Antares. Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Merci pour ton gentil message Squirrel et de m'avoir signaler un défaut à mon post. :) Deep Purple-Made In Japan (1972) Deep Purple-Made In Japan (1972)
Guest Squirrel Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Deep Purple. Very good. Cranked this out on my first car's stereo (it was cassette, not four-track) when I first bought the car. Their early work is difficult to find. It's more "classical." And excellent. Then they became "heavy metal," but they were always really good. Squirrel approves.
TBG 150 Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 I got 3 speeding tickets with Highway Star cranked up. Machine head was one of my fav albums. But back to Nij and Beethoven. I played that in a piano recital when I was 12. After that I was moved into the organ, then the pipe organ. I would give all my manly equipment to have the full use of my left hand back to play again. Squirrel has listened to the instrument I once played. I would kill to do it again.
Antares. Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Un autre groupe que j'ai beaucoup aimé plus jeune... Eagles - Hotel California (Lyrics)
Guest Squirrel Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 I got 3 speeding tickets with Highway Star cranked up. Machine head was one of my fav albums. Believe it or don't, Machine Head was the first tape I bought when I bought my first car. And I cranked Highway Star up to max. (No speeding tickets; but I did get busted once for a rolling stop...yeah, kinda wussy, but the car only had 56 BHP available...)
TBG 150 Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 I never bought music. The radio then was good. Not piped in crap and the same 50? songs all day. The first vinyl I ever bought was Boston. No clue on what cassette or 8-track it was that was first.
StnCld316 Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 Don't forget Manfred Man. They went from basic pop to amazing heights. I'll be a nice guy and not mention LZ1. Yet. That would detract from the classical of Manfred Mann's later works... Here's One That Will Sooth Your Soul. Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill How Great thou Art - 720P HD - Standing Ovation!
van the man Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 One of the best driving songs is L A Woman by The Doors. Fucking hell it is impossible not to put your foot down to the floor and blast at speed to 7:50 mins of driving rock. Another is 'Bat out of Hell' by Meatloaf. I am sounding like a hell raising rocker when I actually much prefer Motown and Northern Soul, however good rock is damn good. Shit kerang! is shit! Rap is really the pits. Never forget Rap has a silent C as in CRAP!!!
Guest Squirrel Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 I'm actually a young squirrel. But I'm so sick of listening to classic rock, that I'm digging up 50's music. Please tell Nora and Leora that I've got great balls of fire, and chicken in the barn. Thank you. Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On (1957)
coastwalkerwest Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 When I was little , the couple that lived next door were in show biz . He was a song writer and she was a singer. He wrote songs for broadway shows and they would play them on the organ . He is best known for writing Take me out to the ballgame . I listened to most types of music . But growing up on the west coast and in so . cal. , you can not leave out the surfing and car music of groups like the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean , The Ventures , Dick Dale . Still can not leave out groups like Fleetwood Mac , The Eagles , Z Z Top and others . Then for some drinking music Jimmy Buffet .
pudley Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 Squirrel, you just became one of my heroes. Love that 50's stuff, especially the country. Anybody want some Ernnie Tubb?
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