berty_47 Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 17 hours ago, darkman said: te voy a dar mi opinion . chica de 20 y pocos de una provincia donde no hay empleo o es precario . sin oficio ni beneficio , su trabajo en follar en publico en una pagina . para eso necesita a alberto a ojos de un veinteañero no es nada sexy , quizas para mi que tengo 55 si lo es , o para ti tambien . no tiene amigos reales solo conocidos , los que le interesa en el momento , ( donde esta candela y la otra niña ? ) con nelly lo que le pasa es que coinciden dos personalidades psicopaticas , las dos se complementan , solo que nelly es de un rango muy superior en todos los sentidos , y a martina eso no la deja vivir , necesita ganar si o si , no soporta perder . en cuanto a las salidas y el sexo , no es muy diferente a cualquier chica de su edad ( soltera ) si alberto hiciera lo mismo me callaria , pero el no hace nada , no tiene otras parejas , y traga con lo que martina ordene , o eso o me pierdes , el lo sabe , es un hombre dependiente emocionalmente de ella . vuelvo a decir que en cuanto alberto no le sirva , o abandonen la pagina , o ella tengo una opcion mejor ( otro mangina ) o pagafantas como quieras llamarlo , a alberto le van a dar por donde amargan los pepinos , ( por el culo ) . en resumen , una niñata , creida , narcisista , con comportamientos psicopaticos , que sabe perfectemente utilizar a los que le rodean , y que sabe que en un circulo con gente normal , ella desentonaría . esa es la realidad objetiva d elo que vemos dia a dia en ella , el que quiera ver otra cosa , es su problema . Thank you very much for this post, which I fully share with you on almost all points. What surprises me is that there are hardly any reactions to it, although you very clearly criticize Martina's behavior. Could it be because you wrote in Spanish? A note on Alberto's behavior: It was reported from various sources that years ago Martina cheated on Alberto with a friend of him and left him. Then she came back. This may be the cause of his pathological behavior. He probably suffered greatly from this incident and experienced a severe trauma. Now he is doing everything to avoid experiencing this deep pain again, the trauma is still there. Besides, that's a common behavior. I am firmly convinced that A suffers greatly from M's behavior, but he accepts this suffering because otherwise he will lose her. But he can't prevent that at all. It's downright embarrassing as he constantly fawns and kisses her. He completely dependent on her and also totally inferior to her mentally. And Alberto seems to be a good gullible person. Martina has a sophisticated, sly and self-centered personality, she is head and shoulders above him. But it gets even worse: If the two separate, he will have to leave the apartment, RLC is certainly not interested in Alberto. (Martina as a single would be an interesting option). In addition, Martina has a very good relationship with Bogdan (verifiable). And Nelly is in the background. Next: He will lose the apartment, an attractive fuck partner, possibly his beloved Taco. He apparently has hardly any social ties (parents, siblings, friends). So what else can he do? Contrary to what is always said here, he clearly suffers from all the circumstances. Take a look at his facial expression and especially his gait. Martina will not change her reckless, self-centered and narcissistic behavior, so he must act or he will perish or at least get sick. 1 1
JenniferMom Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 11 hours ago, ddhm said: Why do you think Alberto isn’t satisfying her ? For whatever we can see , nearly 10 years after and they have sex almost everyday ..except if you speak of the fact that she isn’t satisfied because Alberto is a more “ staying at home “ person than her who “ likes to be out “ .. It's sad to see my good friend responding in knee-jerk fashion to defend our dear Valencian puta. And resorting to similar rhetorical techniques to try to prove your point. Let's stipulate that Martina is in fact satisfying Alberto for the sake of argument. You have chosen to argue the one thing that cannot be easily proven. Why not address the key behavior that is evident and visible to all, the behavior that causes some of us to question the health of their relationship ... that being her desires and urges to leave the apartment at night and often not return for many hours. For this, the "Martina is a saint crowd" has no response ... except that she is a "fun girl that likes to dance'. OK The issue of whether she satisfies Alberto is not relevant in my opinion. 1 2 1
darkman Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 en primer lugar no es valencia , de la comunidad valenciana si , pero no de valencia . no me gusta llamar puta , a una mujer por su actividad sexual , si fuera un hombre seria un macho . en esta vida todos somos malos y buenos , mi opinion personal es que gente buena 100% no hay eso no existe , todos tenemos de las dos . por el contrario , gente mala si existe , lo que diferencia a estos del comun de los mortales es la PREMEDITACION , estos suelen ser un 12% de la poblacion mundial , y creciendo exponencialmente debido al modo de vida actual , se llaman psicopatas , y no son freddy krueger , suelen ser gente como martina , que hacen daño gota a gota insidiosamente y con manipulaciones psicologicas muy sutiles , pero muy efectivas , hace falta haber pasado por las manos de un ser de estos , para poder diferenciarlos , uno se vuelve erudito . esa es martina . 2
JenniferMom Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 1 hour ago, darkman said: in the first place it is not valencia , from the valencian community yes , but not from valencia . I do not like to call a woman a whore for her sexual activity , if she were a man she would be a macho . Apologies Dark. So I made a rather flippant statement which is not often usual for me and it comes back to bite me. Please know I only refer to her as a "puta" because it has been documented that she has self-described herself that way. But your points are well taken.
moules Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 On 9/4/2022 at 5:17 AM, berty_47 said: This is an interesting aspect and sounds logical. And Bogdan seems to be involved in the RLC organization. When Nelly and Martina had their wild, crazy, sexual encounters soon after N&B moved to B-4, I said to myself, these girls are experienced lesbians. I described some of what they did, particularly the grinding and scissoring to a lesbian, and asked if this was commonly practiced in lesbian sex. She replied, 'Oh, yes. When we are resting in a long session. We can't be fingering and licking all the time!' This sex certainly surprised everybody. Always a question for me was how and where did they become so familiar and intimate with each other? Certainly, they had done this before, and not just once or twice. So perhaps K&K's apartment is the answer. They should have both received the All-Time Passion Award from RLC, for getting rug burns on a wood floor!
Deepdave Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 1 hour ago, moules said: When Nelly and Martina had their wild, crazy, sexual encounters soon after N&B moved to B-4, I said to myself, these girls are experienced lesbians. I described some of what they did, particularly the grinding and scissoring to a lesbian, and asked if this was commonly practiced in lesbian sex. She replied, 'Oh, yes. When we are resting in a long session. We can't be fingering and licking all the time!' This sex certainly surprised everybody. Always a question for me was how and where did they become so familiar and intimate with each other? Certainly, they had done this before, and not just once or twice. So perhaps K&K's apartment is the answer. They should have both received the All-Time Passion Award from RLC, for getting rug burns on a wood floor! So, it is time for the defenders of Martina to reappear. We have many psychoanalysts taking a shot at Martina (and Alberto). This couple can do nothing right, and their relationship is absolutely going to fail, and you may be right but not for the reasons that you have commented. Martina and Alberto are a very special couple with their own set of rules. Alberto is much smarter than the forum naysayers want to admit, and Martina takes her discussions with him very seriously and has for some unknown reason to all of the naysayers stayed with him for over 10 years. They have matured together. Alberto is working (thank goodness the ni-ni ers have disappeared) and Martina will be back at school starting this week. Her schedule will now have to match Alberto’s. Probably less partying, but if you have not noticed she has been doing less partying this summer. She has made up for the people who like to fantasize by staying up most of the night with her secret boyfriends (really her brother, Marta (best friend), Elena (best friend), Luis (gay guy) and Dani (the Big Guy). Martina is bi-sexual, and she has had some lesbian affairs in the past year with Alberto’s knowledge and approval. Is this hard to believe and accept? It is only hard to accept if you think that Alberto has been taken advantage of. But they obviously do not see these affairs as affecting their relationship. She comes back after she has been fucked and she tells him all about them. I think these affairs are more physical than true love. Right now, her true love is Alberto. Recently I have seen them cuddling on the couch, watching TV. Why would Martina be doing this unless she really felt something for Alberto. Sex is not the only consideration to have a good relationship. There are so many things that they have in common, and they have a very strong ability to allow their partner leeway in many of the other enjoyments in life that they do not have in common together. In summary there are many people who are jealous of Martina and Alberto. But to call them “psychopathic”, “a brat, conceited, narcissistic”, “cheater”, “pathological”, “sophisticated, sly and self-centered”, and “very effective psychological manipulations” is bullshit. You must look at the people who are doing the name calling to understand their comments. It is my opinion these naysayers are uninformed, misinformed and jealous. They are people who are not subscribers and depend on the other uninformed and misinformed contributors of the forum. They do not know Alberto and Martina’s personal life history and do not talk of their recent accomplishments and goals. And most importantly and sadly they do not trust the translators who have been an invaluable way to know and love Martina and Alberto. Sadly you will probably never get the translations which you need to enjoy the life and success of this couple. In my opinion it will not be long before this couple graduates from RLC and becomes very successful. Martina will be able to write a book called “RLC for Dummies” and we will all be stars in it. 3
darkman Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 en primer lugar calificar a alguien de psicopata , narcisita , no es un insulto , no soy psicologo , pero si entiendo y se como funcionan estos seres , me toco lidiar con una asi , y no sali muy bien parado , si soy supcripor , y de hace mucho tiempo , desde que martina no estaba en rlc , asi que he podido ver su evolucion , asi mismo entiendo su idioma , y su cultura social del pais , es parecida a la mia , es por eso , que en muchas conversaciones del dia a dia , sus gestos , y sobretodo sus actos , reconozco a una persona manipuladora y si no psicopatica , si toxica , me veo reflejado en su relacion , siempre fijate en lo que hace , nunca en lo que dice y los descubriras .
Ash1 Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 2 hours ago, moules said: When Nelly and Martina had their wild, crazy, sexual encounters soon after N&B moved to B-4, I said to myself, these girls are experienced lesbians. I described some of what they did, particularly the grinding and scissoring to a lesbian, and asked if this was commonly practiced in lesbian sex. She replied, 'Oh, yes. When we are resting in a long session. We can't be fingering and licking all the time!' This sex certainly surprised everybody. Always a question for me was how and where did they become so familiar and intimate with each other? Certainly, they had done this before, and not just once or twice. So perhaps K&K's apartment is the answer. They should have both received the All-Time Passion Award from RLC, for getting rug burns on a wood floor! Nelly and Bogdan didn't live in the Karol and Kos apartment, and I think if that apartment wasn't in the same building as Martina and Alberto, you wouldn't be trying to create this story. The first time Martina visited B4 was also the first time that she met Nelly. Martina and Nelly became familiar and intimate with each other in B4, they hadn't had sex with each other before. 1 3
girlsfun2 Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 28 minutes ago, Deepdave said: So, it is time for the defenders of Martina to reappear. We have many psychoanalysts taking a shot at Martina (and Alberto). This couple can do nothing right, and their relationship is absolutely going to fail, and you may be right but not for the reasons that you have commented. Martina and Alberto are a very special couple with their own set of rules. Alberto is much smarter than the forum naysayers want to admit, and Martina takes her discussions with him very seriously and has for some unknown reason to all of the naysayers stayed with him for over 10 years. They have matured together. Alberto is working (thank goodness the ni-ni ers have disappeared) and Martina will be back at school starting this week. Her schedule will now have to match Alberto’s. Probably less partying, but if you have not noticed she has been doing less partying this summer. She has made up for the people who like to fantasize by staying up most of the night with her secret boyfriends (really her brother, Marta (best friend), Elena (best friend), Luis (gay guy) and Dani (the Big Guy). Martina is bi-sexual, and she has had some lesbian affairs in the past year with Alberto’s knowledge and approval. Is this hard to believe and accept? It is only hard to accept if you think that Alberto has been taken advantage of. But they obviously do not see these affairs as affecting their relationship. She comes back after she has been fucked and she tells him all about them. I think these affairs are more physical than true love. Right now, her true love is Alberto. Recently I have seen them cuddling on the couch, watching TV. Why would Martina be doing this unless she really felt something for Alberto. Sex is not the only consideration to have a good relationship. There are so many things that they have in common, and they have a very strong ability to allow their partner leeway in many of the other enjoyments in life that they do not have in common together. In summary there are many people who are jealous of Martina and Alberto. But to call them “psychopathic”, “a brat, conceited, narcissistic”, “cheater”, “pathological”, “sophisticated, sly and self-centered”, and “very effective psychological manipulations” is bullshit. You must look at the people who are doing the name calling to understand their comments. It is my opinion these naysayers are uninformed, misinformed and jealous. They are people who are not subscribers and depend on the other uninformed and misinformed contributors of the forum. They do not know Alberto and Martina’s personal life history and do not talk of their recent accomplishments and goals. And most importantly and sadly they do not trust the translators who have been an invaluable way to know and love Martina and Alberto. Sadly you will probably never get the translations which you need to enjoy the life and success of this couple. In my opinion it will not be long before this couple graduates from RLC and becomes very successful. Martina will be able to write a book called “RLC for Dummies” and we will all be stars in it. Bla, bla, bla..."So, it is time for the defenders of Martina to reappear" : No, no, it is rather the copy/paste that reappear LOL ! "Sadly you will probably never get the translations which you need to enjoy the life and success of this couple " : It depends because your own translation is not worth anything, so we rely on others that we appreciate very much, so don't consider you as a real translator. You always have the same translation no matter what happens... LOL ! But I must admit that you are, on the other hand, very good to copy/paste your interventions evey time. LOL ! So much fun ...Ok let go back to Martina and Alberto. 1 1 1
girlsfun2 Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 2 hours ago, moules said: When Nelly and Martina had their wild, crazy, sexual encounters soon after N&B moved to B-4, I said to myself, these girls are experienced lesbians. I described some of what they did, particularly the grinding and scissoring to a lesbian, and asked if this was commonly practiced in lesbian sex. She replied, 'Oh, yes. When we are resting in a long session. We can't be fingering and licking all the time!' This sex certainly surprised everybody. Always a question for me was how and where did they become so familiar and intimate with each other? Certainly, they had done this before, and not just once or twice. So perhaps K&K's apartment is the answer. They should have both received the All-Time Passion Award from RLC, for getting rug burns on a wood floor! 2 girls with experience, you are right ! 1
ddhm Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 5 hours ago, berty_47 said: Thank you very much for this post, which I fully share with you on almost all points. What surprises me is that there are hardly any reactions to it, although you very clearly criticize Martina's behavior. Could it be because you wrote in Spanish? A note on Alberto's behavior: It was reported from various sources that years ago Martina cheated on Alberto with a friend of him and left him. Then she came back. This may be the cause of his pathological behavior. He probably suffered greatly from this incident and experienced a severe trauma. Now he is doing everything to avoid experiencing this deep pain again, the trauma is still there. Besides, that's a common behavior. I am firmly convinced that A suffers greatly from M's behavior, but he accepts this suffering because otherwise he will lose her. But he can't prevent that at all. It's downright embarrassing as he constantly fawns and kisses her. He completely dependent on her and also totally inferior to her mentally. And Alberto seems to be a good gullible person. Martina has a sophisticated, sly and self-centered personality, she is head and shoulders above him. But it gets even worse: If the two separate, he will have to leave the apartment, RLC is certainly not interested in Alberto. (Martina as a single would be an interesting option). In addition, Martina has a very good relationship with Bogdan (verifiable). And Nelly is in the background. Next: He will lose the apartment, an attractive fuck partner, possibly his beloved Taco. He apparently has hardly any social ties (parents, siblings, friends). So what else can he do? Contrary to what is always said here, he clearly suffers from all the circumstances. Take a look at his facial expression and especially his gait. Martina will not change her reckless, self-centered and narcissistic behavior, so he must act or he will perish or at least get sick. In my humble opinion , it is Martina ( as I have repeatedly said ) that she will suffer if she loses Alberto ( which I believe this will never happen , no matter what happens , the “ worst “ case scenario is that they will be always best friends , people that would never be able not have one another in their lives ) .. it isn’t easy to find a person who accepts all of the way of living style like Alberto does for Martina .. others would question the nights out , won’t approve or accept , speaking about a normal relationship that is . Martina won’t be able to find a guy that he will be accepting her fucking next room and on the couples bed and bedroom her lesbian married lover . Martina will have difficulties to find a guy that she can trust easily all of her secrets without being judged negative or in a disappointed / degraded way like the actions of Martina who many times aren’t the best example ..Martina needs Alberto more than Alberto needs Martina … He proved that he can find a job , he is a decent boyfriend , he knows how to cook , he can make it by himself easily , it is just Martina’s personality and the forum here at CC’s which has mostly male members that her presence overshadows many of the positive characteristics from Alberto .. In my opinion he is a great guy and the only disadvantage is that he is kind of “ home lover “ guy , he prefers his quiet, peace and relaxation and he’s not this much into parties or social gatherings ( he won’t say no and he will enjoy the maximum if the company is for his tastes ) . My conclusion - as I have said again - is that Martina is dependent on Alberto concerning her freedom of actions routine .. I don’t know if she can be with a guy that will “ demand “ things from her , a guy that he will also behave exactly the same way like her .. can it be that she can share life with a “ male Martina “ lifestyle ? Can Martina accept a guy in her life that fucks in the next door bedroom and couple’s bed a common female friend while she builds Lego or plays PlayStation in the LR ? An answer in that can tell about the relationship of these two people for over or nearly 10 years now .. with the normal ups and downs as it should always be in long term ( whatever kind of ) relationships . 1 1
Deepdave Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 9 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said: Bla, bla, bla..."So, it is time for the defenders of Martina to reappear" : No, no, it is rather the copy/paste that reappear LOL ! "Sadly you will probably never get the translations which you need to enjoy the life and success of this couple " : It depends because your own translation is not worth anything, so we rely on others that we appreciate very much, so don't consider you as a real translator. You always have the same translation no matter what happens... LOL ! But I must admit that you are, on the other hand, very good to copy/paste your interventions evey time. LOL ! So much fun ...Ok let go back to Martina and Alberto. Hey GF2 i don’t make up these translations and you admittedly don’t trust the translators anyway. So your comment is that I repeat myself. I hate to tell you but go back to your posts and you will fall asleep with all of your repetitions, repetitions, repetitions, repetitions LOL if you know what I mean, I forgot the !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry. 1 1
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