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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #7 January 2020


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very good morning leora and malia
good morning everyone
very good afternoon everyone
very good night everyone
have a great happy day with joy

muito bom dia leora e maila
bom Dia a todos
muito boa tarde a todos
muito boa noite a todos
tenha um ótimo dia feliz com alegria

stay in good morning GIF by Chippy the Dog sleepy good night GIF

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5 hours ago, gogism said:

I just dont get those chicks (all over the RLC), hehe.

They come to their friends room to massage, watch a movie or two etc... They're welcomed, the company has fun, joy, laugh etc (again, hehe)...

But then - after everything is long time over - they just keep staying there!!! The owner of the room is doinge something completely else, bored and watching the phone or whatever, but - the guest/visitor still doesnt leave... WTF signal do some girls need?!?

Our Queen has a strong polite and kind routine, but one should just know whens the time to leave.

Happens in all the apps as it looks, hehe.

Kiss, leora & Malia, but, M - go and be a girl we love in your own room!    😉

Be patient, she is teaching Malia the tricks of the trade. I expect that we will see beautiful things.
We are sorry that we do not understand the language, it would be even better.

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37 minutes ago, daerjohn2015 said:

Be patient, she is teaching Malia the tricks of the trade. I expect that we will see beautiful things.
We are sorry that we do not understand the language, it would be even better.

Trust Leora and you can't go wrong.

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