tle Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 5:01 AM, Robbo56 said: The exception I'd make was maybe for Annabelle who used to practice the violin quite diligently, albeit it topless or nude. Just to clarify, not complaining about her dress sense - I miss Anabelle. Expand I always enjoyed Anabelle's playing.. She was quite good.. 1 1
yelt Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/18/2022 at 2:30 PM, ddhm said: Martina keeps on being a friend to Nelly despite whatever happens in tragic Nelly’s life can tell this as a great commitment .. Expand Is she being a friend or is she part of the tragic problem? it does not sound as if she is encouraging Nelly to get assistance? But then nor is Bogdan that we know of. Of course, as has been said, “Nelly must seek help to get help”. Perhaps she does not see a problem. Nelly and Martina have never stopped seeing each other. Martina meeting Nelly for short visits and at B7. Other than what occurred in B4, does Martina really know of Nelly’s problems with Herb and Ale or are there other agenda items that prevent Martina from being accepting of the problems. We now know another trip is in the works for Martina with her friends and sounds as if Martina may have extended an invite to Nelly. If Nelly does go, who knows the outcome if Herb and Ale is served? Did she also extend the invite Alberto or Bogdan or Gina? Right or wrong as you say, this may be a “great commitment” to Nelly. Married or not Martina with her reluctant insistence, to want what she wants, in this case Nelly. Regardless of the damage that may be ensued. Do you think this great commitment may be having effect on Bogdan? While no one can control the lives of Martina and especially Nelly, I believe we all would be very saddened if we continued to witness the resurgence of the M&N's relationship, to the result of a tragedy and there is no oversight by RLC. Unless this is all part of the script.
rafan Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 If Nelly will go to trip with Martina I would advise Bog to get friendly with one of the girls in B7, my recommendation would be Karen.
FrankZabba Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 1:08 PM, rafan said: If Nelly will go to trip with Martina I would advise Bog to get friendly with one of the girls in B7, my recommendation would be Karen. Expand i don't understand comments like this 1
yelt Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/18/2022 at 1:55 PM, ddhm said: Martina has complained to him numerous times , Alberto is at times mysterious to decode , you can’t tell he is lazy , he cooks , he will make his bicycle hobby , but there’s a very big “ BUT “ ..He is totally different than Martina , he isn’t as social as her , he doesn’t like traveling , he doesn’t like going out in restaurants , bars , he is more of a house guy …Normally m, two people with so many serious differences can’t last for such a long time together ..but here they are still , even though this is at times an open relationship of sorts as Martina seems to have the “ free pass “ to do whatever she wants with whoever she wants and I think the same goes for him but let’s say due to his “ close to himself “ character , he isn’t pursuing it like Martina . Expand All due respect. Everyone’s different! We each are all different, I hope. Are you saying because one is different, they should not be together or get along? My parents were very different and although my father (an attorney) as since passed of cancer, always mentioned how different they were but also married prior for 25 years. I am not sure I would want to determine Alberto’s makeup solely based on what we see on RLC. Unless we know them personally (which you may) and have socialized with them would we really understand these differences and behaviors. On RLC I see he treats Martina with a great deal of respect (perhaps that is contractual) and takes care of her anyway he can, as opposed to the way she visually treats and disrespects him; out all hours of the night, facetime with her boyfriends with loud inhibited sexual undertones, bringing her boyfriends to the apartment, falling short of sexual activity most likely because of the camera, not because Alberto was in the house, etc. I would not profess him as a “house guy” because of what is seen on RLC. He does what needs to be done to keep a clean-living arrangement! That which I’ve only been seen by Martina when expecting Nelly. In my opinion they are both still actors. One with more the appearance of self-centeredness than the other.
daerjohn2015 Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 1:16 PM, FrankZabba said: ik begrijp dit soort opmerkingen niet Expand Waarom niet?
ddhm Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 12:26 PM, yelt said: Is she being a friend or is she part of the tragic problem? it does not sound as if she is encouraging Nelly to get assistance? But then nor is Bogdan that we know of. Of course, as has been said, “Nelly must seek help to get help”. Perhaps she does not see a problem. Nelly and Martina have never stopped seeing each other. Martina meeting Nelly for short visits and at B7. Other than what occurred in B4, does Martina really know of Nelly’s problems with Herb and Ale or are there other agenda items that prevent Martina from being accepting of the problems. We now know another trip is in the works for Martina with her friends and sounds as if Martina may have extended an invite to Nelly. If Nelly does go, who knows the outcome if Herb and Ale is served? Did she also extend the invite Alberto or Bogdan or Gina? Right or wrong as you say, this may be a “great commitment” to Nelly. Married or not Martina with her reluctant insistence, to want what she wants, in this case Nelly. Regardless of the damage that may be ensued. Do you think this great commitment may be having effect on Bogdan? While no one can control the lives of Martina and especially Nelly, I believe we all would be very saddened if we continued to witness the resurgence of the M&N's relationship, to the result of a tragedy and there is no oversight by RLC. Unless this is all part of the script. Expand I never believe that RLC is script , things just happen , of course many times the cameras “ push “ for things to happen so bonuses are earned and so on .. As for Martina , I think in some weeks lots of info will be revealed of what’s happening and the summer spending and living conditions ..Watching Martina supporting Nelly it is part of seeing a great friendship from Martina’s side but I honestly don’t know what nelly thinks .. To give my deeper thoughts , I think Martina has no idea of the tragic point that Nelly’s life is , the few times meeting aren’t a “ secure “ point so as to know for Martina the “demons “ that hunt Nelly ..which ultimately makes me believe that Nelly doesn’t see Martina as a friend and she always wants her as a lover and possibly she’s jealous of her if she finds out that she has another fuck buddy …Martina and Nelly on cameras personally i can’t stand watching .. Seeing them having sex , ohh boy , this will make me wanting to go and see repeated videos of Kitty and Smith 2-3 minute sessions again and again and again 🤓..Nelly is completely unattractive to me currently . 1
ddhm Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 1:47 PM, yelt said: All due respect. Everyone’s different! We each are all different, I hope. Are you saying because one is different, they should not be together or get along? My parents were very different and although my father (an attorney) as since passed of cancer, always mentioned how different they were but also married prior for 25 years. I am not sure I would want to determine Alberto’s makeup solely based on what we see on RLC. Unless we know them personally (which you may) and have socialized with them would we really understand these differences and behaviors. On RLC I see he treats Martina with a great deal of respect (perhaps that is contractual) and takes care of her anyway he can, as opposed to the way she visually treats and disrespects him; out all hours of the night, facetime with her boyfriends with loud inhibited sexual undertones, bringing her boyfriends to the apartment, falling short of sexual activity most likely because of the camera, not because Alberto was in the house, etc. I would not profess him as a “house guy” because of what is seen on RLC. He does what needs to be done to keep a clean-living arrangement! That which I’ve only been seen by Martina when expecting Nelly. In my opinion they are both still actors. One with more the appearance of self-centeredness than the other. Expand I don’t believe in RLC scripts and RLC actors ..real people , 8/10 times real life things 2/10 camera shows for financial reasons .. I will use the quote of a good friend , it might be miscvoyeur or I hope he appears if he reads this “ Martina alone would skyrocket subscriptions “ as a single girl and of what we have seen she can and she’s willing to do on cameras ..Martina became popular when she started mixing with the Russian apartments , till that time we were watching a simple , routine RLC daily life couple .. Suddenly and after her first B4 visits , everybody discovered Martina and Alberto ( when a closer look to past CC archives can easily reveal who knows almost anything for M&A life )… With all due respect to Alberto , I think Martina’s life can be exploded in anything she’s willing to do and in my humble opinion the co sharing / living with him is holding her back ..On the other hand , I believe Martina can’t have a life without Alberto as any kind of relationship next to him , as I said , if Alberto at a certain point can accept that Martina can be with another man who fulfills her needs of the social life we know she enjoys , then this would be the ideal .. I just see them as soulmates in the near or further future and not as a couple that Martina will be the mama of Alberto’s child( children ) ..Bus as always , that’s my opinion 😌
FrankZabba Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 1:49 PM, daerjohn2015 said: Why not? Expand i guess i'm just old fashioned
Friese60 Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 2:21 PM, ddhm said: Ich glaube nicht an RLC-Skripte und RLC-Schauspieler ... echte Menschen, 8/10-mal Dinge aus dem wirklichen Leben, 2/10 Kamerashows aus finanziellen Gründen ... Ich werde das Zitat eines guten Freundes verwenden, es könnte Miscvoyeur sein, oder ich hoffe Er erscheint, wenn er dies liest „Martina allein würde die Abonnements in die Höhe schnellen lassen“ als alleinstehendes Mädchen und von dem, was sie vor Kameras tun kann und will beobachteten ein einfaches, routinemäßiges RLC-Alltagspaar. Plötzlich und nach ihren ersten B4-Besuchen entdeckten alle Martina und Alberto (wenn ein genauerer Blick auf frühere CC-Archive leicht zeigen kann, wer fast alles über das M&A-Leben weiß)… Bei allem Respekt vor Alberto denke ich, dass Martinas Leben in allem, was sie zu tun bereit ist, explodieren kann, und meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach hält das Zusammenleben mit ihm sie zurück. Andererseits glaube ich, dass Martina das nicht haben kann ein Leben ohne Alberto als irgendeine Art von Beziehung neben ihm, wie gesagt, wenn Alberto an einem bestimmten Punkt akzeptieren kann, dass Martina mit einem anderen Mann zusammen sein kann, der ihre Bedürfnisse des sozialen Lebens erfüllt, von dem wir wissen, dass sie es genießt, dann wäre dies die ideal.. ich sehe sie einfach als Seelenverwandte in naher oder weiterer Zukunft und nicht als Paar, dass Martina die Mama von Albertos Kind(kindern) sein wird..Bus wie immer, das ist meine Meinung 😌 Expand Woher weißt du -oder wer immer auch wir sind? -Ich auf jeden Fall nicht.😃 Was für Bedürfnisse Martina hat in ihrem sozialen Leben?
philo Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 Pundits, Pundits, Pundits, all trying to explain things that they don't understand. It would be much easier if people starting seeing Martina as different from Nelly in every regard. Trying to make one responsible for the others' behavior is non-sensical. It would also help if people stopped thinking of Martina as being married to Alberto. That would make everything make a lot more sense. 1 1
yelt Posted May 19, 2022 Posted May 19, 2022 On 5/19/2022 at 2:21 PM, ddhm said: “ Martina alone would skyrocket subscriptions “ as a single girl and of what we have seen she can and she’s willing to do on cameras .. With all due respect to Alberto , I think Martina’s life can be exploded in anything she’s willing to do and in my humble opinion the co sharing / living with him is holding her back .. Expand I agree with much said here. Martina has learned no bounds, no shame and as we have seen what she is willing to do on camera, imagine what she has been doing off camera (still no morals). Way too bad! I am reminded of my good friend "jman9212" who mentioned Martina worked last summer as a "Call Girl or Escort" for fast money. With the thought of her willingness to do anything, lends proof jman may have been right. He was given a lot of bad press for his accusations; but perhaps the comments about her willingness to entertain on camera gives reason to believe she could have worked that Escort circuit with no problem. I really hope not but! Just a thought: I think it is Alberto that helps to ground her as he can. 1
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