ddhm Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 New couple introduced , typical Spanish young people being fans of Spanish music and already acting completely normal and comfortable , a positive first impression 😊At least they look already much more normal than the first E&P day 😎 3
ze81 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Dont find her actractive(any of the latinas guests we seen in house were a lot more sexy)but is really nice to have house reopened.Only ask a couple of things that we have little in rlc nowdays.To be a regualr style couple(like C&Y,L&T or M&A)are and second..that they do a lot of the social life in house and not in infinite vacations,third and final one but very import that the guests are their own friends,family and not just visits from gov houses.They have very big shoes to fill..only the best regular couple rlc had in last years😅. 1 1
ze81 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Watch the replay a little,they seem the tipical(and wonderfull)latin folks,very "musical" vibe and extrovert,now had an social life with your own friends,family to that and we got a deal😁. 1
scoutouyoufe Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Je ne pensais pas que cet appartement allait réouvrir un jour. En plus rlc a laissé là déco de mauvais goût selon moi. Par pitié Bogdan laissaient ces gens tranquilles, ne les amenez jamais dans les maisons GOV jamais ! Je vous en supplie. 🙏 I didn't think this apartment would ever reopen. In addition rlc left the decor in bad taste in my opinion. For mercy Bogdan left these people alone, never bring them to GOV houses ever! I beg you. 🙏 4
ze81 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Indeed,best thing that can happen to this regular couples houses is never get "contagiated" by N&B and their crew of girls and boys.Kinda "scared" this house reopened and by some strange coincidence b4 is in MN all day,but hope is just that a coincidence.
Catmaster Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Luna & Zak just took over. Luna is cleaning the apartment....but where is Zac?
Daleys Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Wow new couple will se what they have to offer. No change in the apt all camera angles the same was hoping for a new angle in the guest room but no.
ze81 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 4 minutes ago, Daleys said: Wow new couple will se what they have to offer. No change in the apt all camera angles the same was hoping for a new angle in the guest room but no. Rlc being rlc,was more important to put three cams in an exercise room that is used a couple hours per week.If its broken..dont fix it😑.
kokiuh27 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Hallelujah nice music... they are Spanish? they are Russians? Why doesn't the forum add their names to the list?
nagachilli2 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 1 minute ago, kokiuh27 said: Hallelujah nice music... they are Spanish? they are Russians? Why doesn't the forum add their names to the list? Not Spanish, but I think Latin American..
ze81 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 1 minute ago, kokiuh27 said: Hallelujah nice music... they are Spanish? they are Russians? Why doesn't the forum add their names to the list? Spanish or at least Spanish talking.Not Russians(innthis case good thing).Dont know..
ze81 Posted January 7, 2021 Posted January 7, 2021 Seems she studies arts or similar.Nice music tastes also
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