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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Why was she kicked out?I can think of a few reasons but you can save me typing them all out👍👍
  2. Ok so I'm a forgetful bastard!!😁👍
  3. Where's my insult and smart-assed remark?.The standard is dropping pal😁👍 Of course you might be running out of them😁,I'm illegitimate(many times over) a fat one,thick one,stupid one,Scottish one,been told to go forth and multiply😁.It's the massokisst in me and thaank fuk I cann spelll.👍
  4. Do you even know what somnambulism is pal😁👍
  5. Hi Jabs,when you say a "place of their own"do you mean an appartement😁👍👍
  6. I'm surprised you got that far😁👍
  7. Between the avatar and the post what a pathetically sad effort this is.Personally I would be embarrassed to put my name to this sort of stuff.👎👎
  8. Wow!!Antagonisation that's a biggy for you pal😁👍
  9. And the money still keeps rolling into the VH coffers despite all the moans and complaints!!.Fucking unbelievable!!!
  10. Rob mate,you actually paying for this!!!?Cancel and away and get some koi !!
  11. I've checked and it's still here,moving non stop as usual😁👍
  12. We're watching Cat Capers now then?👍 Or Real Live Cats👍
  13. Hi buddy,I'm not surprised that JB thinks cats understand human interactions😁👍It's a worry👍 He thinks monkey business is apes on the stock exchange😁👍
  14. Hi Harley,you sure are good at this "good cop bad cop"thing.The second part of this post is so far removed from a couple of posts back!!!.😁👍Just as well the grandkids didn't read that one😁 "Hey grandad what's a chicken shit motherfucker"😁👍
  15. He'll take anything for fuck all Slender😁👍
  16. Hi Slender mate,it irked me at first but there you go,water under the proverbial👍👍
  17. Well I've waited patiently to see if Squish would do the decent thing and at least tell me why I got the "goodbye" post.I would love to know what I have said and/or done to offend him.However I'm rising above his immature behaviour and as far as I'm concerned I'm carrying on as normal no hard feelings and I will chat with anyone who wants to. For the record I fully realise that this is a trivial and piddling point I'm making and opens the door to me being called a snowflake etc,etc.but really I don't give two flying fucks if anyone does.
  18. I only wish I had kept my big gob shut and not asked the question in the first place.😩I think I need a break from here.
  19. Now I'm confused?Why goodbye?Surely the mature way would be to at least give me a reason. I thought better of you Squish not that what I think matters.
  20. Hi Squish,is there something wrong with this question?.Why the confused reaction?If you think it's silly,stupid and irrelevant it's in excellent company on here.
  21. I'm having a rare few hours to myself as Margaret is out shopping with our daughter and as for the weather it's pissing down.I'm supposed to be going to watch my 16 yr old grandson playing football tonight but not in this weather.We're having a family barbecue on Saturday night at my oldest son's so fingers crossed this shit weather passes.
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