StnCld316 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:16 PM, timber said: Nothing at all wrong with a nice relaxed daytime BBQ/pool hangout. The problem is that it's the only type of social event that has happened in B4 for months. Expand
chuck206 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 8:59 PM, ddhm said: I say everyday personally about Leora 😇 , with Nelly I am polite 😂 It is too much for people who seem to be lost .. Leora , Nelly , Kitty , Smith , this place and job isn’t anymore for them .. we need people like Nana for example , smiley , funny , people that you watch them and they give you a good feeling watching them .. Pam and her BF , even the two couples in B5 they enjoy everyday .. Nelly is since 2015 a participant , i believe if it wasn’t the thing with Martina , few people would really care about her , although I admit that she has a big big fan base .. but look , compare her participation and what we see in comparison to Masha for example that we still see so many things from her even 6 years after . Expand Everybody has favorites. Nelly has never been on my favorites list. It just bothers me when she is commented on for behaviour that is not unlike other RLC tenants. Some commented on her participation, not engaging with others, leaving the party. My observation of Nellys participation at the pool party.... I saw her in the kitchen, in the pool, and on the terrace talking with people. She did exit with Martina to the terrace off of her bedroom for extended time. During the B4 get together....Elian started by sleeping, while Vivian and Pam took their time getting ready. Later, Tesla retired to her bed, phone in hand, nap time. With people still sitting at the table on the terrace, Elian, Tesla, Amira left to prepare for an outing, joined by Pam and Ariana. Nana slipped away to shower and dress. Vivian played with her phone in her room. Pam retired to Vivian's room. Agree that some people have been around for a long time. I enjoy the new faces. Nana is interesting. I loved the "bat visit" to Vivian's room, Vivian hiding while Elian and Nana did bat combat. Masha's apartment.....yes, it is so entertaining watching people sit around and smoke until the very early hours of the morning. Masha is boring, unless she brings home a guy to bang. She female guests are the entertainment. Last week, it did pain me to see Masha unhappy and emotionally raw...she was in the tub, on her phone, and started crying....recover...crying again...3 or 4 times. I don't always agree with you, but enjoy your opinions and views. 2
ddhm Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:07 PM, yelt said: If Bogdan gave his permission for Nelly and Martina, then changed his mind and communicated his disapproval; this would be very unfair. As much as I disapprove only because Nelly is married to Bogdan stay true to your word. You have to wonder what happen with the hot and heavy Nelly and Martina relationship? Does anyone know? Did RLC intervene? Martina seems very confused and as seem Alberto and her are getting along, she is not there. It is apparent Nelly and Martina still care for one another but perhaps they've started thinking about what the future hold if the relationship continues? Or someone said to stop!!! Martina is smoking less, barely drinking and staying out to early morning? Is she still going to school? Does anyone know who or what put a stop to the Nelly and Martina relationship? With the party today, did anyone notice how little the other girls were talking to Nelly and or Martina? Expand Nobody knows what’s going on except these two , we are just watching .. we saw them having sex , it was hot and amazing and kept RLC “ alive “ during some difficult Covid 19 lockdown and curfew times … I have no passion anymore personally to watch this story , I like the guys , Alberto and Bogdan , much more for their efforts in most things they try to do than watching these two , Nelly and Martina , not knowing what they simply want to achieve by continuing this .. if it is for RLC viewership , sorry , I prefer to watch fantastic Nana , Tesla and Elian , Vivian and the true , original , funny and what makes me entertained whenever I watch thing between Pam and Jordy .. plus Tereza having sex 😂🤣 1
Nenemoh7 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:03 PM, ddhm said: She has Martina for what ? To marry her ? How more will they be fucking ? What is after that ? Or she believes that Martina will abandon her life or will she abandon her married life for Martina ? Is this how a woman of 30 years old should think ? What is after RLC for her ? Or they will stay in this villa till her hair becomes white ? Let’s be reasonable , if it wasn’t for the virus , I really wonder if N&B would be still in our screens as Barcelona tenants .. Expand sorry i have no answer to these questions only her can answer that
Alladino Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 9:55 PM, james deen said: At least they are doing something and not just going out every night Expand These stupid shows are not worth anything. Ultimately, however, it is not a problem of the girls themselves, but of the GOV concept. It is simply unsuitable for an insight into real life. It would only need a few girls who really bring some life into this apartment. Maybe others will follow. But as long as RLC keeps bringing back girls like the ones from B2, this shit goes on forever. 1
mark t Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:16 PM, timber said: Nothing at all wrong with a nice relaxed daytime BBQ/pool hangout. The problem is that it's the only type of social event that has happened in B4 for months. Expand well a few of these afternoon get togethers.... I enjoy the brief nudity especially last week with Ariana fully naked and relaxed, poolside ... very sexy voyeur moments .... The Toxic twins still play a bit and Tesla got a good fucking's not hopeless
StnCld316 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:07 PM, yelt said: If Bogdan gave his permission for Nelly and Martina, then changed his mind and communicated his disapproval; this would be very unfair. Expand A man has a right to change his mind.
ddhm Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:19 PM, chuck206 said: Everybody has favorites. Nelly has never been on my favorites list. It just bothers me when she is commented on for behaviour that is not unlike other RLC tenants. Some commented on her participation, not engaging with others, leaving the party. My observation of Nellys participation at the pool party.... I saw her in the kitchen, in the pool, and on the terrace talking with people. She did exit with Martina to the terrace off of her bedroom for extended time. During the B4 get together....Elian started by sleeping, while Vivian and Pam took their time getting ready. Later, Tesla retired to her bed, phone in hand, nap time. With people still sitting at the table on the terrace, Elian, Tesla, Amira left to prepare for an outing, joined by Pam and Ariana. Nana slipped away to shower and dress. Vivian played with her phone in her room. Pam retired to Vivian's room. Agree that some people have been around for a long time. I enjoy the new faces. Nana is interesting. I loved the "bat visit" to Vivian's room, Vivian hiding while Elian and Nana did bat combat. Masha's apartment.....yes, it is so entertaining watching people sit around and smoke until the very early hours of the morning. Masha is boring, unless she brings home a guy to bang. She female guests are the entertainment. Last week, it did pain me to see Masha unhappy and emotionally raw...she was in the tub, on her phone, and started crying....recover...crying again...3 or 4 times. I don't always agree with you, but enjoy your opinions and views. Expand You summed up today’s party for whoever didn’t watch it in a great way . As always , it is just opinions and what better platform than this forum to express them , agree and disagree for something that we like to watch for our own reasons .. GOV is called because of the holiday aura and concept .. N&B aren’t anymore on holidays , they live in Barcelona .. have RLC giving them Gina’s apartment for example and let the people to watch and comment living as a couple that they are and not affecting , no matter in whatever way , anything that happens in the villa .. these two there are like the rest of the girls , they haven’t got any exclusivity or privileges but it is so obvious that they live - without of course wanting - with the security that they will still be there also in summer 2022 , summer 2023 and so on .. the girls know these things , just remember how revolutionary and in party mood T&E entered only to realize that there are boundaries .. yes , they should be limits but how would you subconsciously feel knowing that in this villa lives a married couple and the wife is bisexual and has an affair that is more than sex with another RLC tenant and the husband just sits back and watches despite not approving 100% this situation .. find them an apartment then and let Martina and Nelly meet in and off cameras in their couples world thing and not in this way that the rest of the tenants watch and they don’t even know what to comment and say and can’t even perhaps have normal discussions as people living under the same roof because this is a very strange and particular subject .. Anyway , I might be completely tired watching unmotivated people ( Nelly ) and a guy ( Bogdan ) that tries to keep a decency level in a place that is RLC’s top asset for shows , happenings , parties and eye candy pleasures in general . It’s good we disagree because like this we can think more of our beliefs and expand the knowledge , so , I thank you for that ☺️
mark t Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 anyone care to explain more what this sexy photo shoot or sexy play between Nana and Viv.... apparently nothing big as they ended up on couch?? but maybe just a little more info.... the reason I am so curious as I see this relationship building , trust building , between 2 shy, reserved girls that really need some human affection, sex release , human intimacy that vibrators just don't give... I feel with Viv loosing that with Pam and Nana has no one that she would just throw herself out to... this could be the beginnings of a lovers match.... were they nude at all together in this sexy photo shoot ??? thanks for any feedback
timber Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:20 PM, Mark Thompson said: well a few of these afternoon get togethers.... I enjoy the brief nudity especially last week with Ariana fully naked and relaxed, poolside ... very sexy voyeur moments .... The Toxic twins still play a bit and Tesla got a good fucking's not hopeless Expand It's definitely not hopeless. I really enjoy the 4 new girls in B4, although Elian seems to have checked out almost completely in the last week or two. In fact, the main reason I find the continually dead nights in B4 frustrating is because I like the new girls and think they have a lot of potential. 1
redfan Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 On 6/26/2021 at 10:36 PM, Mark Thompson said: някой да се грижи да обясни повече каква е тази секси фотосесия или секси игра между Нана и Вив .... очевидно нищо голямо, тъй като са се озовали на дивана ?? но може би само малко повече информация .... причината да съм толкова любопитен, тъй като виждам това изграждане на взаимоотношения, изграждане на доверие, между 2 срамежливи, резервирани момичета, които наистина се нуждаят от някаква човешка обич, освобождаване от секс, човешка близост, която вибраторите просто не " не давам ... чувствам, че Вив губи това с Пам и Нана няма никой, на когото просто да се хвърли ... това може да е началото на мач за влюбени .... бяха ли разголени изобщо заедно в тази секси фотосесия ??? благодаря за всяка обратна връзка Expand Did a nice dance about 20 minutes in front of the mirrors in the gym, were toples and enjoyed themselves and the game
wooders78 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 did they leave hollys room empty so N&Bs mates can use it when they need to
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