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Zack & Blonde Part #1

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I am going to weigh in here. I have seen the covering of the camera's so many times in various apartments and it get's very aggravating. People pay good money to watch "every" cam around the clock 24/7. Covering the camera's from the viewers undermines VHTV's own description when it sates a Premium Account will grant "Access to all cameras" after purchasing. Keeping this in mind if a viewer is dissatisfied with the actions of tenant's or visitor's covering the camera's they can actually demand their money back.

In my opinion and only my opinion handing out fines to the tenants does not work. The tenant just pays the fine, goes on with there life like nothing ever happened until the next time. With that being said a stern suspension would more than likely work. People want to play games and cover the camera's take the apartment and put it off line for a week. The tenants that solely rely on Voyeur House financially would most definitely learn their lesson. Won't happen but that would be an excellent punishment for breaking the rules.

Just an observation as an original Voyeur Villa viewer that the crap that goes on in Voyeur House was a very and I mean very rare occurrence in Voyeur Villa.

The covering of the cameras, purposely hiding from the camera's, posing or looking into the camera's for approval and my favorite the cam show's is most definitely not true voyeurism.

Last words, voyeurism should be natural, all natural. Everyday people, living everyday lives. I know what your thinking, boring and your right for the most part but the dispute that has been long going is what is the distinction between voyeurism and porn. With VHTV there is a very fine line and I personally think that it has crossed over to more of the porn side as most of the tenants are fighting for views and will do whatever it takes to get them. More views means more money which makes sense but not natural. If rules are broken so what they got the views even if people are watching a curtain over a camera trying to listen to what is happening, it's still a view. Anyway I have to go to work at a real job, can't just have sex for a couple of minutes of the day, wander around in my undies for the rest of it and expect to get paid.

All of the above stated are my opinions and mine only you don't have to make a big thing about it.

Stay fresh peace out.


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Just now, Amy3 said:

@groomy You talk a lot here about losing possibilities because of the uncertainty of guests being able to tolerate the cams, but why does this only seem to be the case here? Why isn't it an epidemic everywhere?

Problem. How many failures in Misty apt? Mira and Henry? If you invite random people - there will always be negative on cam. Or Pablo-type parties (and in Pablo - not only random people - trust).

Blonde (now - and let's be honest - always) - invite girls. For 4/5 girls - into porn videos = tragedy. For 3/5 men - into porn videos = reason for pride:biggrin:. Swing - initially more free/open people. And there is an equivalent participation - 2 girls for example. But frequent failures. Mira and Henry - less than 50% go to fuck. And Lexy and Pete - when swing couple just shocked experience with 3 cameras in 15 cm left/right and top. And ran away:confused:.



Or why camera incidents? Simply - Blonde not lose opportunity to fuck this girl. Therefore, maximum diplomatic. What is his option? Kick out? But then 0% chance even outside cams.

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we have seen plenty of failures in most of the apts . anna/alex used to have smokathon breaks for the whole night until 6 o'clock in the morning. also went to the toilet to do who knows what. but people still watched in anticipation. misty failed many times with a lot of guys. even blanketboy ralph didn't cover the cams. the girls should be told about the cams before entering. if they don't want to be viewed i'm sure that blondie can arrange to have tech problems without showing everyone that his girl wants to hide. this cam covering can not ever be tolerated. 

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49 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

@groomy If you to vote Zack or Blonde off the island, who would you pick?

From the island? Priority survival? Zack&Jade. They will keep their possessions clean, good cooking, all is well. Blonde has trouble washing dishes/throw out trash bag.

Or VH? Complicated. Blonde is still free and invites girls. That is intrigue and something new. But camera incidents are guaranteed and regular. Fines = bankruptcy. Also - girls are different. This girl after 3 visits - only sex under two blankets.🤓

Zack&Jade - when Zack return good form (2x10 minutes per day is not Zack level). It will be better. Jade is also open to sex-experimentation. But this is only Zack and Jade. For the future - stats problems are possible.

If I were Zack, I would try to build an empire now (5+ apts with level Ruby+).

If I were Blonde - I would actively look for small cams, more hidden type.

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4 hours ago, groomy said:

From the island? Priority survival? Zack&Jade. They will keep their possessions clean, good cooking, all is well. Blonde has trouble washing dishes/throw out trash bag.

Or VH? Complicated. Blonde is still free and invites girls. That is intrigue and something new. But camera incidents are guaranteed and regular. Fines = bankruptcy. Also - girls are different. This girl after 3 visits - only sex under two blankets.🤓

Zack&Jade - when Zack return good form (2x10 minutes per day is not Zack level). It will be better. Jade is also open to sex-experimentation. But this is only Zack and Jade. For the future - stats problems are possible.

If I were Zack, I would try to build an empire now (5+ apts with level Ruby+).

If I were Blonde - I would actively look for small cams, more hidden type.

In actual days..between Zack and blonde i would choose blonde to stay in house,Zack Seems now to be with Jade..só no surprises or new things..blonde..still brings diferent girls,some cutier than others but..he brings.Would say that i watch this house a lot less sinse Zack stoped being with diferent girls,Just like in Misty case(when she settled in with one dude)it become routinous and less interesting.Basicaly could be great for Zack and Jade..but will take an tool in VH place.

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49 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Zack Seems now to be with Jade..só no surprises or new things

agree. Zack and Jade as a couple would create another boring place not worthy to click on it 

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