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Masha - Home activities #7

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2 minutes ago, rado07 said:

now I think she fell asleep
bad luck for him 🥴

Yes .. I think the only chance left is that now who someone is snoring if they wake up for a while .. but I believe , “ the end “ 🥳

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🤣 🤣 🤣 THE HOLIDAY THAT NEVER SAW THE LIGHT OF DAY ... Just as I had predicted.  Masha and Babi, the dumbasses would be turned away at the airport.  There are full travel restrictions in force around the world, only important journeys are permitted.  We're living in a new world now, they better get used to it.  And hey, who the hell do those two think they are, thinking they can just swan off to foreign parts when it suits them, in the age of covid?  They have no God-given right to any vacation, nor do they deserve one.  More responsibly-minded and safety-conscious people are staying in lockdown, and so should they bloody well do so!  Masha should be at home alone with her cats.

One wonders who's paying for their expensive, selfish, good-time, jaunts abroad - yes, I think you'll find it's the RLC subscribers, well more fool them.

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41 minutes ago, Scottish Republic said:

🤣 🤣 🤣 THE HOLIDAY THAT NEVER SAW THE LIGHT OF DAY ... Just as I had predicted.  Masha and Babi, the dumbasses would be turned away at the airport.  There are full travel restrictions in force around the world, only important journeys are permitted.  We're living in a new world now, they better get used to it.  And hey, who the hell do those two think they are, thinking they can just swan off to foreign parts when it suits them, in the age of covid?  They have no God-given right to any vacation, nor do they deserve one.  More responsibly-minded and safety-conscious people are staying in lockdown, and so should they bloody well do so!  Masha should be at home alone with her cats.

One wonders who's paying for their expensive, selfish, good-time, jaunts abroad - yes, I think you'll find it's the RLC subscribers, well more fool them.

All Masha has to do is open the door and yell at the top of her lungs  GTFO!

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55 minutes ago, Scottish Republic said:

🤣 🤣 🤣 LA VACANZA CHE NON HA MAI VISTO LA LUCE DEL GIORNO ... Proprio come avevo previsto. Masha e Babi, gli idioti sarebbero stati respinti all'aeroporto. In tutto il mondo sono in vigore restrizioni di viaggio complete, sono consentiti solo viaggi importanti. Stiamo vivendo in un nuovo mondo ora, è meglio che si abituino. E hey, chi diavolo pensano di essere quei due, pensando che possono semplicemente andarsene in parti straniere quando gli si addice, nell'era dei covid? Non hanno alcun diritto dato da Dio a nessuna vacanza, né ne meritano una. Le persone più responsabili e attente alla sicurezza rimangono bloccate, e quindi dovrebbero farlo dannatamente bene! Masha dovrebbe essere a casa da sola con i suoi gatti.

Ci si chiede chi sta pagando per le sue gite all'estero costose, egoiste e divertenti - sì, penso che scoprirai che sono gli abbonati RLC, beh più ingannarli.

Il volo e’ stato cancellato all’ultimo momento dalla compagnia aera, si puo’ andare all’estero per vacanza, e probabilmente Masha andra’ a Barcellona prossima settimana

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