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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #10

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Wow Leora that was awesome, I was hoping you would of knelled on that white rug with your head down legs spread wide and your sexy butt in the air. That is such a though and I could only hope to get that view.

thanks for sharing I hope there is more.

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8 hours ago, kris66 said:

Have you self obsessed guys ever thought about that you are not the center of the universe and that she got no clue about you and just did it for fun? Just a tough 😉 

" Self obsessed " Perhaps, But have no doubt Kris66 she certainly knows all about us, she is no doubt fully aware of everything we say and do, and in some instances influenced by our opinions and/or remarks....As for doing the finger for fun, possibly, but under the circumstance unlikely ......This incident was just prior to the farcical bedroom/ living room scenario, and that was a definate set up by the pair of them. 😸

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8 hours ago, Pepe said:

Sorry only one door as I see it.

Honestly I would expect to see a cold shoulder given over the next few weeks. No solo, only things involing the dark cloud. 

pepe, the cold shoulder didn't last long as she been in action already today

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10 hours ago, lwis said:

Hello Leora

The silent majority who likes you, tomorrow will be here to greet you, to admire you, to tell you that we are with you ...

In the certainty that after the storm comes the bonanza ...
In the certainty that RLC will not end (tomorrow) ....
In the certainty that  YOU will only leave if and when you want ...

Thank you for all these years that you've been with us ....
Thank you for EVERYTHING you share with us ...

I totally agree with your sentiments regarding the pleasure she has given in the past and will continue to give to some in the future,   She has been continually evolving over the years,  so will eventually get her act sorted out to overcome the perception of conducting preplanned and choreographed shows , that are timed to fit in with his schedule and not hers.....Look at it from whichever angle you choose, but until he finds something constructive to do with himself that gives her the independence and freedom to do things the way she did them best, then some people will complain, and to a certain extent justifiably. I on the other hand will not only complain about the repetition, boredom and falseness of the situation at this present time, but will have the courage of my convictions and cease watching RLC on May 13 .

I have enjoyed a wonderful few years watching only Leora, she was always to my mind the only girl worth paying money to watch, and I know her to have a nice gentle nature and sense of humour , but from my perspective she has lost some of her personality since he has been unemployed and it does not sit well with me, so I will do the only thing that should be done in such circumstances.  

Other people have their own opinions, which I respect....This forum has been the place to air those opinions and banter with other people,not always agreeing with each other, but hopefully respecting each other's points of view, and that is the reason I will continue my membership of CC .....for the banter.

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16 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

pepe, the cold shoulder didn't last long as she been in action already today

She is always ultra horny prior to Aunties visit, necessity has overcome principle perhaps.😹😹

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1 minute ago, jimbo4 said:

She is always ultra horny prior to Aunties visit, necessity has overcome principle perhaps.😹😹

I agree, most women are just before Aunty calls, but in my humble opinion I think this was in some way compensation for the one finger salute, (yes I could be wrong) and the pathetic performance in the bedroom that followed, which was not up to her usual standards by a long way.

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4 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

I agree, most women are just before Aunty calls, but in my humble opinion I think this was in some way compensation for the one finger salute, (yes I could be wrong) and the pathetic performance in the bedroom that followed, which was not up to her usual standards by a long way.

You are probably right, she is not a stupid woman, annoying sometimes but never stupid.😸

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