi braucht, und die russischen Frauen sind ziemlich schön. Sie würden schöne Dekorationen für die New Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere machen. Was die NATO betrifft, so sind die westlichen Demokratien Chinas größter Kunde, also spielt Xi seine Karten vorsichtig aus. Wir werden sehen, was mit diesem Krieg passiert, es sei denn, wir werden zerbombt, bevor er endet ...
  7. Wow! This AI stuff is getting good. It changed a picture of Hillary into the Donald. Amazing!
  8. If you are a male, you are very likely to be exploited by women who want either power or money from you. Unless you're a pimp, of course.
  9. Never trust anything you see or hear on RLC, or anything you hear on CC. That's the way the game works. It makes it all a challenging game. RLC is all fake and it's filmed in the same studio at Area 54 that the "moon landing" was filmed.
  10. Es ist eine Fortsetzung des Zweiten Weltkriegs, der eine Fortsetzung des Ersten Weltkriegs war. Demokratie vs. Absolutismus. Sie haben recht: nichts Neues hier. Die Ukraine ist ein Landraub, in der Hoffnung, einen massiven Stellvertreterkrieg gegen den Westen zu vermeiden. Putin ist nicht so schlau, wie ich dachte. Xi ist brillant mit seinem Schachspiel.
  11. Not to my knowledge. Czech, Russian, Spanish and Catalan are the languages most spoken, at least on RLC. VHTV is not my strongpoint, so perhaps they have some Germans in their mix. We do, however, have quite a few active German members. Leora was studying German for a time, but that doesn't count.
  12. You are correct. I'd move it, but for some reason, the United States seems to get drawn into European problems endlessly. My ancestors came to the New World primarily to get away from such European problems. I'd use my magical Mod powers to move the comments, but I think at this time, the actions in Europe are relevent to US domestic politics. It's not entirely off-topic, and it's important to provide a European point-of-view on this war that clearly affects the whole world. Plus, I'm too lazy to move topics or comments. And I screw up when I do it, and the StnCold has to fix my damage. ---------------- Du hast Recht. Ich würde es verschieben, aber aus irgendeinem Grund scheinen die Vereinigten Staaten endlos in europäische Probleme hineingezogen zu werden. Meine Vorfahren kamen in erster Linie in die Neue Welt, um solchen europäischen Problemen zu entkommen. Ich würde meine magischen Mod-Kräfte einsetzen, um die Kommentare zu verschieben, aber ich denke, zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind die Aktionen in Europa für die US-Innenpolitik relevant. Es ist nicht völlig off-topic, und es ist wichtig, einen europäischen Standpunkt zu diesem Krieg zu bieten, der eindeutig die ganze Welt betrifft. Außerdem bin ich zu faul, Themen oder Kommentare zu verschieben. Und ich vermassele es, wenn ich es tue, und der StnCold muss meinen Schaden beheben.
  13. There are NO BUGS in this software. There are only "undocumented features of the system." That's the proper terminology according to my software engineering friends. For example, Microsoft loves such features, because they add interest to the user experience.
  14. I wasn't there, but I've met some now very old Ukrainian people who have immigrated to my area. They lived through that as children, and saw their families die. THEY HATE RUSSIANS. I have never seen such hatred in someone's eyes, not even from the kindly German Jewish neighbor who had numbers tattooed on her wrist. At the farmers markets here, Russians sell their goods on one end of the market, and the Ukrainians on the opposite side. American whites, blacks, Latinos and Asians are mixed in between, since they all get along quite well, contrary to leftest propaganda. All of these people, however, are happy as hell to be here.
  15. Here's some more evil American propaganda that didn't happen either. It really proves Starlight's point. (PS -- as we experienced CamCaps members know, the studio warehouse that staged the fake moon landing was later used to create RLC's fake apartments.)
  16. This was entirely created by Hollywood, too. Like the Holocost, it didn't really happen either.
  17. Ihr Europäer habt Jahrhunderte damit verbracht, euch gegenseitig auszurotten. Und du hast immer noch nicht aufgehört.
  18. Lethal Dosages: Made in China, shipped through open borders by Democrats and Mexican Cartels.
  19. This is certainly the most supremely hilarious post you've ever made here. The ROTFLMAO level is certainly that of someone who holds a doctorate from boards.4chan.org/b Keep up the fine work! (Pix not related...)
  20. Has anyone here noticed that all totalitarian Communists accuse anyone who disagrees with their tyranny of being members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party? As if International Socialism (aka Communism) was less brutal? As if there's some sort of difference between the two?
  21. Lincoln was the first president to have a billiard table installed in the White House. He said it relaxed him. Just some trivia here. Feel free to move on. Neither Trump nor Lincoln are presidents anymore. Please tell the leftest media that Trump is not in office so they can get off their fucking asses and find real news. Thank you.
  22. Plenty of cushion for the pushin. I think that maybe you're simply not interested in their feet.
  23. Actually, I can't edit a poll. The software won't let me. I can only edit comments and create my own blabbering comments. I can, however, post a picture that will draw more attention to your poll. Cuz I just know that all CamCaps members dream of having a threesome...
  24. I have the brains of a squirrel when it comes to creating polls. I have spent hours trying to get them to work. Creating polls is best left to experts like TheStarider. And I'm damn near dangerous when it comes to moving comments from one thread to another. I leave that to the experts like SC. Hell, you were Forum Administrator long enough to know what a miserable job it is for old senile CC shit-stirrer uppers like us.
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