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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #15

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9 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

I will try not to make this post too long but I have to ask.  What is so amazingly special about this girl you call Princess and Goddess and who knows what else?  I know I'm going to take some shit for this but that's OK, I can take it.  These posts I keep reading make it sound like she is the most fantastic female on the planet and frankly I just don't see it.  I don't watch this apartment as a rule.  I have looked in on it maybe a dozen times over the last 4 months and only when there is nothing going on in any other apartment and something she is doing in the thumbnails catches my eye. 

This is a reasonably attractive woman with a nice body but she is certainly nothing spectacular.  She is usually scantily dressed and often naked but so are a lot of other females in the RLC apartments.  I know from what I've seen and read she bates several times a day every day but there again they aren't that spectacular.  She likes her dildos and she makes a lot of strange faces when she bates.  Some of her orgasms I've seen look like they could be real but others don't look real at all.  As often as she bates and as many different places and ways she does it it's obvious that she's performing for the cameras.  She's paying for her room and board. 

I know nothing about her husband other than what I read here and it sounds like you gents have absolutely no use for him.  From your posts it sounds like he is a worthless bum who can't fuck decent and just sits around doing nothing when he's home.  You can't wait for him to go away for a while so she can bate again.  Other than her bates and I assume an occasional fuck it looks and sounds like a very boring apartment.  So I'll ask again, what is so special about this apartment and this girl?  Oh and my final comment is I HATE THAT FUCKING NOISY DOG. 😬

nailed it youtube GIF

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6 hours ago, Nicholas said:

Let's get some things straight here. First, she doesn't bate as many seem to be obliged to refer to it so often, several times a day. Although evidently, there have been some rare times when it may have occurred more than once within a 24 hour period, those times may have certainly been seldom, and it has seemed to only occur if it's felt an urge or desire arises, once in a day out of most of the times it may have ever occurred. Additionally, the pooch does not seem to bark nearly as much as it once may have. Second, she has never neither seemed to, nor ever been observed to fuck like a prostitute as it has been quite maliciously referred to. Third, she has never seemed to be, nor ever been anyone who should be referred to as a pornographic Barbie as it has been so derogatorily referred to. As it has been stated a number of times previously by multiple members of the forum and a subject matter of which obviously should be stated yet once again, for those visitors of the residence and this particular thread of the forum who don't find any substance of interest or enjoyment in any visitation of that particular residences cams, then perhaps you should simply move on to another residence's cams or a cam site considered to be more of a non-voyeuristic style site which may be more suited to some tastes, or anywhere else on the internet as it is a huge entity rather than visit this thread of this forum to spew some disparaging, insulting, and disingenuous comments.

Good grief Nick, I'm glad I'm on the same side of the fence as you

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OK Little One, you've convinced me.....I'll stay another six months on one condition.....You don't rest on your laurels, you're too good to pass of anything substandard...You know it and we know it.

Today so far has been terrific, rest for a while and see how your energy levels are later..


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7 hours ago, Nicholas said:

Let's get some things straight here. First, she doesn't bate as many seem to be obliged to refer to it so often, several times a day. Although evidently, there have been some rare times when it may have occurred more than once within a 24 hour period, those times may have certainly been seldom, and it has seemed to only occur if it's felt an urge or desire arises, once in a day out of most of the times it may have ever occurred. Additionally, the pooch does not seem to bark nearly as much as it once may have. Second, she has never neither seemed to, nor ever been observed to fuck like a prostitute as it has been quite maliciously referred to. Third, she has never seemed to be, nor ever been anyone who should be referred to as a pornographic Barbie as it has been so derogatorily referred to. As it has been stated a number of times previously by multiple members of the forum and a subject matter of which obviously should be stated yet once again, for those visitors of the residence and this particular thread of the forum who don't find any substance of interest or enjoyment in any visitation of that particular residences cams, then perhaps you should simply move on to another residence's cams or a cam site considered to be more of a non-voyeuristic style site which may be more suited to some tastes, or anywhere else on the internet as it is a huge entity rather than visit this thread of this forum to spew some disparaging, insulting, and disingenuous comments.

I agree 100 % !! 

Not your usual style Nicholas. Straight forward, and aimed at the jugular.  There should be no confusion due to mis interpretation !!!

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COULD IT BE?? Myself and several other members of the forum, have over the last year labeled Paul everything from a sloth to an outright lazy bastard, and it appeared justified with what we knew and had observed.

But! It has become noticeable this last couple of weeks that his repair work at home has increased slightly, possibly due to recommendations and word of mouth from satisfied customers.....Possible!

Is he more enterprising than we give him credit for?....Is his absence over the past three weekends due to him killing two birds with one stone, expanding his business and establishing himself at another location two days a week, and at the same time giving The Little One breathing space to go about her business.... Looking at the bigger picture and preparing himself for life after RLC....Possible !!

They both know that RLC cannot go on forever. So being realistic and putting personal feelings aside, we should give them both credit for a reasonably high IQ , The Little One for sure, and she once said she fell for him because of his intelligence...that's good enough for me.

As usual, I could be totally wrong about this, and only time will tell. If he continues to spend the weekends away then there's a possibility I'm right .

Conversly, the reason for his absence could be that he has taken a weekend job to help with the finances, or he is studying at a college at the weekend....

Food for thought...😸 

A job for Sherlock Holmes perhaps.😸

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Hello ... from what I read today has been a good day ... I have not been able to see anything at all .... I just got home and I'm dead .. hahaha .. if dead .. in my life I've been as tired as I am today ... for the first time in my life I have participated in a race ..... spartan race beat ... God is very hard that test .... but I like the challenges ... 21 km and 30 obstacles ... fuck that hard is ... but I feel very good because I could finish it ... a challenge more in my life exceeded ..... ole ... hahahaha I still have the adrenaline a thousand. .. Hahaha

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