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Leora & Paul - General Chat Topic (Jan - Apr. 2018)

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5 hours ago, Johnny 5 said:

She did get a little botox in her upper lip a couple weeks ago, never seen anyone mentioning it but I think it looks very good and so natural that it's hardly noticable

I'm glad you're talking about it.  I saw her touch her lips, in the mirror, sometimes, but I did not associate with botox immediately. But a few days later I saw her paint her lips in red, and i noticed her lower lip is greatly enlarged ...
I do not think she needed it, and in my opinion she does not look better.
(almost like the lips of an african native ).

Sorry, my opinion...

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21 minutes ago, lwis said:

I'm glad you're talking about it.  I saw her touch her lips, in the mirror, sometimes, but I did not associate with botox immediately. But a few days later I saw her paint her lips in red, and i noticed her lower lip is greatly enlarged ...
I do not think she needed it, and in my opinion she does not look better.
(almost like the lips of an african native ).

Sorry, my opinion...

There's an old and very true saying which Leora would do well to remember " If it isn't broken, don't mend it "  You look good Leora  you can't improve on perfection.😉

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50 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

I've been saying that for years :biggrin:

Because you think 5 years ago she had the same ass !!!!

5 years ago, yes it was nice, now, sorry, for me, it's only time to time I look at her on RLC and not for her ass I liked in the pass but no more. 

I think many others, of course not on this fan post, prefer other girls on RLC with great body. She is still sexyIt's different.

I suppose, as always on this kind of forum, it's forbidden (dear democracy) to give an opinion different of the "leaders" of this post. No matter, I don't come here very often.

But I respect Leora as a person, and don't care about her fans.

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3 hours ago, Howard said:

Lazy: Disagree. I do think she needs motivation/stimulation outside the apartment.  But maybe her job is to stay mostly indoors and stimulate (in a different way).

Cellulite:  Are you body shaming???  No worries - everyone does. She does need to exercise. Whatever cellulite she has, it would nearly go away if she'd do some basic resistance exercises or cardio 4x/week (which doesn't include bating).

she is lazy to work as a normal person. thats why she chose this kind of living

and as for the cellulite check what i wrote. i mentioned it as a negative point for HER OWN insecurity...

of course i wouldnt mind cellulite at the early begining like hers....


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2 hours ago, curious said:

she is lazy to work as a normal person. thats why she chose this kind of living



Is it normal to bang, bate or walk around naked for all to see?  I suppose the same can be said for any pole dancer, topless waitress, etc.  I'm not attacking your POV.  None of these people are normal (well, 98% are not - there are a couple exceptions that aside from banging on-cam, they lead a "normal" life).

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Why do you keep calling Leora lazy Curious, the barca girls allmost never leave their beds and even their bates are low energy, meanwhile Leora spent an ENTIRE day ironing recently and cleans the entire house like once a week, she's easily the least lazy, infact I don't see any signs that she's lazy at all.

If you can get away with making money from home you're either lucky or smart, not necessarily lazy

Also someone who doesn't need alot of people in their life is usually very secure and happy with themself, I would also say that if you do something radical to your face to potentially draw attention to it that also doesn't seem like a sign of insecurity. 

I'd kiss every little dimple on her thighs all the time if she where mine btw

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il y a 5ans quand j ai decouvert  RLC et que j ai vu leora je me suis abonne de suite et c est normal que au fil du temps notre corps change en vieillissant je la trouve tres belle et sexy tel est mon opinion ensuite je respecte ceux que d autre pensent mais je pense que sur RLC chacun a ces preferes

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