scutus Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 What ever the case. Leora is going to generate some warming thoughts for the populace of the city. Being it is 12 F. (yes that is F. not C. ) there at present. The fish net stockings, showing through at the knees, should get some of the imaginations warmed up. But, she would not thought of that, would she ? 1 1
Johnny 5 Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 27 minutes ago, Howard said: ..she has all these risque clothes that if not for the cameras...she'd still buy them but with what money or purpose.. ..Like that for example Her clothes aren't very risque, and buying clothes is something she's pretty recently started to enjoy and still doesn't do very often, so it's safe to say she's not the type of girl that would prioritize buying clothes if she couldn't afford it.. She has expectations of an American life? huh??? See it's even making me frustrated!!!! But seriously Leora.. you need to wear only those fishnets without panties around the appartment when you get back, be carefull, kisskiss 2
StnCld316 Posted February 20, 2018 Author Posted February 20, 2018 On 2018-02-19 at 8:53 AM, ooopel said: (Image Content No Longer Available) Paul must have been a Good Boy. He got his Dick Sucked 3 Times in One Week.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 I think they both have had horrible experiences in their lives, but they both are quite well educated. They are not simpletons. That is my speculation. She can read books. That's a very rare skill for RLC tenants. If she were a simple mindless camwhore in disguise, she would not be so psychologically complicated about it. I'm a Nietzsche reader; she prefers Schopenhauer. I'll just let that ride, and would not consider banning her for her reading material. 2
Johnny 5 Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 Before you sounded like she was the least relatable girl in RLC and now like the most.. You need to clarify what you mean little squirrel When I said she wasn't extremely complex, I didn't mean she was simple minded, but rather easy to understand, straight forward, an open book who wears her heart on her sleeve.. And what Howard calls vain and immature I would call feminine, girly, naive & blue eyed.. very young at heart.. I think those are all great qualities that I adore about her. Ofcourse not a simpleton, she used to uphold the law in the town, didn't she? I find that so hot and intriguing about her to 2
ooopel Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said: Paul must have been a Good Boy. He got his Dick Sucked 3 Times in One Week. it's a smile luck for these week to 3th( Viewers and Paul and Paul's dick) 1
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 Johnny 5: Yes, she is most confusing to me. Perhaps that's why I like her so much. If the decades and locations would have been different, she would have smitten me when I was a young man. I would not know how to deal with her; I would be too overwhelmed by her power over me. I would be tongue-tied asking her for a date. Possibly I would be Werther in Die Leiden des jungen Werthers by Goethe. As you can understand from this Camcaps Leora & Paul thread, she is capable of being mesmerizing. Her fans are devoted to her. I am the culprit who nicknamed her "The Goddess" at CC in the first place, years ago. At times, trying to understand her has led me to extreme levels of frustration, especially when she doesn't paint. She needs to paint. But I do not judge her. She is who she is; she is doing what she is doing. I'll admit that I'm rather fond of her. The best I can hope for is that Leora, Paul, and Scooter all do well in life. ------------------- Johnny 5: Ja, sie ist am verwirrendsten für mich. Vielleicht mag ich sie deshalb so sehr. Wenn die Jahrzehnte und Orte anders gewesen wären, hätte sie mich als junger Mann geschlagen. Ich würde nicht wissen, wie ich mit ihr umgehen sollte; Ich wäre zu überwältigt von ihrer Macht über mich. Ich würde mit der Zunge reden und sie um ein Date bitten. Möglicherweise wäre ich Werther in Die Leiden des jungen Werthers von Goethe. Wie Sie aus diesem Camcaps Leora & Paul-Faden verstehen können, ist sie in der Lage, hypnotisierend zu sein. Ihre Fans sind ihr gewidmet. Ich bin die Täterin, die sie vor Jahren in "The Goddess" getauft hat. Manchmal hat mich der Versuch, sie zu verstehen, zu extremer Frustration geführt, besonders wenn sie nicht malt. Sie muss malen. Aber ich verurteile sie nicht. Sie ist, wer sie ist; Sie macht, was sie macht. Ich gebe zu, dass ich sie ziemlich mag. Ich kann nur hoffen, dass Leora, Paul und Scooter im Leben gut abschneiden. 4
Johnny 5 Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 Creativity comes and goes as it wants to.. Do you know what paint she uses? Oil, acrylic, water color? Me and my girlfriend are also "artists" but I don't paint, but I tried water color painting recently and it's really cool if you got the right paper, I tried a couple different papers and Arches 300g 100% cotton GF (Grain Fin) is an awesome paper, she should try it if it's not allready what she does, I see her bates as pieces of art tho, she puts alot of creativity, thought and effort and fearlessly pours her heart & soul into creating these insanely beautiful moments for us, that atleast affect me greater then any other kind of art, and I can be very moved by MUSIC, and paintings like Anders Zorn's "Söndagsmorgon" brought me to tears the first time I saw it, but nothing brings me as much pleasure and joy as watching her. 3
Iwishicould Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 6 hours ago, Johnny 5 said: ..Like that for example Her clothes aren't very risque, and buying clothes is something she's pretty recently started to enjoy and still doesn't do very often, so it's safe to say she's not the type of girl that would prioritize buying clothes if she couldn't afford it.. She has expectations of an American life? huh??? See it's even making me frustrated!!!! But seriously Leora.. you need to wear only those fishnets without panties around the appartment when you get back, be carefull, kisskiss I think she has always bought clothes, but always within her budget at the time, and since Paul has been in full time employment they are now more affluent and she is able to buy things on a more regular basis. And yes, wouldn't that be a treat with her just wearing the fishnets with no panties, the mind boggles 2
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted February 20, 2018 Posted February 20, 2018 12 hours ago, Johnny 5 said: Creativity comes and goes as it wants to.. Do you know what paint she uses? Oil, acrylic, water color? Me and my girlfriend are also "artists" but I don't paint, but I tried water color painting recently and it's really cool if you got the right paper, I tried a couple different papers and Arches 300g 100% cotton GF (Grain Fin) is an awesome paper, she should try it if it's not allready what she does, I see her bates as pieces of art tho, she puts alot of creativity, thought and effort and fearlessly pours her heart & soul into creating these insanely beautiful moments for us, that atleast affect me greater then any other kind of art, and I can be very moved by MUSIC, and paintings like Anders Zorn's "Söndagsmorgon" brought me to tears the first time I saw it, but nothing brings me as much pleasure and joy as watching her. She sketches and she paints usually with oil-based or acryllic paint on canvas or on board stock, as far as I can tell. I am not well versed in the art. I'm certain she can use most media and methods. She's fond of dogs (and owls and London), but has not yet painted a skunk or a squirrel or a Siberian hamster to my knowledge. 2
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted February 21, 2018 Posted February 21, 2018 I think she may have used Scutus's avatar as a model at one time. She has this dog fixation, you know. She's painted birds too. When it comes to fans, I think she plays favorites, and is picky about which of her loving woodland creature friends get honored. Pepe and I are thinking about dressing up like Audrey Hepburn to see what happens. If I'm lucky, you'll see my get-up on one of her coffee cups. You'll know it's me from the handsome round eyes with the green pupils. If there's a couple white stripes down Audrey's wig, you'll know it's really Pepe. 4 1
Pepe Posted February 21, 2018 Posted February 21, 2018 You know Foamy I have painted her nude many times in my mind but can't get 15 minutes alone with her to have my portrait done. I like this idea where you are going, dressing up as the Goddesses idle 1
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