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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 June #4

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This Apartment will likely be the next to Downsize.  Go to a smaller Apartment with only 3 or 4 Girls.  Since RLC will likely be taking a hit financially over the Loss of the Russian Apartments they'll likely have to reduce the Overhead.  6 Girls x 2,000 Euro's a Month + Bonus's if they still get them for each Girl + RLC has to pay the Utilities and any upkeep it's not feasible to keep such a large place when you only have 8 Apartments and soon to lose 50 to 60% of your Revenue when Members Cancel their Subscriptions.  



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and we enter also in the low summer period when the traffic is not very high on rlc in generally so it was not the good moment for them for loss 16 apartments,

it's not the moment for the rlc team to go on vacation this summer they have to work very hard for open new apartments

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