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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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9 hours ago, moritzmax said:

Kannst du die nicht mal was neues einfallen lassen, du wiederholst dich ständig !

Ist es dir noch nicht aufgefallen, dass du ziemlich allein mit deiner Meinung da stehst !
Jeder weiß, dass hier Mädchen für Geld arbeiten, aber trotzdem wollen Andere und ich diese Show sehen.


Can not you think of something new, you keep repeating yourself!

Did not you realize that you're pretty much alone in your opinion!
Everyone knows that girls work for money, but still others and I want to see this show.

sorry to bother you with what I say, maybe they are repetitive, well enjoy all the crap that you see

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29 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

1.5 pages in over 5 hours.......this apartment is kicking it LOL.  Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

Peace :)

The Thanksgiving Holiday in the USA should make the Forum a little quieter for a couple days. In Canada we had our Thanksgiving October 9th.

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