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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Didn't somebody say they were looking to make money from this place?
  2. Well, she would know why they decided to do this!
  3. And of course some people prefer to give then receive!
  4. Tenants don't make money off non fee-paying viewers but a lot of non fee-payers do become fee-payers because they like what they have seen so if non fee-payers cannot see anything what are the chances of them joining? Very slight I would have thought!
  5. Because paid subscribers will tune in where the sex is?
  6. To me the free cams are good advertising and can only lead to more subscribers if they give a reasonable view, I can understand making the cams where the most action, like the bedroom, is likely to take place paid only.
  7. Yeah and look at what you can see on some on them, Lisa & Chloe, Cleo & Axel, Lina & Dominica, David & Carrie, Vicki & Kate etc, just not worth looking at unless you have a paid subscription !
  8. With some of the apartments they could probably get away with that but with others they could make all the cameras free and still not get many watching! Their revenue is based on paid views so once they have established their fan base (like Mira & Henry) they have no need to provide freebies as people will pay knowing they will get value for money and, lets face it, the CC forum will sell it for them!
  9. VH support is going the same way as RLC support went.
  10. One thing you need to understand about swinging is that its not just about the sex, that's only part of it. You need to have a strong relationship as the base, 100% trust and the ability to enjoy your partners enjoyment without feeling threatened. We have seen on here what happens if somebody is insecure in the relationship .
  11. True, they have nobody to give them the kick up the ass they need!
  12. A very good description! Got to be the worst looking apt on VH.
  13. I think it is only a matter of time for this one as well.
  14. Yeah, George is down to his last apartment.
  15. For the amount of action they would capture is it worth the effort?
  16. Nah, just a very very butch woman. Men not allowed
  17. There are some apartments that I never look at now because I have no interest in the people involved. I think this applies to a lot of viewers and having a lot of places means more chance of finding what I enjoy. We all like different things.
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