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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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5 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I see one has to be extremely careful to express an opinion here. I too think those breasths shine fake long way, it looks very poorly done. But the girl is nice, she seems very open so far, that is really good. I also like her butt very much.

Well, I see that you are one of the ones that do not have the common decency to keep some of your thoughts to

yourself when it comes to another persons body or looks or how it might hurt them when they hear or read them.  

Is it really necessary to post those opinions in here just to make a damn point??

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1 minute ago, happyone said:

Well, I see that you are one of the ones that do not have the common decency to keep some of your thoughts to

yourself when it comes to another persons body or looks or how it might hurt them when they hear or read them.  

Is it really necessary to post those opinions in here just to make a damn point??

I have said enough and just expressed  my opionion.

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15 minutes ago, happyone said:

Well, I see that you are one of the ones that do not have the common decency to keep some of your thoughts to

yourself when it comes to another persons body or looks or how it might hurt them when they hear or read them.  

Is it really necessary to post those opinions in here just to make a damn point??

I just think you overreact alittle, yes this is a public board, to discuss RLC, it is not a girl's private inbox.


GREAT bate Blair :heart:

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