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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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5 hours ago, Pedro4 said:

IMHO If he was all that great he wouldn't be pimping out his girlfriend on RLC for free room and board. 

Cracking 1st post Pedro!...Just a word of advice. If this is your 'style' I'd post as much as you can if I was you, as soon as you can, because you won't be here long...Just saying...:dodgy:

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14 hours ago, meathead said:

Not sure he's all that. if he were that important wouldn't he be out of the house a lot more?

Afternoon Meathead, just waking up to a gloomy day here in Florida. Yes! He is all that and more to Leora. As far as him hanging around the house, I would honestly say, I wouldn't know anymore. I am NOT a frequent visitor to RLC. My only enjoyment is posting my Videos and reading peoples post, good or bad. So, in a sense, you're partially correct. (Paul hanging out.) We do agree on one thing, about Leora loving Paul. Peace to you, and have a wonderful weekend. Joey :cool:

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22 hours ago, Pedro4 said:

IMHO If he was all that great he wouldn't be pimping out his girlfriend on RLC for free room and board. 

Help me understand why you think that was an appropriate thing to say Señor Pedro. Is your Butthole jealous of all of the crab that comes out of your mouth? It would be pointless to make fun of you because it would take you the rest of the day to figure it out. I'm NOT saying, I hate you, but I would unplug your life support so that I can charge my phone. The point is Pedro, everyone here is an adult, so figure it out and come back and be the humble person that you truly is...porque sé que tienes un buen corazón. Peace to you. Joey :shy:

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What appeared to be a real quickie on the couch unless it was going on under the covers for ages before I even realised something was happening just finished around 1159pm their time. Seems to be a very good feeling between them immediately afterwards. It seemed the latter stages were over in a flash.

If there was a lot going on under the covers first it was difficult to see. Unless I dozed off while thinking nothing was going to happen. They were just watching TV curled up under the covers for ages and it seemed like it was going to be a real night of domesticity rather than frivolity.

But the mood afterwards is one of easy amiability. 

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This morning  Paul was seemingly enjoying being Leora's Don Jaun,                                                                                                                                                                                                                         While in the process of doing so he offered her some of his magic wand,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               While she seemingly accepted it quite willingly on her way to fulfillingly,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quench an urge of desire and satisfaction that has now come and gone.                                                                                

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Leora is becoming far less inhibited when with Paul in these moments and unashamed of using her hands to complete the process while still being penetrated vigorously.

He is obviously more in tune now with her needs and less his own, which can be no bad thing, as she's often seen to him first at her own expense.

Now things are evening up at last and it's promising for any future sessions we're lucky enough to witness as Leora can probably loosen even more of the stops now she's become more comfortable in allowing herself some manual stimulation while he's providing the main thrust, as it were.

Most encouraging.

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