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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic September #1


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Just sent these 2 emails to support

Cam 11 in Yulia & Ivan apartment keeps going dark under night vision

same happened last night
Alexa, Amina apartment
To: support <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2018 5:10 pm
This apartment has been under maintenence for a very long time, but it has been completely cleaned
Did someone forget to reactivate it??


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il y a 7 minutes, happyone a dit :

Just sent these 2 emails to support

Cam 11 in Yulia & Ivan apartment keeps going dark under night vision

same happened last night
Alexa, Amina apartment
To: support <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2018 5:10 pm
This apartment has been under maintenence for a very long time, but it has been completely cleaned
Did someone forget to reactivate it??


I sent RLC a email about Yulia and Ivan Camera 11 and they said to me before that under certain lighting conditions it can cause the camera to adjust to the lights but the room was in complete darkness. Something is clearing wrong with Camera 11.

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1 hour ago, kase said:

B2 is Back and the girls are asleep 3.25

I'm sure they are after the party they had.  The UM should have been over well before 3:25am.  However, the girls decided to have another party without you all!  If you don't believe me, go look at the camera at the foot of Amina's bed and look on the nightstand on the left.  The picture that was sent to me shows a plate with at least 3 shot glasses on it and a bottle of booze.  Like I said, RLC stuck it where the sun don't shine again........what a piece of shit RLC is!!

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