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US General Domestic Politics #10 Begin 10/29/20

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it's still strange to see that there would only be fraud in states where Trump loses his lead when everything is perfectly normal when he catches up in other states :angel:

he is especially losing his own supporters with his speech of fraud

when you lose, you might as well do it with panache with your head held high, the opposite of what is happening right now

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2 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

Commiserations to all you US guys here...looks like another 4 years of Mr T!...I stopped watching a coupla days ago when he was well ahead and he said he'd already easily won....

...or have I missed something?...😏

Yep.Biden just about to be our next president!

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6 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Why are you looking for something that does not exist?

The only fraud who needs to be found out & kick out is the one occupying the White House right now!

When Clinton lost in 2016, did she go typing in CAPS on Twitter screaming 'VOTER FRAUD' or 'STOP COUNTING THOSE VOTES WHICH AREN'T FOR ME' like a fucking baby?

When you lose, lose like a grown man who can accept that someone else is chosen in your place, especially when you have failed so miserably. Maybe then, Trump can gain some respect & perhaps also some forgiveness for all the pain he inflicted on America.

I see you are rewriting history again. After Trump was elected there were numerous legal challenges to his victory and then they tried to play games with the electoral college to keep him from receiving enough electoral votes to be declared president. Hillary to this day has not accepted the results of the 2016 election. In addition to that she and her buddies in the Obama administration created the Russia/Trump collusion hoax to undermine the Trump campaign and then his presidency. The Democrats and never Trumpers spent over two years with the Mueller investigation  "looking for something that does not exist." 

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