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Leora - General Chat Topic 2019 #3


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54 minutes ago, curious said:

she was always the same!

plus now she is desperate since she knows she has short time to make money

Sad to say but on VH views are king to bring in the money. So I suppose whatever it takes to earn eh 🙄

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Today I felt embarrassed to see Leora .. shame on what she has become ... it hurts to say this but it's true ..
I've always been in love with Leora, but I have to say that I liked it when I saw an innocent and a little shameful girl (pretended) but acted very well ... now she is one of many women (cam girl)
Last night it was a shame on the balcony ... I pretended that I was interacting with a neighbor ... but it's all a lie ... that part of the house is a large garden where the buildings are far away and there's nothing where I was looking ... all lie...
Paul's subject is somewhat complicated ... on the one hand what he missed and especially missed Eva ... Paul now has a stable job and has a family in Russia ... she is indifferent to see her to spend a few days or stay .. word from Leora to her friend ..
Leora has no family and does not feel like returning to Russia, wants to go to live in Spain which is where her sister lives .. with a student scholarship, she is processing everything to go to Spain .. I have heard all that in conversations of Read ..
after seeing the unfortunate show on the table .. I decided to cancel my subscription ...
I feel sorry but I think I am a voyeur who likes to see natural women and see them in their day to day, but not making the spectacles to those who are now performing.
These are my last words in this forum ... so enjoy and be happy ... a hug for everyone ...

Hoy he sentido verguenza de ver a Leora.. pena mucha pena en lo que se ha convertido... me duele decir esto pero es verdad.. 
yo siempre he sido un enamorado de Leora, pero tengo que decir que me gustaba cuando se veia una chica inocente y un poco vergonzosa (fingido) pero actuaba muy bien...ahora ya es una mas de tantas y tantas mujeres ( chica cam) 
añoche dio pena en el balcon... fingia que estaba interactuando con un vecino.. pero es todo mentira... esa parte de la casa es un jardin grande donde los edificios estan muy lejos y no hay nada hacia donde miraba... todo mentira... 
el tema de Paul es algo complicado.. por un lado lo hecha de menos y  sobre todo hecha de menos a Eva.... Paul ahora tiene un trabajo estable y tiene familia en Rusia.. a ella le es indifente que vaya a verla para pasar unos dias o quedarse.. palabra de Leora a su amiga..
Leora no tiene familia y no siente deseos de volver a Rusia, quiere ir a vivir a España que es donde vive su hermana.. con una beca de estudiante, esta tramitando todo para ir a España.. todo eso lo he oido en conversaciones de Leora..
despues de ver el espectaculo tan lamentable sobre la mesa.. decidi cancelar mi suscripcion... 
Me da pena pero creo que soy un voyeur que le gusta ver a mujeres naturales y verlas en su dia a dia, pero no haciendo los espectaculos a los que ahora esta realizando.
Estas son mis ultimas palabras en este foro...asi que disfrutar  y ser felices .... un abrazo para todos... 

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34 minutes ago, brayanro said:

They should bring Lana to keep her company.

it would be fun.

what do you all think?

The two would not mix well. Lana and Robert have friends over frequently and to me much more interesting as a couple on their own. Leora is not social and is a rather boring person other than her masturbating. Plus neither Lana or Leora have ever once showed even a little interest in doing stuff with other girls. Mixing the two would not make sense.

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It was quite nice as well as interesting to have been privileged to notice that the intriguingly interesting and quite attractive woman had returned to the project and had seemed to become as intriguingly interesting and certainly quite amazing to have privilege to observe. She was undoubtedly missed by a number of subscribers including myself while not at the project. She is a quite wonderful, down to earth, and attractive woman imo.

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2 hours ago, raul399 said:

Today I felt embarrassed to see Leora .. shame on what she has become ... it hurts to say this but it's true ..
I've always been in love with Leora, but I have to say that I liked it when I saw an innocent and a little shameful girl (pretended) but acted very well ... now she is one of many women (cam girl)
Last night it was a shame on the balcony ... I pretended that I was interacting with a neighbor ... but it's all a lie ... that part of the house is a large garden where the buildings are far away and there's nothing where I was looking ... all lie...
Paul's subject is somewhat complicated ... on the one hand what he missed and especially missed Eva ... Paul now has a stable job and has a family in Russia ... she is indifferent to see her to spend a few days or stay .. word from Leora to her friend ..
Leora has no family and does not feel like returning to Russia, wants to go to live in Spain which is where her sister lives .. with a student scholarship, she is processing everything to go to Spain .. I have heard all that in conversations of Read ..
after seeing the unfortunate show on the table .. I decided to cancel my subscription ...
I feel sorry but I think I am a voyeur who likes to see natural women and see them in their day to day, but not making the spectacles to those who are now performing.
These are my last words in this forum ... so enjoy and be happy ... a hug for everyone ...

Hoy he sentido verguenza de ver a Leora.. pena mucha pena en lo que se ha convertido... me duele decir esto pero es verdad.. 
yo siempre he sido un enamorado de Leora, pero tengo que decir que me gustaba cuando se veia una chica inocente y un poco vergonzosa (fingido) pero actuaba muy bien...ahora ya es una mas de tantas y tantas mujeres ( chica cam) 
añoche dio pena en el balcon... fingia que estaba interactuando con un vecino.. pero es todo mentira... esa parte de la casa es un jardin grande donde los edificios estan muy lejos y no hay nada hacia donde miraba... todo mentira... 
el tema de Paul es algo complicado.. por un lado lo hecha de menos y  sobre todo hecha de menos a Eva.... Paul ahora tiene un trabajo estable y tiene familia en Rusia.. a ella le es indifente que vaya a verla para pasar unos dias o quedarse.. palabra de Leora a su amiga..
Leora no tiene familia y no siente deseos de volver a Rusia, quiere ir a vivir a España que es donde vive su hermana.. con una beca de estudiante, esta tramitando todo para ir a España.. todo eso lo he oido en conversaciones de Leora..
despues de ver el espectaculo tan lamentable sobre la mesa.. decidi cancelar mi suscripcion... 
Me da pena pero creo que soy un voyeur que le gusta ver a mujeres naturales y verlas en su dia a dia, pero no haciendo los espectaculos a los que ahora esta realizando.
Estas son mis ultimas palabras en este foro...asi que disfrutar  y ser felices .... un abrazo para todos... 

Honestly i don't think that "transforming" Leora in this "porn girl" situation was only her fault,This have rlc written all over it.My opinion is that if they can't bring ex residents in same fashion(or better)than they were before than better not bring them.Feel sad for what a girl i once enjoyed watch become.

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4 hours ago, Felix75 said:

That's exactly what everyone has their own taste.  Therefore, there are those who agree with you and there are those who do not.  So you can always watch other more real apartments.

Exactly people have diferent tastes.When i joined rlc last thing i tought was would end up being a porn site were residents sit in top of tables and bate..all looking directly to cams a lot..that is everything less rlc,no matter if is Leora,Masha etc.But again is tastes,personaly makes me feel sorry for this girls.

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I have to say that the neighbor is false ... I have looked good on Google maps 3D and it is true that she played with the neighbor .. today she told her friend that the neighbor showed her everything .. she has not said she stroked her wet nipple with her saliva .. hahaha
So I apologize for that phrase.
maybe the fault has been ours .. we have created a monster and now we do not like how it is ... the day I change and return to its origins that day I will be there .. now for the moment not .. because I do not like what I see ... it's my choice

tengo que decir que lo del vecino es falso... he mirado bien en google maps 3D y es verdad que ella  jugo con el vecino.. hoy se lo ha contado a su amiga que el vecino le mostro todo.. ella no le ha dicho que ella se acaricio el pezon mojado con su saliva.. hahaha
asi que pido perdon por esa frase.
tal vez la culpa ha sido nuestra.. hemos creado un mostruo y ahora no    nos gusta  como es... el dia que cambie y vuelva a sus origenes ese dia estare ahi.. ahora de momento no.. porque no me gusta lo que veo... es mi eleccion

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