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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #3

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On 5/21/2020 at 6:20 AM, Ridgerunner said:

I knew Joe Biden was senile, but I didn't realize how much of a fucking idiot he is. He actually said that taking hydroxychloroquine is like injecting Clorox into your veins. The drug has been safely used since 1955. 

..... "sicher angewendet"  ??? Das ist ein Witz!! 😁 Das Medikament hat schwere Nebenwirkungen - wie Du ja selber persönlich merkst - und stört den Geist.

Das ist kein Traubenzucker !! - und gegen Corona ist das Medikament völlig nutzlos, wie viele Mittel die "Spezialist Trump" seiner Bevölkerung empfiehlt - wie Desinfektionsmittel gurgeln oder trinken. Die Frage ist hier, wer ist seniler Biden oder Trump ? Zu Corona habe ich von beiden Oldies keine konkrete Lösung gehört. Nur dummes Geschwätz,

unwürdig für einen Staatsmann. Corona hat so gesehen auch einen Vorteil: "Es zeigt Amerikanern die Nicht-Intelligenz ihrer "Elite""

Anlagen zu den Nebenwirkungen von Hydroxychloroquine - mit Übersetzung in englisch, für die Menschen die deutsch noch nicht gelernt haben. 🤕





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39 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

..... "applied safely" ??? This is a joke !! 😁  The drug has serious side effects - as you personally notice - and disturbs the mind.

This is not glucose !! - and against Corona, the drug is completely useless , how many agents the "Specialist Trump" recommends to its population - like disinfectants gargle or drink. The question here is who is Senile Biden or Trump? I haven't heard a specific solution to Corona from either of the oldies. Just stupid chatter,

unworthy of a statesman. From this perspective, Corona also has an advantage: "It shows Americans the non-intelligence of their" elite ""

Attachments to the side effects of hydroxychloroquine - with translation in English, for people who have not yet learned German. 🤕





And the same type warnings apply to almost every other prescribed medication. That's why they need to be prescribed by a physician and the results monitored by a physician. There are numerous lupus patients who have taken hydroxychloroquine  for 20 to 30 years with no side effects. 

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54 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

..... "applied safely" ??? This is a joke !! 😁  The drug has serious side effects - as you personally notice - and disturbs the mind.

This is not glucose !! - and against Corona, the drug is completely useless , how many agents the "Specialist Trump" recommends to its population - like disinfectants gargle or drink. The question here is who is Senile Biden or Trump? I haven't heard a specific solution to Corona from either of the oldies. Just stupid chatter,

unworthy of a statesman. From this perspective, Corona also has an advantage: "It shows Americans the non-intelligence of their" elite ""

Attachments to the side effects of hydroxychloroquine - with translation in English, for people who have not yet learned German. 🤕





Your statement that "the drug has serious side effects- as you personally notice- and disturbs the mind", confirms that you are an ignorant arrogant asshole. You claim to be a nice guy, but your nasty remarks continually betray you and display the type person you really are.  Now I suppose you will cowardly complain that Google did not properly translate your comment. Also, your statement that the drug is completely useless against Corona has been proven wrong by numerous doctors.

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Your statement that "the drug has serious side effects- as you personally notice- and disturbs the mind", confirms that you are an ignorant arrogant asshole. You claim to be a nice guy, but your nasty remarks continually betray you and display the type person you really are.  Now I suppose you will cowardly complain that Google did not properly translate your comment. Also, your statement that the drug is completely useless against Corona has been proven wrong by numerous doctors.

Danke für die Blumen und Ihre Beleidigungen, die Sie einfach nicht unterlassen können. Armer Kerl. 🤕

Das Medikament soll angeblich in Einzelfällen geholfen haben, bewiesen ist das nicht ! Es gibt keine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung oder eine Studie welche die

Wirksamkeit bewiesen hat - und das Medikament ist zur Behandlung gegen Corona NICHT zugelassen. Übrigens, eben so wenig wie Mundspülungen mit Desinfektionsmitteln. 😁

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Thank you for the flowers and your insults that you simply cannot avoid. Poor guy. 🤕

The drug is said to have helped in individual cases , but this has not been proven ! There is no scientific investigation or study that can

Has proven effectiveness - and the drug is NOT approved for treatment against Corona.  By the way, just as little as mouthwash with disinfectants. 😁

As if you never insult anyone. You attempted to insult me with your original comment, but you always do so in such a gutless cowardly manner and then later deny that you did it. At least I am straight forward and unambiguous with my insults, which you are very deserving of.  I trust the numerous doctors who have been treating and saving the lives of covid-19 victims with hydroxychloroquine.  I for sure trust their judgement much more than I trust yours. Most of the so called medical experts who claim the drug is not an effective treatment are government bureaucrats who have not treated patients for years. They just sit in their ivory towers and pontificate. 

2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

As if you never insult anyone. You attempted to insult me with your original comment, but you always do so in such a gutless cowardly manner and then later deny that you did it. At least I am straight forward and unambiguous with my insults, which you are very deserving of.  I trust the numerous doctors who have been treating and saving the lives of covid-19 victims with hydroxychloroquine.  I for sure trust their judgement much more than I trust yours. Most of the so called medical experts who claim the drug is not an effective treatment are government bureaucrats who have not treated patients for years. They just sit in their ivory towers and pontificate. 

Offenkundig können Sie nicht zwischen kleinen Ärzten die Erfolgsmeldungen verbreiten um sich wichtig zu machen und wissenschaftlicher belegbarer Forschung unterscheiden.

Wenn Menschen das Medikament einnahmen und es ging ihnen später besser, so muß das keineswegs Folge der Medikament-Einnahme gewesen sein. Der tatsächliche Grund

für die gesundheitliche Verbesserung kann jeweils ein ganz ganz anderer gewesen sein. Direkte Zusammenhänge und Behandlung bei Corona ist wissenschaftlich bis heute noch total unbekannt - alles ist pure Spekulation🤕

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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Obviously, you cannot spread success reports between small doctors to make themselves important and differentiate between scientifically verifiable research .

If people were taking the medication and they were feeling better later, it must not have been the result of taking the medication. The real reason

health improvement may have been completely different. Direct relationships and treatment  at Corona are still completely unknown scientifically to this day - everything is pure speculation🤕

But it is the "small doctors" who are saving lives. Maybe you need to study the results the country of Turkey has had in using hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19.

44 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Aber es sind die "kleinen Ärzte", die Leben retten. Vielleicht müssen Sie die Ergebnisse untersuchen, die das türkische Land bei der Verwendung von Hydroxychloroquin zur Behandlung von Covid-19 erzielt hat.


Wir sprechen uns in 12 Monaten wieder. Nun wird zum Thema Corona nur Unsinn verbreitet. KEINER kennt eine Spur von Wahrheit. Alles ist nur Illusion. 

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5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

But it is the "small doctors" who are saving lives. Maybe you need to study the results the country of Turkey has had in using hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19.

Wrongly!!...judging by WHO studies published in the  Lancet...Open your fucking eyes Ridge...What colour is the sky in your's or Mr T's world...😬

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20 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Wrongly!!...judging by WHO studies published in the  Lancet...Open your fucking eyes Ridge...What colour is the sky in your's or Mr T's world...😬

My eyes are open. Yours and many others have been closed by the so called experts. The WHO has become more of a political organization than a healthcare organization. I've heard the results of numerous successful treatments with hydroxychloroquine from both doctors and patients. There are double blind studies being conducted in the U.S. right now. Let's see what happens from those studies. I just hope the studies are conducted in a fair and unbiased manner.  Trump has nothing to do with my opinion. My opinion is based upon the first hand accounts of doctors and patients. 

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