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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic April #4 / May #1

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27 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

Not sure about you guys but I will shamelessly say that I am suffering a bit of the Kelly withdrawal syndrome 🤧

I actually did not watch her much but it felt strange to not see her there in B1 anymore...

It's actually strange that you should say that Sierra because I'm feeling kind of the same way.  Not only about Kelly but Ginger as well.  I guess I followed them more than any of the other girls in RLC and just got used to them being there and now they aren't. 

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il y a 52 minutes, dontgetnone a dit :

It's actually strange that you should say that Sierra because I'm feeling kind of the same way.  Not only about Kelly but Ginger as well.  I guess I followed them more than any of the other girls in RLC and just got used to them being there and now they aren't

That makes 2 of us for company 😂

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Last night my eyes were so dilated that I couldn't see anything decent so this morning was the first I was able to get a real look at Daniela.  I think she is a very attractive girl.  Lovely face, great smile, smallish tits but otherwise a very shapely body.  Killer ass.  As I've said many times before I don't like tats on women but at least she isn't covered with big ugly ones.  As far as I could see just the 2 on her stomach and they aren't too bad.  She does have quite an zit problem on her face but that's not really her fault and hopefully they will go away.  They really stood out in the tub this morning but I'm sure she does the best she can to hide them with makeup and her hair when she's not taking a bath.  Again not her fault. 

From watching the replay of last night my first impression is that she is going to fit in nicely in this apartment.  She is not by any means shy and she seems to have a bright, bubbly personality.  Pam and Amalia took to her right away and that's a good sign.  In the bedroom she was a very active part of the playtime.  She and Amalia even shared a nice long kiss.  She didn't take her panties off and she wouldn't touch either of their pussies but hey, it was her first night.  I think she appears to be very real, like Amalia, not Pam the stripper.  It's really too early to say because a lot of last may have been because of all the wine she drank.  She is addicted to her phone but name one GOV girl that isn't.  She's also a chain smoker based on the number of times she went out on the balcony to smoke but that's her choice.   Watching her in the kitchen making her breakfast this morning she kept snatching quick looks at the camera but that's just because she is new.  In time she will forget they are even there.

All in all I'm fairly impressed with her so far and hopeful that she continues to be as fun loving as she was last night even when she isn't drinking.  Maybe she and Amalia can and will work on dragging Pam out of stripper mode and convince her to just let her hair down naturally.   Time will tell.

A BIG Texas welcome Daniela

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3 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

Last night my eyes were so dilated that I couldn't see anything decent so this morning was the first I was able to get a real look at Daniela.  I think she is a very attractive girl.  Lovely face, great smile, smallish tits but otherwise a very shapely body.  Killer ass.  As I've said many times before I don't like tats on women but at least she isn't covered with big ugly ones.  As far as I could see just the 2 on her stomach and they aren't too bad.  She does have quite an zit problem on her face but that's not really her fault and hopefully they will go away.  They really stood out in the tub this morning but I'm sure she does the best she can to hide them with makeup and her hair when she's not taking a bath.  Again not her fault. 

From watching the replay of last night my first impression is that she is going to fit in nicely in this apartment.  She is not by any means shy and she seems to have a bright, bubbly personality.  Pam and Amalia took to her right away and that's a good sign.  In the bedroom she was a very active part of the playtime.  She and Amalia even shared a nice long kiss.  She didn't take her panties off and she wouldn't touch either of their pussies but hey, it was her first night.  I think she appears to be very real, like Amalia, not Pam the stripper.  It's really too early to say because a lot of last may have been because of all the wine she drank.  She is addicted to her phone but name one GOV girl that isn't.  She's also a chain smoker based on the number of times she went out on the balcony to smoke but that's her choice.   Watching her in the kitchen making her breakfast this morning she kept snatching quick looks at the camera but that's just because she is new.  In time she will forget they are even there.

All in all I'm fairly impressed with her so far and hopeful that she continues to be as fun loving as she was last night even when she isn't drinking.  Maybe she and Amalia can and will work on dragging Pam out of stripper mode and convince her to just let her hair down naturally.   Time will tell.

A BIG Texas welcome Daniela

I'm pretty sure the other 2 knew Daniela before they entered the house...

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