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Em, Lexy & Pete

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7 minutes ago, budda said:



Having you as my friend is the best repay 🙂


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4 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

the few people that understand the language (groomy being the main 1) hear the participants talking about their $ & apparently they aren't generating any. and the interest is very little.

That is my point.  If no one is watching, they will not make any money and the manager will replace them or close the apartment.   That's why I don't understand  the boycott.  I watch the apartments I like and I believe that is what most people do.  So if you are watching it, I assume you like it so why would you boycott something you like.  And if you don't like it, you are probably already not watching it.

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You all have interesting incites..I get caught in the same trap of being appalled by bad behavior and I tend to get caught up in the drama of trying to give obvious but useless advice to someone who has no idea of what was just said. I tend to get bored real fast at the couples that come home..sit and watch TV, fuck and go to bed unless I've taking a liking to an individual or couple. Just human nature I  guess.

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1 minute ago, bean1111 said:

They are to young to be this type of project. The boycott wouldn't work because they have the lovely Lexy there, and I for one can't boycott because of her.

The final decision will come from the manager of the apartment who will be faced with the question of whether this couple is a drain or asset to the apartment. Because Sid is acting like a $*&^@(  Member my check in often to see if Em has kicked him out yet or he cried enough to stay..Hence it will probably get hit more than many couples with normal lives.

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they've apparently been given until may 10 to shape up or ship out. i haven't seen them do anything to deserve more time. they should just be given the boot & let lexy & pete entertain the people that really want to be at vh & have some fun. the em & sid show has had it's run.

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For fuck sake people, it's already bad enough that people are trying to tell the tenants what to do and control their behavior. Now some of you are trying to tell people on here what to watch? Why do you care so much? Who honestly cares if Em is highest paid tenant in all of voyeur history? What difference does that make to any of you? Just watch what you want to watch and then you won't have to worry about how much views or money the tenants make, as if it's any of your business anyway. 

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people that want to see nothing happen at all just because it is "real voyeurism" have every right to do that. and luckily for those people vh has sid & em. so let's not chase them out yet. let's have more nothing to watch. after all most of the other apts actually do something some of the time & then we would be stuck with watching actual activity! and that would be just horrible!




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39 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

For fuck sake people, it's already bad enough that people are trying to tell the tenants what to do and control their behavior. Now some of you are trying to tell people on here what to watch? Why do you care so much? Who honestly cares if Em is highest paid tenant in all of voyeur history? What difference does that make to any of you? Just watch what you want to watch and then you won't have to worry about how much views or money the tenants make, as if it's any of your business anyway. 

Well, the same question could be ask to you. Why do you care so much about people who care so much about Em and Sid, as if it's any of your business anyway?

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22 minutes ago, pahman said:

Well, the same question could be ask to you. Why do you care so much about people who care so much about Em and Sid, as if it's any of your business anyway?

You're absolutely right. Me complaining is just as stupid as everyone else complaining. Doesn't change the fact that this call for a boycott is just stupid.

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