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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. social security and medicare are amongst the most favourite federal programs in the USA, and most people are happy with them. however there are corruption and waste in other areas such as military.
  2. That's not for me to define. it's the job of politician and experts to have a debate and come up with a percentage that makes sense. but it definitely can not be 0% which a lot of companies are paying right now.
  3. I am not brainwashed or ignorant, in fact I think critically about the issues and make my judgement based on reality. please criticise my points of view with logic and reason, as I do not see how personal attacks can help the conversation. if you need to know I am a middle class British citizen, and I am not a student. I work and pay my taxes. as you might know we have a progressive tax system in the Great Britain, so it increases as you make more money. and I am happy to pay my taxes as I know most of it goes into right causes such as the NHS (National Health Service), Housing, and welfare which helps the entire nation.
  4. where and when did he say he was going to put CEOs of fossil fuel companies in prison ? and what was the context ? can you provide some reference please ? and about medicare for all, the fact is USA spends twice per capita on healthcare in comparison to majority of industrial world and still does not cover every American. so what he is going to do is to transfer the money that's being paid to insurance companies to US treasury in form of new taxes, therefore there will no longer be any premium, deductible and co-payment, instead people will pay more in taxes, but most American including middle class would end up saving money as the amount they pay in new taxes will be significantly less than what they pay for premium, deductible and co-payment, and everyone would be covered. for tuition free college this is how he is going to pay for it : " Tax Wall Street Gambling to Cancel All Student Debt and Pay for College for All We can guarantee higher education as a right for all and cancel all student debt for an estimated $2.2 trillion. To pay for this, we will impose a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy a decade ago. This Wall Street speculation tax will raise $2.4 trillion over the next ten years. It works by placing a 0.5 percent tax on stock trades – 50 cents on every $100 of stock – a 0.1 percent fee on bond trades, and a 0.005 percent fee on derivative trades. If Wall Street can be bailed out for several trillion dollars, 45 million Americans can and will be bailed out of the $1.6 trillion burden of student loan debt and we can provide free college for all. Some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax, including Britain, South Korea, Hong Kong, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland and China." from : https://berniesanders.com/issues/free-college-cancel-debt/ and the green new deal is very extensive you can read through his plan if you are interested:https://berniesanders.com/en/issues/green-new-deal/ ............... and there is a huge difference between a socialism and a democratic socialism. socialism is based on publicly owned means of productions, equality of income and etc, but democratic socialism is basically what exist in most of Europe and to some extent in the USA , it's a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism. and on your last point I do not watch MSNBC or CNN. in fact they hate Bernie Sanders as much as Fox news does. they either do not cover him at all or if they do it is in negative light. Because he present a threat to establishment, and after-all this big news corporation are owned by billionaires who do not want to see an increase in their taxes.
  5. no, I do not believe in income equality. Bernie Sanders does not believe in it either. if you work hard you deserve to make more money and get ahead in life. if you listen to Bernie Sanders he is not talking about middle class or upper middle class who earn their money through hard work and merit. He often talks about the top 1% or even top 0.1% ( in other world billionaires and multi-millionaires) . and he wants them to pay their fair share of taxes which is more than what they pay now. last year Amazon paid 0 in taxes while his owner is the richest man in the world. how is it fair that the richest company in the world pays nothing in taxes where there are millions of kids in United states living in poverty and veterans sleep on the street in the richest nation of the world. what does it tell you about the richest country in the world that can not take care of its most vulnerable people.
  6. in 2015, the EPI reports, “the top 1 percent of families in the U.S. earned, on average, 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99 percent.” so it is a simple math, if they have more income they'll have to pay more in income tax. if the wealth is more fairly distributed , the rest of the people will pay more in taxes as well. furthermore, the wealthy make most of their money from stock market and capital gain which is not taxed at the same rate ( if at all ). for example, the Walton family ( owners of Walmart) has an estimated wealth of 190 billion $ . and every year they make billions in profit. do you think they should pay the same amount of taxes as their employees who make starvation wages ?
  7. He is not a phoney. He has been very genuine and consistent throughout his life, you can go back and check his speeches from 40-50 years ago and you will find out he has been talking about the same issues all his life. he is very committed in what he believes in. He is still one of the least wealthy member of the congress. and he has earned his money from his best selling book. He is not against being successful or rich ( he never said that). he only wants rich people ( including himself) and big corporation pay their fair share of taxes.
  8. Medicare for all, 15$ minimum wage, tuition free colleges, ending wars , investing in US' infrastructure and creating millions of jobs, and so on.
  9. well, in 2016, Hilary Clinton won the popular vote count by more than 3 million votes. so the polls were actually right. She only lost the election by 70, 000 votes across three states, Wisconsin, Michigan , and Pensilvania.
  10. you are just repeating fox news' talking points. you have no idea what Bernie Sanders stand for and his economic policies. which exact policy of him is going to have all these negative effects that you have mentioned above ? He is not a Marxist or a communist or a socialist. He defines himself as Democratic Socialist and he is pursuing policies that have been implemented in many European countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, UK , France and so on ( also Canada, Australia, Japan , south Korea and ... ). and people in non of these countries are worse off than American. and to answer your question, yes I have had economic classes in my life 😀
  11. why would American lose ? In the contrary, He can do a lot of good for American people. his policy will help the working class and the poor.
  12. Bernie is beating Trump in every head to head poll that has been taken up to this date. a lot can change between now and the election day, but as things stand, Bernie has a better chance of becoming president if He is the Democratic presidential nominee.
  13. which one? Melissa or the food ? 😁🤔😜
  14. it'd be hot if Hugo & Beverly had a foursome with Norma & her fuck-buddy.
  15. I did not argue away how you see things. I just said you were wrong, and that's how I see it 😃
  16. she is free to choose how she wants to live her life. that does not make her dreary and empty any more than you or me. most of us do repetitive, boring jobs everyday which we do not enjoy doing. I do not see how her job has less value than yours.
  17. too many apartments, especially the new ones are having sex in the dark🤨☹️
  18. which one is Angel and which one is Odri ?
  19. I like A&K , they have created so many wonderful moments on VHTV. TBH, I've never watched this apartment as I did not find them as interesting on their own. but they are definitely entertaining in parties, often the first ones to break the ice. hopefully, they'll continue appearing in M&S's apartment. I wish them luck with their projects and lives.
  20. they are in the same homes that Spygasm used to run. so I thought they might still be using what they left . anyway the picture quality is better.
  21. I have no idea how VH is doing in term of their profit. but for being able to attract more subscribers and compete, they need to have better equipments, footage quality in most apartments are not great to say the least. just for example some cam-models on chaturbate have incredibly high quality cams. I wish VH can upgrade too.
  22. I think the columbian house is using spygasm cameras which had far better quality than voyeur-house cameras.
  23. well done, IMO she is the hottest girl on VHTV right now. she has a pretty face and a perfect body and there is an innocence in her eyes.
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