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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Also, Ana has a really really nice freaking ass and the outfit she's wearing is absolutely banging.
  2. Chick in the white shirt who's name escapes me atm is wanting to fuck pretty hardcore right now lol. She keeps grabbing dudes crotch and making out with him while he's trying to have a conversation. She just not came out of the bathroom and plowed through everyone to get on his lap and shove her tongue down his throat. She looks plastered too lol.
  3. Lol Pete is squishing Bree like I used to squich my little sister. "Whaaaat I'm not bothering you, I just wanna sit down, why are you taking up the entire couch? moooove over what do you mean this is how I sit!"
  4. Anyone know what happened to Lexy earlier? She looked like she was hurting or something. Like she couldn't sit down properly.
  5. Good for you! I'm glad someone is keeping a watch, I've seen a couple of other incidents in other apartments where they didn't make the rules known and everyone ended up extremely upset with each other before the night was over. This proves once again that Lexy and Pete are some of the best hosts on the site.
  6. There's no way in christing hell I'm turning off adblock for any reason.
  7. So, this game looks goddamn amazing.
  8. Oh friggin nice! @CreriganI didn't even know this was streaming today.
  9. I can't give this image enough likes. Every single time I think I've seen the perfect picture of Lexy another better one pops up. @Lexy&PeteIf you ever find your way to Miami you're more than welcome to crash at my house for as long as you like.
  10. Ha ha ha Ol' Pete is finally coming into his own. I like it.
  11. Ah, if that's the case it would make sense for injections. In the U.S. its required by law to have your dog vaccinated against Rabies and you have to have the Rabies tag on the collar, the only problem is that strays obviously don't get such treatments. But if your dog gets attacked by another dog and neither has been vaccinated the law says you have to treat your dog with a series of Rabies shots. Just going by what I remember from back in the 90's it takes a series of 13 shots over the course of a couple of weeks to fully protect against getting the disease. I'm sure they've made great strides since then to make the treatment better. But if Leora is as aware of animal health as they say then she's probably taking preventative action. I only say this because even if little Eva broke her paw and got an infection it wouldn't require a daily syringe of meds. Unless it was a really really bad infection or if she's injecting some strong pain meds. But from what I understand Russia has a huge stray dog problem and little Eva is a definite target being bite sized and all. *EDIT* Ok so what I said above is basically just treatment for humans if they get bitten by an animal with Rabies. I wasn't aware of this but apparently there is no known cure for Rabies in a dog or cat. You can prevent it with vaccines but you can't cure it once the animal gets infected. From the Pets.Md website. How Is Rabies Treated? There is no treatment or cure for rabies once symptoms appear. Since rabies presents a serious public health threat, dogs who are suspected of having the virus are most often euthanized.
  12. Looks like Ana is finally unpacking all her stuff and getting set up. I hope she, L&P have a good time in this apt. They've always had a great dynamic and got along amazingly well.
  13. Hey that could all just be a giant pile of bullshit it was just something I read like 6 years ago. I know I've seen her put on a uniform to go to work but she hasn't done that for a while so I assume that service is over.
  14. A long time ago when I first joined this site someone on the forum said they were friends with Leora on Facebook and that Leora belongs to a sewing club. She used to make dolls all the time and other crafts like little quiltwork patches and doilies and stuff. The theory was that she and the other members would make a bunch of dolls and then they would sell them at crafts fairs or flea markets/Consignment Stores (Sorry I don't know the equivalent in other languages, but a Flea Market is basically where you rent a small space to sell your goods once or twice a month) and that was Leora's main source of income. There might be some truth to it because she's always either sewing or painting something. But you never really see her work around the house. I've seen her sew a couple of dozen dolls but none are present in the apt.
  15. Not sure what happened to the poor puppers. But she's had health problems before. Once she randomly started limping on her front right paw and could barely walk, another time she fell off the couch and hurt her back. One thing for certain is that Eva is Leora's life and if anything happens to that poor dog Leora would just fall apart. One of the biggest arguments Leora and Paul ever had (On camera) was because Leora couldn't find the dog and started panicking.
  16. lol well this night just spiraled out of control pretty quick.
  17. Not to start rumors or anything because I have no fucking clue what's going on between them, but Candy had a very serious talk with Dean the other night and this may be the result of it. Basically "Get a job or get out" type of ultimatum.
  18. This is one of those things where if you walked in seeing Lexy like that you'd immediately pass out from blood loss.
  19. Oh damn I dunno if can handle Lexy dancing in that outfit like that. My brain is going to get overloaded.
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