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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #9

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For those of you who know Russian habits, a quick kiss on the mouth between close friends is something similar than the southern-European kiss on the cheeks. In Russia, even men kiss each other on mouth sometimes (I would hate that.

Stop talking silly when you don't know the truth! There's no such habit  as men kissing each other on the mouth.  ::)

Some examples for you. https://www.google.fi/search?q=brezhnev+kiss+honecker&biw=1600&bih=775&tbm=isch&imgil=-EJYH5qRx-X8KM%253A%253B_F8tjemQmyuiaM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Frarehistoricalphotos.com%25252Fsocialist-fraternal-kiss-leonid-brezhnev-erich-honecker-1979%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=-EJYH5qRx-X8KM%253A%252C_F8tjemQmyuiaM%252C_&usg=__-XLhy6ivVDkQCYZb8MQQnx6GAiA%3D&ved=0CD0QyjdqFQoTCM66o6_ckscCFcEGLAodxs0DHg&ei=_2nCVY6_JsGNsAHGm4_wAQ#imgrc=-EJYH5qRx-X8KM%3A&usg=__-XLhy6ivVDkQCYZb8MQQnx6GAiA%3D

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For those of you who know Russian habits, a quick kiss on the mouth between close friends is something similar than the southern-European kiss on the cheeks. In Russia, even men kiss each other on mouth sometimes (I would hate that.

Stop talking silly when you don't know the truth! There's no such habit  as men kissing each other on the mouth.  ::)

On a trip last year to Sochi, Russia, we saw it regularly. After two weeks we never thought twice about it. They won't do it with strangers, but with people who they know well it's a regular thing especially with the older men. And that's the truth.

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