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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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On 12/3/2017 at 10:57 AM, Noitsnot said:

Had a couple of spare hours this morning, so watched RLC, not a lot happening apart from Leora either genuinely in pain with her stomach and tits, or whether she is putting on a drama queen show for the audience. Whatever the reason, it hasn't prevented her and him going out somewhere. For so called intelligent people they can sometimes be mind blowingly stupid, They have had the new carpet in the LR for coming on a couple of months I guess, and between them they have forgotten to pull it back to prevent the dog from messing and peeing on it. I hope it craps and piss's to its heart's content, teach the dysfunctional duo a lesson. ( The dog is hiding behind the hall sliding doors )

She was in a rush to get out this morning, and she has left the carpet down in the living room. It's only a matter of time before Eva christens it I suppose.

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3 hours ago, Chicago515 said:

She just left the apartment WITH the dog.  I did not think the dog has ever been outside before.  It must be cold there as she put a coat on the dog too and practically pushed it across the floor to get her to leave.  It was amusing.

She doesn't take Eva for a walk often. I don't keep count but certainly there are whole months go by when she doesn't so maybe the average is 10 times a year.

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3 hours ago, Chicago515 said:

She just left the apartment WITH the dog.  I did not think the dog has ever been outside before.  It must be cold there as she put a coat on the dog too and practically pushed it across the floor to get her to leave.  It was amusing.

Leora or Paul takes Eva out at least once a week. Have checked in with her quite often and see Eva is gone or has her sweater on. Usually Leora and Paul take her out together.

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3 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Leora or Paul takes Eva out at least once a week. Have checked in with her quite often and see Eva is gone or has her sweater on. Usually Leora and Paul take her out together.

You give the Dog Food & Water be prepared to take it outside when Nature Calls so it can mark its Territory on Fire Hydrants & Trees.

I would think they could find the time to take the Dog out Daily. The life in front of the cam can be put on hold for a couple hours out of each day.

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11 hours ago, thewatcher said:

The money shot freezes what went wrong there.?

She about to cum the the picture jumps.

RLC has issues with the Cams freezing at moments when there is such sudden movements.  When being recorded it records what the Feed gives.

Since they went with 1080p Resolution they have had constant issues.  They still rely on Flow Player which uses Adobe Flash Player rather than upgrading to HTML5.

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9 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Leora or Paul takes Eva out at least once a week. Have checked in with her quite often and see Eva is gone or has her sweater on. Usually Leora and Paul take her out together.

While I did used to watch her pretty much 24/7 and if Eva was out more than once a month I missed it. Different perceptions maybe or maybe I was just particularly unlucky. It does seem she is more out in the winter but that might be due to the sweater malarkey. I am pretty sure I remember when they first made Eva try it on. It was about as complex an operation as putting on that black bra with the straps although it was still a while before the dog actually went walkies. 

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14 hours ago, thewatcher said:

The money shot freezes what went wrong there.?

She about to cum the the picture jumps.

That happened when watching live to me at least. Just the briefest and as my connection had already dropped for a minute I wasn't that fussed. I am more fussed about the cushions on LR couch which often play a part, and not just with Eva, and maybe RLC could move their logo to another corner now!

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