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Nina & Kira, Masha & Lex (2021) Part #2

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35 minutes ago, disneykid said:

There’s Kira tidying up all round , Nina laying in bed on her Lap Top , no wonder they  have disagreements🤔  

Another thing when’s the Christmas coming down?☃️

I know they argue more than is healthy but I can’t imagine it is always about how much work Kira does compared to how much time Nina spends in bed on her phone and laptop.  But it looks to me that there has been work done on Nina’s music and videos lately (as always I could be wrong) and if she is still the main source for writing her lyrics and music along with the choreography in her videos I would say her time is not all wasted on social media, but again I am just making an educated assumption of the parameters as I see them.  I personally cannot imagine Kira having issues with Nina working on her passion, if in fact she is, than there has to be a different reason for the heat.

As always, I don’t know shit but I will spout it at anyone who will listen.

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1 hour ago, Someone there said:


This fully frontal middle one is probably the most interesting Kira-pic I have seen here. Thanks! (Too bad it was "ruined" by the 256 colors limitation of the 34 years old image format.)

It’s the yellow bedside lamp.But yes it’s beautiful 🤪

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2 hours ago, disneykid said:

It’s the yellow bedside lamp.But yes it’s beautiful 🤪

He was referring to the 34-year-old GIF file type. It's limited to 256 colors. This palette limitation makes GIF less suitable for reproducing color photographs and other images with color gradients, but well-suited for simpler images such as graphics or logos with solid areas of color.

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Oy vey!  Lex has infiltrated the "no penis zone" this morning!!  What's next, flying pigs?    

Also, when did they get a second water dispenser?  First time I've noticed it in the bedroom.  The original still seems to be in the kitchen.  I guess so that they don't have to go downstairs to get a glass of water or tea.  



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