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B4 - General Topic 2021 #103 (October)

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2 hours ago, quasi said:

Are Nelly and Bogdan packing?

If Nelly & Bogdan read this forum ... and you subscribe to my theory that sometimes the cast members like to fuck with us ... then this would be a good one.  The Boggy/Nelly haters are being played.  We shall see.

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RADI et sa maman passent le week-end ensemble, en excursion semble t'il.Lors d'une conversation téléphonique ,la semaine dernière elles avaient mis au point ce projet .RADI,enchantée, avait dit de sa maman qu'elle était la meilleure maman du monde.

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19 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

If Nelly & Bogdan read this forum ... and you subscribe to my theory that sometimes the cast members like to fuck with us ... then this would be a good one.  The Boggy/Nelly haters are being played.  We shall see.

As was perhaps explained , the way of the southern countries .. in autumn  we get the winter clothes unpacked and when spring comes we pack the winter ones and unpack the spring/ summer garderobe . 

Nelly and Bogdan will soak completely all the chances they have to have an on camera job , a real life apartment free of rent , monthly fees and accounts , living a luxury life in a place with a pool , fitness room , big empty spaces , a huge LR and very comfortable to cook kitchen , invite friends when bored and all of these being paid also a very respected monthly amount of money by appearing  naked and fucking ( also hiding sometimes for some days without warning the subscribers so we can get some nice walking naked looks from some of the rest of the people residing “ their home “ ) … 


Ridiculous , the majority  is tired having them on screen , Nelly contributes absolutely nothing and “ papa “ Bogdan trying to keep a balance of real work life and on cameras life .. 

Noldus’s recent RLC info can translate the description made with this post and the big decline of numbers  I guess  , add a trio of do nothing girls in B2 , a strange couple in Prague that their not being together times are double than being together , another woman who is playing a whole army of cultists fool for almost 2 years by doing this , doing that , repeat , and we are left with 5 real life couples with only one of them ( Gina and Bruno ) having an indeed tense life worth to watch it , another one having a big fan base due to the simplicity of the couple and their daily habits ( Martina and Alberto )  a woman in Rome who is in a search of fulfilling sexual fantasies and that’s it .. 

Current malfunction at large scale , B1 with big signs to turn the situation upside down , let’s see. 

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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Ridiculous , the majority  is tired having them on screen , Nelly contributes absolutely nothing and “ papa “ Bogdan trying to keep a balance of real work life and on cameras life .. 

Noldus’s recent RLC info can translate the description made with this post and the big decline numbers I guess  , add a trio of do nothing girls in B2 , a strange couple in Prague that their not being together times are double than being together , another woman who is playing a whole army of cultists fool for almost 2 years by doing this , doing that , repeat , and we are left with 5 real life couples with only one of them ( Gina and Bruno ) having an indeed tense life worth to watch it , another one having a big fan base due to the simplicity of the couple and their daily habits ( Martina and Alberto )  a woman in Rome who is in a search of fulfilling sexual fantasies and that’s it .. 

Current malfunction at large scale , B1 with big signs to turn the situation upside down , let’s see. 

Having a bad day @ddhm ?  You are not your normal up-beat cheerful self.  No X-Factor today?   🙂

Seriously, just teasing ... you are on to something.  Where is "Noldus' recent RLC info" that you refer to?  I guess I should go rummaging around ... I see a lot of other stuff on this forum ... but only focus on  the most recent action.

I agree with you.   Refer to my recent post suggesting some open bisexual couples with a Masha vibe.

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I am someone of average means and unfortunately do not have time to take luxurious spa baths like Nelly in this clip.

And I am not an expert at the various things you can put into a spa tub to make it feel wonderful.

But I am sorry, this looks like Nelly defecated in the tub.   I would have never have seen  this if it wasn't a REPLAY thumbnail.

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