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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #3

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:


Ich nie - und SIE ??

Vietnam mit allen Folgen - ich mußte das zum Glück nicht erleiden. Ich habe Mitleid mit Dir. Warum bist Du so böse zu mir und anderen Menschen ??

Sei fröhlich, genieße die bunte Natur und sehe jeden Tag als ein Geschenk. 

Ich bin inzwischen auch "ein alter Depp" mit vielen Schmerzen - doch das Leben geht weiter. Sehe nicht immer alles nur negativ - im Geiste helfe ich DIR

gerne. Auch wenn politische Positionen zwischen uns immer different seien werden.

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2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

I never - and YOU ??

Vietnam with all its consequences - luckily I didn't have to suffer that. I feel sorry for you. Why are you so angry with me and other people?

Be happy, enjoy the colorful nature and see every day as a gift. 

I am now an "old fool" with a lot of pain - but life goes on. Do not always see everything only negatively - in spirit I help YOU

with pleasure. Even if political positions between us will always be different.

You accused me of drug abuse.

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On 4/17/2020 at 10:09 PM, Ridgerunner said:

Beijing has a population of 20.4 million and reports 8 deaths from the coronavirus. Shanghai has a population of 27 million and reports 7 deaths from the coronavirus. LMAO

Do those numbers not seem strange to anyone?:huh:

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte Ridgerunner:

Sie haben mich des Drogenmissbrauchs beschuldigt.

Deine Aussage ist falsch !!

DU hast hier im Forum erklärt das DU als "Vorbeugung zu Malaria", über 1 Jahr lang dieses teuflische Medikament mit horrenden

Nebenwirkungen eingenommen hast. Lese selber was Du hier schreibst.

Die Nebenwirkungen von Fachärzten artikuliert, habe ich hier kommentiert. Nicht mehr. Die Nebenwirkungen sind dramatisch.

Gut, Du hast das damals nicht gewußt - schade, kein Vorwurf gegen Dich. Trump lobt dieses und andere ungeprüfte Mittel nun

als wirksam und harmlos - wie Pulver gegen Schnupfen - das ist Aussage ohne jede Verantwortung.

Medikamente sind auch immer Drogen. Ein Mittel gegen Coronavid-19 gibt es im Moment NICHT. Und das alte Malaria-Schutz-Mittel

funktioniert nur selten.

Wenn Du Folgeprobleme nach der Langzeit- Einnahme des teuflischen Mittels hast, dann klage gegen Deinen Freund Trump.

Ich kann Dir nur freundschaftlich und verbal helfen. Bleibe gesund und von Corona verschont - das wünsche ich Dir von Herzen.


Die Natur ist stark - überwindet sogar Steine - bleibe auch DU stark und trotze Corona.



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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I want to hear what cc members think about stuff, not what some other source thinks. 

The trouble with experts they all think they are fucking right and most of them hold opposite or conflicting views. We got loads of the bastards over here sat on their asses finding fault in everybody else who are trying to do something to help, especially in the bloody media. We even have those saying wear  masks and others saying they are a waste of time duhhh.

It's like listening to a lunatic asylum debate.

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Sorry - your statements are meaningless and you reject my offer as a "comrade" ??

I am an educated and socially sensitive person and try to help you after drug abuse.

And YOU don't understand me ?? I can only be sad. Your insults go past me. Bye Ridg ...

I would have liked to help you.

There's Google translator acting up again...:dodgy:

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29 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

No, it's not stupid at all. What ends up happening is people, who are incapable making an argument themselves rely on links from “smarter people” to bash their target and then that person relies on their “experts” in some other link to fight back and it becomes a mess of link posts with nasty comments under them towards each other. So, a lot of those links come from disreputable sources, which also gets thrown into the mix as a point of contention. My idea is better. Let each of us write our own personal analysis and rebuttles and try to convince each other of something based on our own merit, not some expert. 

Besides, I bet you dollars to donuts that no one reads the articles posted in those links at all, perhaps the headline at best. 

I agree that copying and posting text from articles would be worse then links. That's why I would limit that to just pictures and gifs, which are usually not that big. 

I want to hear what cc members think about stuff, not what some other source thinks. 

The problem as I see it, as you stated above, is a lot of people are just not very articulate or have a problem writing down their thoughts or arguments. That is why a lot just post links to articles - and you are correct in saying most only read the headlines and do not even bother to read the body of the article (the ones who post it and sometimes the ones who react to it). There is nothing wrong with copy and pasting someone else's article or thoughts to supplement your own ideas as long as that person who you are quoting is given credit and the one posting is not plagiarizing (passing it on as if it were their own words).

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45 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

No, it’s not stupid at all. What ends up happening is people, who are incapable making an argument themselves rely on links from “smarter people” to bash their target and then that person relies on their “experts” in some other link to fight back and it becomes a mess of link posts with nasty comments under them towards each other. Also, a lot of those links come from disreputable sources, which also gets thrown into the mix as a point of contention. My idea is better. Let each of us write our own personal analysis and rebuttles and try to convince each other of something based on our own merit, not some expert. 

Besides, I bet you dollars to donuts that no one reads the articles posted in those links at all, perhaps the headline at best. 

I agree that copying and posting text from articles would be worse then links. That’s why I would limit that to just pictures and gifs, which are usually not that big. 

I want to hear what cc members think about stuff, not what some other source thinks. 


Just pictures and gifs? Have you ever taken a look at the USA thread? All those memes there make actual discussions virtually impossible. 

Sorry, but I still think your idea is complete nonsense. Without the possibility to disprove false statements by facts (including links to the sources) everybody can post bullshit. The unwillingness of some parts of society (especially in the USA ) to familiarise themselves with the facts before taking part in a discussion increases this need. 

Simply having an opinion is worth nothing for a usefull discussion. The hostility towards the opinion of experts should not lead to the attempt to suppress their information. Especially with a topic like Covid-19, you need reliable sources, otherwise people will build up a Fantasy, were the issue are ignored. This was quite obvious in the UK, where in the beginning some hoped for herd immunity. 



News doesn't replace thinking, but facts are important and I can only hope that links are not suppressed here. 



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8 minutes ago, firewall said:

for the moment we have both

And if this article is correct, Covid deaths, because any death is a sad event, is a mere drop in the bucket .

But at what price do we kill the economies of the world and place even a more strain on human life??


Cancer, diabetes, and snake bites all cause more deaths than Covid-19 has so far.


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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Your statement is wrong !!

YOU have declared here in the forum that DU as "prevention of malaria", this devilish drug with horrendous for over 1 year

Side effects. Read what you write here.

I commented on the side effects articulated by specialists here. No more. The side effects are dramatic.

Well, you didn't know that at the time - too bad, no reproach against you. Trump is now praising this and other untested means

as effective and harmless - like powder against a cold - this is a statement without any responsibility.

Medicines are always drugs. There is currently no remedy for Coronavid-19. And the old anti-malaria remedy

rarely works.

If you have follow-up problems after long-term use of the diabolical agent, then sue your friend Trump.

I can only help you in a friendly and verbal way. Stay healthy and be spared from Corona - I wish you from the bottom of my heart.


Nature is strong - even overcomes stones - stay strong and defy corona.



I have no problems from using hydroxychloroquine in Vietnam in 1969/1970. And it was not my choice to take the drug. It was required by the U.S. Army to prevent being infected with malaria. Trump made me take the drug in 1969/1970? You are an idiot.

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