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The U/L issue seems to cause a great deal of irritation around here on a periodic basis.

Personally, I find posting of files for personal monetary gain using a pain-in-the-ass service like UL to be "not in the spirit of sharing."

This is how a tiny competitor to CamCaps handled the situation; I think perhaps these rules should be discussed.

I know other file sharing sites that ban UL outright.

So, read this site's rules, and see if they might settle the issue at CamCaps. I think their rules are reasonable. Then navigate right back to CamCaps, where you belong. (These other people don't even know who Vika is; they are not nearly as fun, intelligent and entertaining as we are; and they're all ugly and their mothers dress them funny. And its Alexa ranking is nearly invisible.)


En effet UL est une cause de discutions régulières et chaudes mais pourquoi essayer d'imposé tel hébergeur ou un autre alors que UL serait interdit ? Où est la liberté là dedans ? Je pense que chacun de nous doit être libre de choisir son support d'hébergement dans un esprit de partage mais avant tout qui sied le mieux à ses besoins personnels.

Maintenant vous restés libres aussi de cliquer ou non sur les liens UL,....Nul ne vous imposes d'y adhérer et de cliquer dessus...

Sincèrement vous êtes fatiguant de toujours la ramener sur UL et cela devient carrément du harcèlement !

Le jour où Ul sera interdit ici, je ne posterai plus rien, ferai profité les intéressés par mails et FUNCK à tout ceux qui auront critiqués mes posts et partages.

                                            Amicalement, votre serviteur Antares.  ;D

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Guest Squirrel

En effet UL est une cause de discutions régulières et chaudes mais pourquoi essayer d'imposé tel hébergeur ou un autre alors que UL serait interdit ? Où est la liberté là dedans ? Je pense que chacun de nous doit être libre de choisir son support d'hébergement dans un esprit de partage mais avant tout qui sied le mieux à ses besoins personnels.

Maintenant vous restés libres aussi de cliquer ou non sur les liens UL,....Nul ne vous imposes d'y adhérer et de cliquer dessus...

Sincèrement vous êtes fatiguant de toujours la ramener sur UL et cela devient carrément du harcèlement !

Le jour où Ul sera interdit ici, je ne posterai plus rien, ferai profité les intéressés par mails et FUNCK à tout ceux qui auront critiqués mes posts et partages.

                                            Amicalement, votre serviteur Antares.  ;D

Do not misunderstand my position. I respect and enjoy your posts, and most of the UL members also provide quality comments and posts. Please understand that if one does not pay for UL, the number of downloads per day becomes limited, and the download speed is just as bad as a 300 baud modem in the dial-up BBS days.

I believe that the site to which I linked has a more thoughtful discussion about the problem than we do on CamCaps. Our arguments about the merits of UL (and Imagetwist also) usually erupt into a series of minor flame wars in sections where such off-topic discussions should be irrelevant.

For example, the reallifecamfan people discuss the necessity of posting a preview, so that downloaders can see what is being offered. I have spent many hours downloading a UL video only to discover that I'd already seen it.

Under no circumstances do I mean disrespect to you or the other UL users on this board. I think this subject should be thoughtfully discussed here. And I'm a bit tired of CamCaps' members being flamed because they do or do not post or download from UL.

If Admin wishes to render a judgement about posting procedures, I will support Admin's decision.

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Je vais vous donné le truc qui m'a aidé à devenir "membre premium" sans déboursé d'argent vu que je n'en ai pas les moyens financier et j'espère que cela aidera, motivera certain d'entre nous. :)

Au départ,pendant 3-4 mois +/-, je téléchargeait en tant que membre non premium et grâce aux téléchargements, aux adhésions et inscriptions des autres j'ai gagné quelques sou qui m'ont permit d'être membre premium pendant 1 mois, ensuite j'ai continuer à posté et j'ai ainsi depuis put me faire membre prémium pour 1 ans.

Je n'ai bien entendus pas ménager mes efforts en postant ici mais aussi ailleurs et j'ai mis à contribution mes ami(e)s et connaissances du net avec des titres à la demande. (films, émissions, jeux et tout ce qui  peut être trouvé sur le net)

(Petit truc lorsque l'ont n'est pas "Premium", mettre des fichiers texte nommer "leora", lora"maya etc.. sur le bureau pc pour y copier/coller les liens s'y rapportant, ainsi toutes les 2 ou 3 heures, je téléchargeait un fichier.)

Bref, voilà une astuce pour devenir membre premium sans ouvrir sa bourse. :)

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  • 10 months later...

Removing the ability for the masses to quote a million posts at once would be a great addition. If used properly, it's a great tool. But not to fill up an entire page with quoting pictures.

Maybe selling copies of Windows for Dummy's Idiots would help? I don't know.

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I would still like to hear your suggestions. Let me know if you think there is something that we could improve upon or features that we could add.

- Admin

Is there a way that you guys could come up with a way for us to share videos between the members of CC without using a third party site,just a place that is controlled by CC,or would that be too expensive?
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  • 1 month later...

Having all that content on CC servers would make them a huge lightening rod for RLC to attack with takedown requests.

It's bad enough that some CC members are RLC spies and gather info here to go out and issue takedowns for everything that we post.

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Having all that content on CC servers would make them a huge lightening rod for RLC to attack with takedown requests.

It's bad enough that some CC members are RLC spies and gather info here to go out and issue takedowns for everything that we post.

From the time I joined CC and to this very day every pic and vid that has been uploaded to the attachment center still stand and no content has been removed except if the user that puts it there decides to delete it.
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  • 2 months later...

Can you make it possible to get a paid subscription on CamCaps without using Bitcoin?  A year ago I simply used my credit card and would like to do so again.  How can I pay $12.00 to become a paid member again?

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Can you make it possible to get a paid subscription on CamCaps without using Bitcoin?  A year ago I simply used my credit card and would like to do so again.  How can I pay $12.00 to become a paid member again?

The Admin is working on it as he stated in a different thread there was a problem with Payza and is working on trying to get a different payment method.
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  • 8 months later...

Regarding the idea of eli minating the "Sex Now!" and using the Chat Room for such announcements, Van has stated:

"I think removing the 'Oh my God etc etc' thread would be a mistake. I appreciate the thread is meant to be a quick shout out to forum members which can now be done more immediately through the Chat room but I think the thread gives everyone the chance to make a comment on the particular 'event' and is often entertaining to see what people think. We mustn't kill the fun in the name of efficiency!!!"

Feel free to post you opinions about this subject here so that we can consider the matter from all points of view. Thank you

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