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Misty Part #1

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23 minutes ago, Arkay2 said:

I know they are frowned upon by some so I apologise in advance for the length of this post and if you are not interest in my views on Lisa then please move on to the next post.

Today Lisa appears to have been sorting through the additional clothes and possessions she brought but had not unpacked. I confess to becoming quite emotional watching this process particularly where she appeared to decide between some things whether to keep or throw away. The clothes were less of an issue but there were quite obviously other keepsakes, photographs and trinkets. All of these must have originally been retained because they represent past events or memories. Some of which were carefully re-packed whilst others went into the carrier designated for disposal. Lisa's worldly goods that she is moving around with occupy less space than that which some of us would take on two weeks holiday and we have to appreciate that she does not yet feel settled. I think overall it has been a rather emotional time for her lately. 

I watched last night as she was creating and updating a yearbook or book of memories. She looked exceptionally happy doing it. A huge amount of thought, love and care went into it meaning that these memories were significant but they were being organised and tidied as a permanent reminder of a past life ready for her to move on. 

Lisa is a young girl possibly transitioning from further education into a lifestyle that would not necessarily be everyones first choice. It must at times be a little frightening and it certainly does not fit into the usual experience of your first few days in a new job. Whilst we have all assumed otherwise it may be that her late night excursions are to friends from her former life.

I have similar expectations to most VHTV subscribers and whilst I look forward to Lisa settling into VHTV in a permanent apartment, preferably shared with someone, I am concerned whether she is being sufficiently guided at the moment to ease the integration. I had hoped that Anna and to some extent Misty would have spent more time with her to make her more comfortable in the environment. Being left on her own to her own devices is probably not the best policy and she is finding her own way of coping with it.

Because the original concept of Lisa and James sharing an apartment is not happening I think we have to be a little patient whilst Anna/Alex/VHTV come up with the new scenario in which she will be placed (the sooner the better).

I confess to being a bit of a Lisa fan so my views may be a little biased and I fully accept that others have a different perspective which you are entitled to. I am not looking for a protracted debate but am merely stating my views openly. Ultimately we are all looking for the same thing Lisa settled and entertaining us accordingly.

If you are reading this Lisa you have my best wishes that it all sorts out soon.

Let me give my opinion on these people that live in the VH apartments. First off i noticed they have very little personal possession (2) They drink & smoke too much (3) Most disturbing is the fact that their families don't give a shit about them !!! I would N E V E R allow a daughter or sister live in a VH apartment.

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31 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Let me give my opinion on these people that live in the VH apartments. First off i noticed they have very little personal possession (2) They drink & smoke too much (3) Most disturbing is the fact that their families don't give a shit about them !!! I would N E V E R allow a daughter or sister live in a VH apartment.

After reading your post, I recalled a phrase, rhetorical question from a famous movie: "Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"

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57 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

(3) Most disturbing is the fact that their families don't give a shit about them !!! I would N E V E R allow a daughter or sister live in a VH apartment.

Since the women would be of legal age, you wouldn't have any say on whether or not they CHOSE to live in one of these apartments.

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20 minutes ago, Russ said:

I haven't seen him do anything,  

He can't do anything. Misty must remember either close the curtains to make it dark enough or leave a light on to have it bright enough. The lighting last night was exactly at the threshold of the cams for switching to NV mode.

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2 minutes ago, Russ said:

Will someone buy Misty a fucking corkscrew so she can open her wine before someone gets hurt 

The first month is the most difficult for money. This is for everyone. She will get the salary at the end of the week (Thursday-Friday). Here's how to get, everything will be.

And as I understand it - guests today.

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31 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Since the women would be of legal age, you wouldn't have any say on whether or not they CHOSE to live in one of these apartments.

Yes they are of legal age to make their minds & live which ever life style they want, it's them that will pay for their decisions

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