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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic June #3

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5 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

She'd be feeling her lower back if it was her kidneys...

Kidney stones

The most common one is pain. ... The pain can shift around in your body, from your belly or back down to your groin. This means the stone is making its way from your kidney through the ureter and closer to your bladder. When this happens, you are more likely to feel a burning when you urinate or have more urges to go.


What are some early-warning signs of kidney stones?
  • Pain in stomach, back, side. Has been compared to the pain of childbirth. ...
  • Pain during urination/frequency. ...
  • Blood in urine. ...
  • Cloudy/odorous urine. ...
  • Inability to empty bladder. ...
  • Queasiness/vomiting. ...
  • Fever/chills.

And she is spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet.

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20 minutes ago, Peep_R said:

Acute severe right lower quadrant pain....sounds like classic appendicitis. 

Both I and my son have had emergency appendicitis--almost always accompanied by vomiting--this seems more like kidney stones

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2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

i've had them and the pain was on my right side.  i never had pain in my lower back from kidney stones.

I think this is the correct diagnosis--thank you Dr. Harley 😁

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Just now, happyone said:

Kidney stones

The most common one is pain. ... The pain can shift around in your body, from your belly or back down to your groin. This means the stone is making its way from your kidney through the ureter and closer to your bladder. When this happens, you are more likely to feel a burning when you urinate or have more urges to go.


What are some early-warning signs of kidney stones?
  • Pain in stomach, back, side. Has been compared to the pain of childbirth. ...
  • Pain during urination/frequency. ...
  • Blood in urine. ...
  • Cloudy/odorous urine. ...
  • Inability to empty bladder. ...
  • Queasiness/vomiting. ...
  • Fever/chills.

when i had mine, i was at work and broke out in a cold sweat.  they called an ambulance for me and took me to the hospital.  i had no idea what was going on.  when my son arrived i had already been stripped out of my clothes and i had asked him to put them in a bag for me.  he went to put them in a bag and said they were soaking wet.  i was in unbelievable pain and couldn't take anything for pain until they made sure what was wrong with me.  the pain is excruciating!

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2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

LOL that's what it sounds like to me only because i've had them and your welcome H1

Thanks Harley and Happy...It seems like we all were right, to some extent,  but I bend to your 1st hand knowledge of kidney stones...I tested plenty of urine samples over my 40 years, but for infection, rather than stones..although many infections were caused by kidney stones...My daughter's best friend has them so I'm well aware how painful they are...Ironically, she's a doctor...😏

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