Adalbert Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 Might be that Alberto is extending his bike training to become a pro and earn mony with it ?😉 1
mark t Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 On 6/9/2021 at 7:10 PM, JenniferMom said: Mark ... first you answer your own question ... yes this is entertainment for me. Isn't it for you and everyone else here too? Why should we talk about it differently than we would talk about a reality TV show for example? If we started talking about Survivor or The Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars ... I would suspect the comments would sound basically the same as what we see here (minus the sex dialogue). I don't watch these shows by the way but I know people who talk incessantly about them. They sound to me like I apparently sound to you. Yeah some of my friends are annoying as if they are a know-it-all about these people on these shows ... I get it. But that's what we are doing here! You are right, I have only 3 months of observation of these characters. If you have information from their past to enlighten us, or at least enlighten me, then please share. I admit my historical perspective is very limited. You have heard me say we should be evidence-based and I try to do this at all times. You said "you just can't accept that they are who they are and not near as complicated as your fetish would like them to be". I do agree with you that this is not as complicated as it seems. I roll my eyes a lot with all the speculations here. For example, I do not believe at all that Bogdan was with Nelly and Martina the last few days. People who say these things should support it with evidence IMHO. But it's fun nonetheless and you don't hear me pushing back on these people, do you? I agree with you that most relationships are boring and mundane and nothing like what you see on TV. This is what we are seeing here. It is very real. And pretty simple really. Yes I love watching a lot of the sex but honestly what I enjoy more is talking about it with new friends like you. What exactly is my agenda that I am trying to apply to them? Anyway ... I believe I have also confessed that sometimes I like getting under your skin, which I apparently have again, but playfully for sure. Expand ok.... 1
A Gid Scots Laddie Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 she's sitting on the couch like she know that there's going to be a flair up when Alberto gets in and she's not looking forward to it
catalonia Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 On 6/9/2021 at 7:31 PM, Adalbert said: ¿Podría ser que Alberto esté ampliando su entrenamiento en bicicleta para convertirse en un profesional y ganar dinero con ello? 😉 Expand No, just while Marina rides Nelly he rides a bicycle, if he lived in a village he would kill termites, it is the hard life of the liberal husband 😁 2
MountainSwede Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 The suspense is killing me! Martina with her new watch on and her friendship bracelet, having eaten alone, now waiting stone faced for Alberto's return. However, no friendship bracelet on Nelly.
Adalbert Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 🤣 good answer. Seems that he and his bike is matching better🤣 1
Marcelo Del Vecchio Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 DESPUES DE COMER SUSHI,AHORA LE TOCA SALCHICHITA¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Adalbert Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 Wondering that Alberto left the dogs so long alone...Last time the welcome after her return was a bit different than this time. So understand that she might be a bit irritated.😉
Alladino Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 On 6/9/2021 at 7:26 PM, miscvoyeur said: For fuck sake, it isn't cheating if the other partner knows about it.... Jesus Christ. Expand No matter what you want to call it, the whole thing is really unbalanced. Just imagin Bodgan would go for a few days travel with his 2nd girlfriend. I don't think Nelly would take this situation well. 4 1
Adalbert Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 Same with Martina, also not sure how she will react if Alberto would have a thing going on.... 2
Marcelo Del Vecchio Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 On 6/9/2021 at 8:01 PM, Adalbert said: Preguntándose que Alberto dejó a los perros tanto tiempo solos ... La última vez, la bienvenida después de su regreso fue un poco diferente a esta vez. Así que comprenda que ella podría estar un poco irritada. 😉 Expand IIRITADA,Q PARTE?
Kenpaul Posted June 9, 2021 Posted June 9, 2021 On 6/9/2021 at 8:01 PM, Adalbert said: Wondering that Alberto left the dogs so long alone...Last time the welcome after her return was a bit different than this time. So understand that she might be a bit irritated.😉 Expand Maybe for both parties the chickens are coming home to roost. 1
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