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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #7

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3 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

PLUS they didn't take down the cams this time.  Landlady almost looks Filipino but clearly spoke fluent Russian.  And she looked like a typical landlady with her fancy purse and hightop sneakers LOL.  Unfortunately, you could tell our girls were trying their best to be cordial, and maintain their distance between each other, like "sisters" or "roomies" would.  🙁  Kira paid rent in cash.  Landlady loves cats - but apparently birds are verboten.  Luckily Breakfast and Lunch do not TWEET when they are in the dark.  Kira gave Landlady (whom I will call Maude from now on) a gift of her book she wrote about forgotten backyard games.  Maude was quite impressed and appreciative (as she should be).  When Maude finally left, you could tell our girls were CLEARLY relieved.  Time for a celebratory feast!  (lots of pictures forthcoming).  😁 

Definitely not Filipino. She looked pretty normal Slavic to me, but she could be part Kazak or Turk, wich are other etnic groups native to southern Russia. They have some mild "Asian" features. Remember blond Katia from R1? She was Kazak.

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Coming  to the end of august I see the girls are on track for their once a month  bedroom sex session 

I think if Kira had her way it would be once a week ,but a servant has to obey her Queen,   More rejection for Kira 

A couple of years ago it was spontaneous sex ,on the sofa ,in the bath etc, ( those were the days) 

It looks like things have changed now!


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19 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

Celebratory Feast delivery!  Have you heard of the movie "Gone In Sixty Seconds"?  



Well I present to you a Le Big Mac gone in less than 3 minutes!  


Keep eating that Fast Food Girls.  In 10 to 15 Years you'll look like    xhxr.jpg

  • Haha 2
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6 minutes ago, scoutouyoufe said:

@pulo filipe sort d'ici pulo tu n'as rien à faire chez Nina et Kira 

@pulo filipe get out of here pulo you have nothing to do with Nina and Kira

No, you are wrong, this cat is normal!

Non, vous faites erreur, ce chat là est normal, lui!😄

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