HarleyFatboy Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 15 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said: guys.... girls are funny and sweet like that ...they wear friendship (even Love and BFF) bracelets, trade clothes, walk around naked together , take baths ... saffic innocence... homo paranoid, mysogenistic men will never get this ... or enjoy this and no I don't want to trade shorts with you weirdos... the bracelets are not some great proclamation we are now exclusive lesbo lovers crashing and burning our relationships of many years ... just girlies being sweet in their new friendship ...with Fingers pounding Benefits.... You watch way too much porn!!
mark t Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 and the tortured couple of great doom and gloom and relationship peril (B&N) are lovingly sleeping in each others arms ...poor sad Bogdan and relationship destroyer user Nelly.... pleasant dreams and Martina curled in Albertos arms on their couch... such tragedy and relationship fallouts.. 1
Thestarider Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 24 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said: WOW we have a psychic, clairvoyant in the group... this a perfect example of someone, in every !!!! statement he made 100 % imagination and speculation ...oh sorry ..they talked part is likely a safe observation ""Bogdan (as I understood from other conversations, I cannot translate them)"" wow Well I believe the translation as it makes perfect sense and instead being such an ass about someone who takes the time to post translations, you should thank them. 2 5
Thestarider Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 38 minutes ago, emnv said: Nelly and Martina needed to talk calmly, with no alcohol involved. They also had sex last night, but that was not the main purpose of the meeting... They have set up the basis for a future close relationship, compatible with the relationships they have with Alberto and Bogdan. In the case of Alberto, he is fully aware of everything since the beginning and is OK with it. Martina has provided to him all the latest details today in the kitchen and during lunch. Bogdan (as I understood from other conversations, I cannot translate them) was aware of their first two sexual encounters, and was reluctant for Nelly to have this kind of relationship with Martina, he thinks this is unfair because he is not going to have something equivalent. But something changed this week, he seems to have consented Nelly to meet Martina, she has already brief him and they look nice in the bed right now. Thank you for taking the time post your translation, it has always been welcome for those who speak the native tongue and take the time to clear things for all us who do not. Again thanks from the staff here at CC. 4 3
scoutouyoufe Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 C'est marrant ont dirait de la polygamie inversé. Les deux femmes ont le dessus dans leurs couples je ne vois pas comment expliquer ça. Peut-être que leurs hommes sont des soumis et leurs femmes des dominatrices qui s'ignore. En tout cas je commence a penser que ça excite Alberto que Martina lui raconte ces relations sexuelles avec Nelly. Pour Bogdan je ne sais pas mais peut-être qu'il pourrait se faire une raison après tout ce sont les risques du métier comme ont dit. Funny, it sounds like reverse polygamy. The two women have the upper hand in their couples I don't see how to explain that. Perhaps their men are submissive and their women are dominators who ignore each other. In any case I'm starting to think that it turns Alberto on that Martina tells him about these sexual relations with Nelly. For Bogdan I do not know but these are the risks of the job as they said.
MountainSwede Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 Interesting interaction here with Alberto masterbating and Martina masterbating.
Kenpaul Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 2 minutes ago, MountainSwede said: Interesting interaction here with Alberto masterbating and Martina masterbating. Wish they had the night vision on.
Howard Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 7 minutes ago, MountainSwede said: Interesting interaction here with Alberto masterbating and Martina masterbating. It's odd. She'd rather bate then have him do the work. Meanwhile, he's next her with dick in hand looking like a sad puppy. I'd be humiliated if I was him. 2 2
MountainSwede Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 Now we've moved to the bedroom for some personal sexual interaction. The couch was just the warm up round. 1
Howard Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 9 minutes ago, MountainSwede said: Now we've moved to the bedroom for some personal sexual interaction. The couch was just the warm up round. Too many logistics and adjustments when they bang. I think she's under the influence. Maybe liquor, maybe...??? She doesn't appear 100% coherent.
scoutouyoufe Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 6 minutes ago, Howard said: C'est étrange. Elle préfère attendre avant de lui faire faire le travail. Pendant ce temps, il est à côté d'elle avec une bite à la main qui ressemble à un chiot triste. Je serais humilié si j'étais lui. Exactement ! Martina a eu finalement pitié d'Alberto et accepte finalement d'aller dans la chambre pour le devoir conjugal c'est le moins qu'elle puisse faire pour que son homme soit tolérant. Je n'ai d'ailleurs pas publier la vidéo il fessait trop sombre de toute façon ce n'était pas intéressant à voir. Exactly! Martina finally took pity on Alberto and finally agrees to go to the bedroom for marital duty it is the least she can do to make her man tolerant. I did not publish the video by the way, it was too dark anyway it was not interesting to see.
MountainSwede Posted February 28, 2021 Posted February 28, 2021 Martina is topless in the kitchen. Unusual for her to not have a top on around the apartment. Looking for more money from RLC?? Is there a change in the dynamic between the apartment and RLC??
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